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Westward Migration of Virginians

Founding Fathers, Founding Documents Essential Question/s

How did geography influence the movement of people and ideas as Virginians moved to and beyond the Virginia frontier?

III. PEOP E! P "#E$! "%& E%VI'O%(E%)$* $ocial studies programs should include e+periences that provide for the study of people! places! and environments. )he study of people! places! and environments enables us to understand the relationship between human populations and the physical world.

VA Standards of learning
Virginia Studies ! $tudents will demonstrate the role of Virginia in the establishment of the %ew %ation through influential leaders! crucial foundational documents and the influence of geography on migration of Virginians to the western territories. c, E+plaining the influence of geography on the migration of Virginians into western territories. Science"#i$ing S%stems &'(! )he student will investigate and understand how plants and animals! including humans! in an ecosystem interact with one another and with the nonliving components in the ecosystem. -ey concepts include f, Influences of human activity on ecosystems.

)*+ecti$es $tudents will be able to identify reasons for Virginians migration westward. $tudents will be able to identify on a map the direction Virginians migrated. $tudents will be able to demonstrate what happened to the soil that lead to the necessary migration westward. Materials for #earning Acti$ities Students! plastic containers with a pre.made hole in the corner! soil! paper towels! water! $cience noteboo/! social studies noteboo/! glue stic/! colored pencils. Teacher! #omputer! $("')board0pro1ector! map of the 2nited $tates ,rocedures for #earning Acti$ities -ntroduction! As.! 3hat is erosion? How do plants affect erosion? E+plain that when plants are planted too often in the same place the soil will lose its nutrients ma/ing growing crops difficult. 43hole group, 45.6 minutes, -nstructional strategies! 7. $tudents will be given a plastic container that has soil in it. $tudents will pac/ soil into the side opposite the corner with the hole in it. 8. $tudents will then place a paper towel over the soil to represent vegetation. $tudents will then pour water down the paper towel. In their science noteboo/! students will ma/e observation.

5. $tudents will then remove the paper towel and pour more water onto the soil. 9)his time! a student will need to hold a cup under the hole in the corner to catch runoff:. $tudents will ma/e observations in their science noteboo/s. ;. As.! what did you notice when there was heavy plant life 9paper towel:? 3hat did you notice when there was no plant life? 3hat did the water loo/ li/e? #ould you drin/ it? 4)able groups, 476.7< minutes,. 6. )eacher will e+plain that this is what happened during the %ew %ation. )obacco was a very important crop and it was grown e+cessively to where the soil had no more nutrients and no more crops could be grown there. 'estoration of nutrients ta/es many years and the settlers would need the crops to survive. )hey began to migrate west over the "ppalachian (ountains and the #umberland =ap. >. )eacher will show students a map of the 2nited $tates on the $("')board and draw an arrow showing the migration route. $tudents will also have a map that will be glued into their $ocial $tudies noteboo/. )hey will draw an arrow on their map as well 4colored pencil or crayons,. 43hole group, 46.< minutes, Summar%! One a large inde+ card! students will write and draw 4e+it tic/et,* 7. 3hy did Virginians migrate? 8. 3here did they migrate to? Assessment! E+it tic/et. Differentiation 7. Hands.on activity will assist /inesthetic learners. 8. &rawing or writing the e+it tic/et will assist E .

)his is a copy of the map that students will have to paste into their notes.

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