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Introduction and Background Todays Goals: 1. Share progress to date 2. Reaction/participation Elevator pitch Input on goals/messages 3. Next steps

The Invitation To build a movement that connects dots across silos to do that we need consistent messaging that even though we are unique we can use collectively to ensure that WI moves toward health for everyone, everywhere, everyday

Do we/ How do we talk about Transform Not important where $ came from Important creating community people want to: Stay Come Be a part of quality of life o Move people to be a part of something o Something special happening we need more

Goals Awareness where PH $ is Will to more Where would that $ go? o Jobs o State health plan o Integrated approach What does a Transform Community look like?

paint a picture of what change looks like

We are all in this together Everyone has a role to play PH role coordinator Connect the moving parts Collaborating takes time Were here To help Residents drive solutions *PH has knowledge structural change* (North Star) Continued investment - invest in what works

Small Group: Investment Integration o Funding o Relationships Invest in outcomes Return on investment o Value of prevention Save you $ o Smart investment On a timeline -----------------------Interventions are evidence based o Role of PH Pay off over time

Small Group: Community Wins: Poll # changed public opinion Broader role (not just PH)

These things make my community great Change expectations increase demand o why dont we have Thats cool I want that Bring more republicans along This is o Economic dev. Attractive communities Pride Create demand o Healthy food Change ranking What is an attractive economically vibrant community What makes your community awesome o List more health Aha if you build it Like Madison Farmers Market o Food o $ o Tourism

WHO City, county board School board State legislators Grass roots support Chamber of commerce Tourism Rotary Civic leadership Local law enforcement PTA Health systems Docs/Peds FFA booster groups Local media radio Young leaders United way (Rosenberry) YMCA Faith leaders Neighborhood Assoc.

Planners Parks

Good for our community Small group: Equity Equity 2013-2015 (Awareness) Able to talk meaningfully re: equity o Common messages (community-state) o Need consensus, draw from research Equity elevator speech

(Action) -

Deepen the engagement work o Next RFP supports this happening/structure of funding


Frame: environment shapes choices vs. individual choice Messaging to the community building trust and relationships with community members Showing diverse successes re: income, employment, race, re: rural/urban Sense of community, sense of agency, connection to resources and control Asset ,aping Measuring connections among partners In a transformed community, the community owns it AUDIENCE Transformed C picture of includes equity o Not just one picture, or composite picture may see Deeper comm partnerships Media Opinion Decision-maker

Awareness o Believes/understands equity work (engagement) Trans Impact o Equity Elevator Speech Coalitions o Deep engagement happens in Partners TWI grantees/partners (changes how coalitions work)

Trust with comm leaders/partners o Walk-the-talk PSE role being unhealthy comm role not my fault

Comm. Leaders Coalition partners

1 Healthy choice; easy choice Work live play learn Tagline: we are growing a great WI Everyday everyone everywhere Its about something bigger Elevator Speech what do you do Legislator

Quality of life Everyone Place matters # of people who can see themselves in it

Elevator Pitches HHS: Im working on a project in Lax Co. that is a part of TWI whose goal is to engage the community to work on healthy food systems, increase PA support, and increase smoke free environments. This is important because place matters. IF people live in healthy environments then healthy reflects where they live. The project works with local community group/organizations to support work transforming where they live, work and play to make it easy to be/choose healthy options. F25/Sidewalks to walk/SF index

PubH Obesity Prevention Disease Health 27/9/3

I work on a project for PubH focused on building a vibrant community. Specifically, I work on community interventions designed to make/build a better city/county. Kids today dont have enough opportunity to be active and play outside and eat real foods. I help school administrators, farmers and businesses find solutions to creating healthier options that are convenient and make the healthy choice the easy choice. What do you think is a healthy and easy convenient choice? If you build the environment healthy behaviors follow

HHS member: The Health Department is working to make healthy choice the (main) choice in Lax Co. Everyone has a role to play in making our community environment a place where healthy choices are easy. Why do this? Two out of Three adults and one out of 3 kids in the city are overweight. The human (cast) of this is enormous. I, we, and PA, create a community with healthy eating choices. One of the things we are working on to do this is 725 bringing healthy local foods to schools and (stations) This will not only improve peoples health but also boost our local economy and help our farmers. We love to have you visit one of our F25 locations to see the project in action. We know once you see it youll become a supporter too. Have you heard the phrase if you build it they will come? That refers to the Field of Dreams.

Julies Notes Transform talk about how you transformed and want to sustain Grass roots not (pit) is doing to Comm who hasnt had a voice Doing together Hard to explain what we are doing What is the (stretch) tag line (constant) across funding Silos funding, strat ( ? ), communities ( ? ) ( ? ) movement

Value of what we do locally

Rural Share messaging at the state level ( ? ) that is happening here Part of a movement Connect at a statewide so policy (matters) Efforts not seen as separate Farmers market mentioned transform

Shellys Notes Sustainability Sarah M, Susan U, Linda L, Sara R, Judy B, Laura Investment, ROI Global Goal o It is easy for communicable disease to communicate rationale for efforts (not immediate, tangible) Sales pitch all the time for chronic disease (transportation doesnt have to do that) I want them to get the community health piece We need to make it tangible Need to make personal connections why are these things specifically important within the community Communicable disease less choice in getting sick choice in getting obese who is responsible Setting it up that making the healthy choice the easy choice is not taking personal choice away Understand that this cant be fixed in one year *get lots of players (business, community leaders) rather than just the health dept. (Susan would this hurt public healthy Judy can be (?)) Important of public health as convener ( of the different players) Boards just see $ - what is that $ being spent for if you have these things people will move here Customer service who is my customer on a coalition

Who is telling the public health story? Should be the customer, kids, CEOs, community members the message doesnt resonate as much coming from public health *The smaller the community they take a bigger hit, the smaller the tax base Can you hook obesity success stories to economic development Creating customers for our farmers Small wins can really move things forward

11/15 Debrief with Spitfire

Went Well: Communities engaged buy - in to create plan Conversation was between communities and Spitfire WiC staff backseat Good mix to presentation of communities Messaging ideas Elevator speech responses helped spitfire to hear real stuff trends Moment of clarity not talking TWI Very energizing Small GRP exercise 3 pillars Structure Safety People feel shared ownership in creations Stories frog Used stories from story training Hearing local needs and activities Surface context Different perspectives/approaches frog health

Messages went away from health Paula health equity participation moved us forward Equity breakout some clarity for grantees Audience list from breakout Internal and external com. Issue Goals came from communities Role clarification 0 saw how our roles fit together and how they define their role WiC & partners Overlap in goals from 3 groups Sustain investment

What needs improvement: Participants did not get a plan/process for roll-out Unclear expectations for meeting less credibility for WiC Did not name the reframe clearly upfront Not including key players in reframe Heard different things? Not new conversation re: plan Needed to be more transparent expectations not clear to participants

Unanswered questions: What does roll out look like, then? Where did we get to yesterday? Conversation with Laura What is my role?

Why wasnt I involved? Was this valuable? What was valuable What will we do for everyone Are we talking about transform? How do we? How to get communities words to the connectors when not meeting like this frequently Hot to keep sharing and learning communities success stories Community < - - > community Community < - - > WiC Timeline next steps expectations Other resource/research/info for Spitfire? Where are the messages from past - work on no local voice Messaging chronic disease HRRA already did this process Local state different messages re: sustain WiC role in building relationships opportunity role out new message with new project leaders in many communities

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