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ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

Unit Title Body Weight Exercise Routine #ignificant $once%t "rior careful %lanning %re&ents %oor %erfor'ance Unit Question How can I Make getting fit Interesting for all $riteria (ssessed ) ( B $ *
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Grade Grade ! "hysical Education Ha&e you read the unit+criteria ru,ric Yes or NO
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-,.ecti&e /
"lease list ,elow

Ti'e1,ound ,y when $o'%letion *(TE

What steps are you going to take to master this objective?

Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect unit performance

#%orts leadershi% grou%s ha&e to create a 'o&e'ent co'%osition that is a%%ealing and &isual for all &iewers0 What prior knowledge do you have? E ample

! have previous knowledge from last year when we made a movement composition with action moves "rolls and volts etc#$

! don%t think that last year we had enough time because, everybody could have added more to have gotten everything memori&ed and have added e tra details#

'tep (

! should have a solid plan revise )ave enough time to make a all of our group%s movements and steps# plan on paper to visuali&e the whole composition# )ave time to have a +uick group discussion on all the blocking and movements, also if we have enough movements

'tep *

! can e plain with my group each step to make sure the se+uence is smoothly and fluent#

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan 'tep , We can all chose all the movements and agree to music and all of our ideas# We can all share our research and ideas to see if they will fit with the other movements the others have chosen# 'tep We have to practice the movement composition so we are able to give each other constructive criticism to make our composition better improved# .e able to bring in our "props$ and music in and have the time to collaborate to perform in mini groups to get the hang of our e orcises#

-,.ecti&e 2
"lease list ,elow

Ti'e1,ound ,y when $o'%letion *(TE

What steps are you going to take to master this objective?

Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect unit performance

$o'%lete Exercise "lanning hand1out and u%load it to wee,ly and e1'ail it to Mr0 Hooke What prior knowledge do you have? E ample

/he previous lessons !n 0#E we have turned in and uploaded documents and reflections#

! can either go to the library or make time at home to turn in the task handout#

'tep (

Observe my other group members blogs to improve my organi&ation#

! could ask some of my group members for opinions and advise in order to improve my website#

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

'tep * 1sk my peers about their blogs and have ! can improve mine# 1sk all students about my blog and how it is organi&ed and if ! can fi it what should ! do# 'tep , 2ake sure ! know how to post 2y information and documents# 1sk somebody in my class if they can give me instruction on how to navigate the website# 'tep Edit my website to fit my standards and organi&ation# /ake time at home to organi&e my website and make it easy for me to access all my classes and files#

-,.ecti&e 3
#tudents will %ractice and %erfor' their own 'o&e'ent co'%osition0

Ti'e1,ound ,y when $o'%letion *(TE

What steps are you going to take to master this objective?

Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect unit performance

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

What prior knowledge do you have? E ample

! have created my own movement composition last year with another student#

!t took awhile but we could have had longer to improve the movements and blocking of where we are#

'tep (

0ractice with my group members in my own time#

2ake time after school to practice my movements with my group members after school

'tep *

Work our due dates for certain 3ill out a piece of paper for parts of the composition# when each dynamic movement should be completed# ! could have a group conversation on our 45mail accounts so that we can chat of whatever files we need# 6atch up with group members and get to know the way there thinking works to be able to e plain in there type of thinking as in either their a visual thinker or a thinker that needs to have it e plained#

'tep ,

/o be able to contact my group members if there is any problem or if anybody is sick they have#

where we need information that them to send an attachment 'tep .e able to know my group members so ! can be able to give the correct criticism for their movements and comparing the rubric#

-,.ecti&e 4

Ti'e1,ound ,y when $o'%letion *(TE

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

"lease list ,elow
The students will ha&e to %erfor' the co'%osition in class0

What steps are you going to take to master this objective?

Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect unit performance

What prior knowledge do you have? E ample

! have preformed the composition in 0#E class last year#

We should have time to plan out and practice our compositions#

'tep (

0ractice performing in front on an audience#

7o e amples in front of the class and be more confident in front of the class# .e able to do my and my own 8now what my dynamic movement is and what it improves# 0ractice and give each other advise so that it will be well though out when we finish and look smooth#

'tep * 'tep ,

0ractice movements to perfect .e able to e plain what my task for the performance is#

it for when the group preforms# groups movements#

'tep -

.e able to help my group improve their performance and mine to increase our performance in front of the class#

-,.ecti&e 5

Ti'e1,ound ,y when $o'%letion *(TE

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

"lease list ,elow
#tudents will de&elo% their s%orts leadershi% certificate res%onsi,ilities0

What steps are you going to take to master this objective?

Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect unit performance

What prior knowledge do you have? E ample

/he previous unit we have learned our jobs and worked together as a group#

!t takes a while to learn your job but then after a few lessons you get connected as a group and fit in

'tep (

9earn your job and research what a coach, umpire, or strength and conditioners etc# is like and try to portray some of the key points of the job#

:esearch on the internet about other sports leadership roles and try your best to succeed in your job#

'tep *

1sk 2r# )ooke for advise on some of the jobs#

'ee 2r# )ooke at lunch and ask him for some advise and if there is anything to make your job better for the group and easier for others to understand#

'tep ,

1sk other classes about the jobs#

/alk to other students about what job they had and whether it was easy or hard# :esearch and learn about my job more clearly and find out more information about it#

'tep -

/ry and participate and add ideas in as the job that ! have "connected information about my job$

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

-,.ecti&e 6
"lease list ,elow
#tudents will finish the unit action %lan and e&aluate their %erfor'ance and turn it in on wee,ly0 Ti'e1,ound ,y when $o'%letion *(TE

What steps are you going to take to master this objective?

Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect unit performance

What prior knowledge do you have? E ample

! have turned in our recent action plan on weebly and e5mailed it as well#

!t takes a while but you really have to devote your time#

'tep (

! should make time in the week to focus on my 0#E homework and give all my effort to finish it#

/ry not to rush and try to use detail and be able to show my knowledge and understanding for this unit# 2ake sure to complete all tasks and turn them in on the right due date and finished well and not rushed#

'tep *

/urn in all assignments on time#

'tep ,

)aving turned in the assignments correctly#

3inish completing the task and then upload to weebly and /)EN E521!9 it always e5mail it not turn it in on edmodo#

'tep -

2ake sure to have all details on assignment#

.e able to complete task with all re+uirements that were e plained#

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

Unit reflection
What went well?

What did not go so well?

)ow can ! correct the ;area% that did not go so well for ne t time?

#tudent suggestion for ;ne t time% we have this unit?

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