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Family Defined Lesson Plan

Name: Abby Peskorse Organization: Peer Group Title of Lesson: Family Defined Date: Cooperating Teacher/Mentor: Nikki Length of Lesson: 10 minutes

Grade/Age Level: Adults

1st Micro Teaching

1. Goal(s) Validate the family unit as the keystone of society, and a springboard for individual growth NASAFACS Competencies 1.1.6, 1.3.3, 6.1.1

2. Prior Knowledge Through open discussion, the teacher and learners will discuss the following: -What is a family? -Who is a part of your family? -What is it that you appreciate about your family members? 3. Learner Outcomes: After discussing what a family is, learners will be able to recognize and list as defined by them - the members of their family, on the My Family worksheet. This addresses the cognitive sphere. 4. Assessment of Learner Outcomes: Learners will have a complete family portrait, built by them, that lists their family members and an attribute they appreciate about each family member. 5. Procedures: I will discuss what family is, facilitate group discussion of what family is, and provide a blank portrait for learners to build their families as defined by them. This reaches the visual/spatial learner. 6. Questions: Can you identify and list the members of your family, given your personal definition of a family? What are some attributes that your family members have that you value?

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