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Ideas, Traditions and Cultures

Founding Fathers, Founding Documents Essential Question/s

How did geography influence the movement of people and ideas as Virginians moved to and beyond the Virginia frontier?

III. PEOP E! P "#E$! "%& E%VI'O%(E%)$* $ocial studies programs should include e+periences that provide for the study of people! places! and environments. )he study of people! places! and environments enables us to understand the relationship between human populations and the physical world.

VA Standards of learning Virginia Studies ! $tudents will demonstrate the role of Virginia in the establishment of the %ew %ation through influential leaders! crucial foundational documents and the influence of geography on migration of Virginians to the western territories. c, e+plaining the influence of geography on the migration of Virginians into western territories. National Content Standard for Art Education! Music Standard "! -nderstanding music
in relation to history and culture

#$%ecti&es! .. $tudents will be able to recogni/e that ideas! cultures and traditions were also brought when the Virginians migrated westward. Materials for 'earning Acti&ities Students! )eacher created observation sheet! pencil! $ocial $tudies )e+tboo0. Teacher! #omputer! $("')board1pro2ector. (rocedures for 'earning Acti&ities )ntroduction! $how a map of the 3orld. As*! Have you ever moved before? 3here did you move from? 3hat did you pac0 when you moved? In you $ocial $tudies noteboo0! generate a list of things that you would ta0e with you if you were moving. 45 minutes, 43hole group, )nstructional strategies* .. )eacher would e+plain that when the people migrated! they did not 2ust ta0e their possessions! but they also too0 their ideas! traditions and culture. 6. $tudents will e+plore the house styles! pottery and music of the Virginians. $tudents will fill in the chart. 7. Houses and 8uilts will be images. $tudents will wor0 with their table group to e+plore them. 4.9 minutes, 4$mall group,

:. $tudents will watch this video on "frican call and response singing. http*;i<9t=u%Ea>o 5. $tudents will listen to $cots=Irish fol0 songs selected by the teacher. )he modern version today is ?luegrass@ we will listen to a bluegrass song. $tudents will fill in chart 4.5=.> minutes, 43hole group, Summar+! $tudents will share observations and answers to 8uestions. As*! 3hy do we have materials and songs today that are similar to those of the past? Assessment $tudents will complete traditions! ideas and cultures wor0sheet as we e+amine the culture! ideas and traditions that the Virginians migrated with. Differentiation .. (usic will assist auditory learners. 6. Visuals1pictures will assist visual learners.

Name! E,amine the items the Virginian-s too* .hen the+ migrated/ the 0uestions/ 1se +our te,t$oo* for hel2/


3hat materials were used in building the house?

&id the people physically ta0e the houses with them? 3hat did it mean to ta0e the houses with them?

3hy do our houses today still resemble houses of the past?

3hat do you notice about the 8uilts?

How do they resemble blan0ets we see today?

3hy do you thin0 there are similarities between the blan0ets had during the %ew %ation and blan0ets we use today?

3hat do you hear?

African Call and 3es2onse Song

How does this remind you of any modern music?

Scots4)rish fol* songs

3hy do you thin0 we still have music that sounds similar to these types?

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