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JJ Practice every Wednesday The Myterious Christmas Card Narrator:It was the last day of school before the

Christmas holiday.Calvin,Ronny,Nina and Annahave just got off the bus from school after a half day session and are walking toward their neighbourhood.Each is carrying a shopping bag with present in it.

Calvin:Man,Im really glad Miss Bingham let us trade our gifts.Jason really wanted the game boy that I got and I really wanted the CD that he got!(Calvin takes it out of the bag and looks at it for a minuite.)

Anna:The girls didnt trade gifts.We all liked what we got this year!

Ronny:Thats just because you girls all like the same stuff anyway!

Nina:Thats not true!Please,Iwould never like the same things as Penny Milltane.She likes baseball cards and bubblegum. Yuck!

Anna:Nina,what did you get?I didnt even get the chance to ask you yet.

Nina:I got a gift certificate to JennasNail Salon.I cant wait to get mine done.I want to get them done in red and green for Christmas.(Nina looks at her nails)Dont you think that will look cool?

Calvin:Yeah,if youre an elf.Ronny,what did you get?

Ronny:I traded with Albert and got his great football.(He takes it out and tosses a pass to Calvin.Calvin throws it back.)

Anna:Boys and sports.You think thats the whole meaning of Christmas?I got this charm bracelet.I just love jewelry for Christmas!

Nina:Well,I guess at leat we got what we wanted.

Ronny:Exept for two weeks of Christmas.I have to agree.

(Now approaching to Annas house,and the mailbox at the end of the driveway.

Anna:Since I bet everybody is home today,I got to look at the mail.I love getting mail,dont you?I cant wait to see if i got something!

(Anna pulls a huge stack of mailbox.She begins flinging the mail as she looks for something of value.)

Anna:Bill...advertisment...advertisment...bill...bill...advetisment...bill.junk mail...sweepstakes.Hey,it says we may have won 10.000.000 dollars! would never happen....advertisment...advertisment...bill.Hmm,look at this guys!(At the bottom of the pile is a red envelope.She turns it over and over.)

Ronny:So,what is it?

Calvin:Yeah,come on,Anna!What did you get?A love letter from Jordan?He likes you,you know!



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