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Andrii Hutsal Warsaw Uprising If you recall the story, during heavy fighting between the German Army

and the Polish underground army Warsaw virtually leveled. At this time, Soviet troops watched everything that happens on the other bank of the river isla. In August !"##, few people doubted the fact that the result will be war in $urope. %uly &' a group of German officers made an unsuccessful attempt to kill Adolf (itler. A week after the Soviet army approached the outskirts of Warsaw. Polish underground army was then one of the many resistance movements in $urope. )ontrary to the advice of several Polish military officers, who believed that the Polish underground army should remain in hiding, it was decided to liberate Warsaw before the Soviets will come back. *nder the plan, the Warsaw uprising was to last three days, and it continued for +, days. When Stalin reali-ed what was happening, he ordered the army to stop the Soviet advance in this direction and instead lifted troops to the .alkans. /inally the Polish underground army had to negotiate the surrender, and the last si0 months of the war fighters held in camps for prisoners. 1bigniew Pel-inskyy mentions that the remnants of his unit surrendered. At that time, every fifth inhabitant of Warsaw died. 2thers were sent to concentration camps. 3he buildings that are still in the city, were undermined. %anuary !4, !"#5, nearly si0 months after the start of the Warsaw *prising, the Soviet Army entered the empty destroyed city. .ritish historian 6orman 7avies says that during the uprising, Stalin could not understand what was happening. 3he Soviet intelligence he could not e0plain in what way the Poles fails so long and fight effectively. (e suspected that the rebels are helping .ritish soldiers. If the land army was able to keep the Warsaw until the entrance of Soviet troops, we can guess that the fate of Poland would be different, similar to the case of )-echoslovakia8 a few years of relative freedom and communist revolution.

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