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The Old Hag

A strange hag pulled up to the West Gate in Paris, France. She had brownish gray hair that was dry, dirty, and tangled. Her eyes were brown; one was bulging, and the other looked blind. Next, her nose was long, curved, and her mouth was dirty and open. Her body looked awkward and big, and she was wearing a knitting shawl and a skirt. The skirt was grimy and long, and her shawl was brown and tangled. She was riding on a vegetable wagon that had barrels on it and a horse pulling it. The cart was the gate going out to the country. There were green trees, many guards, and many spectators. In the back of her rickety cart was her grandson, who had the plague. Finally, after the guards searched the cart, the gates opened and the old hag left the city with her cart.

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