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Annual Agreement

School Counselor: Kendra Gray, Latisha McClary, Allyse McNeil, Keyara Stevenson Year: 20 !" # School Counseling $rogram Mission Statement: Allen Middle School Student Su%%ort Services &ill create glo'al citi(ens through e)cellence in character develo%ment and academics &ith the assistance o* all sta+eholders, School Counseling $rogram Goals -he school counseling %rogram &ill *ocus on the *ollo&ing: achievement, attendance, 'ehavior and.or school sa*ety goals this year, /etails o* activities %romoting these goals are *ound in the curriculum, small"grou% and closing"the" ga% action %lans, $rogram Goal Statements Students &ill achieve academic e)cellence in s%ite o* challenges, 2 Students &ill develo% %ositive attitudes to&ard the sel* as a uni0ue and &orthy %erson, ! Students &ill learn to distinguish 'et&een a%%ro%riate and ina%%ro%riate 'ehavior, 1se o* -ime 2 %lan to s%end the *ollo&ing %ercentage o* my time delivering the com%onents o* the school counseling %rogram, All com%onents are re0uired *or a com%rehensive school counseling %rogram, $lanned 1se /irect Services to Students ! 4 o* time delivering school counseling core curriculum $rovides develo%mental curriculum content in a systematic &ay to all students Assists students in the develo%ment o* educational, career, and %ersonal %lans, Addresses the immediate concerns o* students 2nteracts &ith others to 3ecommend ed


o* time &ith individual student %lanning

504 or more

64 2ndirect Services *or

o* time &ith res%onsive services o* time %roviding re*errals,

Students $rogram $lanning and School Su%%ort

consultation and colla'oration 204 o* time &ith *oundation, management and accounta'ility and school su%%ort

%rovide su%%ort *or student achievement 2ncludes %lanning and evaluating the school counseling %rogram and school su%%ort activities

204 or less

Advisory Council -he advisory council &ill agree to meet on the third -uesday o* every month at !:!0%m, $lanning and 3esults /ocuments -he *ollo&ing documents have 'een develo%ed *or the school counseling %rogram, Annual Calendar Closing"the"Ga% Action $lans Curriculum Action $lan 3esults 3e%orts 7*rom last year8s action %lans9 Small"Grou% Action $lan $ro*essional /evelo%ment 2 %lan to %artici%ate in the *ollo&ing %ro*essional develo%ment 'ased on school counseling %rogram goals and my school counselor com%etencies sel*" assessment, North Carolina School Counselor Con*erence, ASCA Maga(ine Su'scri%tion, S2 -raining, /istrict School Counselor Meetings, Colla'oration &ith all sta+eholders, Sta** /evelo%ment Meetings $ro*essional Colla'oration and 3es%onsi'ilities Choose all that a%%ly, Grou% A, School Counseling -eam Meetings ;, Administration.School Counseling Meetings C, Student Su%%ort -eam Meetings /, /e%artment Chair Meetings <, School 2m%rovement -eam Meetings =, /istrict School Counseling Meetings :ee+ly.Monthly ;i&ee+ly :ee+ly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Coordinator Kendra Gray Latisha McClary Allyse McNeil Latisha McClary Kendra Gray Keyara Stevenson

;udget Materials and Su%%lies Annual ;udget >200 Materials and su%%lies needed: $rinter %a%er and %rinter in+ *or develo%ing surveys and %rinting handouts? *olders *or organi(ing student in*ormation, 'oo+s *or classroom guidance? reading materials *or %ro*essional develo%ment

School Counselor Availa'ility.@**ice @rgani(ation -he school counseling o**ice &ill 'e o%en *or students.%arents.teachers *rom 5:00am to #:00%m My hours &ill 'e *rom 6:!0am to #:!0%m 3ole and 3es%onsi'ilities o* @ther Sta** and Aolunteers School Counseling /e%artment Assistant: Bel%s students ma+e a%%ointments and directs calls Attendance Assistant Cler+: /irects students and %arents to counseling services /ata Manager.3egistrar: Assists &ith Student Su%%ort Services data management and assists &ith ethical e)change o* data Career and College Center Assistant: Bel%s students enroll in classes needed to 'e success*ul in high school, college, and career Aolunteers: Bel% &ith %rograms *or student and %arent education

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