Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited Registered Office: Colgate Research Centre, Main Street, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400 076

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Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited Registered Office : Colgate Research Centre, Main Street, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400


Quarter Ended September 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

Quarter Ended June 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

Quarter Ended September 30, 2012 (Unaudited)

Half Year Ended September 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

Half Year Ended September 30, 2012 (Unaudited)

Year Ended March 31, 2013 (Audited)

PART I 1 Income from Operations (a) Net Sales / Income from Operations (Net of excise duty) (b) Other Operating Income Total Income from Operations (net) 2 Expenses (a) Cost of materials consumed (b) Purchases of stock-in-trade (c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade (d) Employee benefits expense (e) Depreciation and Amortisation expenses (f) Advertising (g) Other Expenses Total Expenses 3 Profit from Operations before Other Income, Finance Costs and Exceptional Items Other Income Profit from Ordinary activities before Finance Costs and Exceptional Items Finance Costs Profit from Ordinary Activities after Finance Costs but before Exceptional Items Exceptional Items (Refer Note 5) Profit from Ordinary Activities before tax Tax expense (net of prior year reversals) Net Profit after Taxes Paid-up Equity Share Capital (Face value: Rupee 1 per share) Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve Basic and Diluted Earnings per share (Rs.) 8.05 13.62 10.67 21.67 19.30

89,569 504 90,073

84,462 1,507 85,969

77,377 1,865 79,242

174,031 2,011 176,042

150,985 3,866 154,851

308,411 7,970 316,381

26,432 11,060 (1,280) 5,346 1,166 11,947 21,935 76,606

25,473 8,909 (1,556) 6,199 1,174 10,139 20,277 70,615

25,789 5,665 929 5,430 1,060 8,892 14,959 62,724

51,905 19,969 (2,836) 11,545 2,340 22,086 42,212 147,221

48,398 11,395 2,562 11,672 2,111 17,264 29,737 123,139

99,155 23,644 2,220 24,944 4,370 35,459 65,278 255,070

13,467 1,302 14,769 -

15,354 1,712 17,066 -

16,518 1,487 18,005 -

28,821 3,014 31,835 -

31,712 2,609 34,321 -

61,311 4,992 66,303 -

4 5 6 7

14,769 14,769 3,817 10,952 1,360

17,066 7,064 24,130 5,608 18,522 1,360

18,005 18,005 3,497 14,508 1,360

31,835 7,064 38,899 9,425 29,474 1,360

34,321 34,321 8,071 26,250 1,360

66,303 66,303 16,628 49,675 1,360

8 9 10 11 12

13 14

47,599 36.53


Quarter Ended September 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

Quarter Ended June 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

Quarter Ended September 30, 2012 (Unaudited)

Half Year Ended September 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

Half Year Ended September 30, 2012 (Unaudited)

Year Ended March 31, 2013 (Unaudited)

PART II A 1 PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING Public Shareholding - Number of Shares - Percentage of holding Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding (a) Pledged/ Encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the Company) (b) Non-Encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the Company)

66,636,481 49%

66,636,481 49%

66,636,481 49%

66,636,481 49%

66,636,481 49%

66,636,481 49%

Nil Nil Nil

Nil Nil Nil

Nil Nil Nil

Nil Nil Nil

Nil Nil Nil

Nil Nil Nil

69,356,336 100% 51%

69,356,336 100% 51%

69,356,336 100% 51%

69,356,336 100% 51%

69,356,336 100% 51%

69,356,336 100% 51%

Information on investor complaints pursuant to Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. Received during the quarter Resolved during the quarter -

Nature of complaints * Non receipt of dividend warrants

Opening Balance -

Closing Balance -

Non receipt of share certificates lodged for transfer or capital reduction Others * Excludes disputed cases and sub-judice matters.

Notes 1.


As at September 30, 2013 (Unaudited)

As at March 31, 2013 (Audited)

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 Shareholders' Funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus Sub-total - Shareholders' Funds 2 Non-current Liabilities (a) Other Long-term Liabilities (b) Long-term Provisions Sub-total - Non-current Liabilities 3 Current Liabilities (a) Trade Payables (b) Other Current Liabilities (c) Short-term Provisions Sub-total - Current Liabilities TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES

1,360 77,073 78,433

1,360 47,599 48,959

78 2,531 2,609

85 3,490 3,575

48,705 15,986 7,827 72,518 153,560

46,662 25,018 6,464 78,144 130,678

ASSETS 1 Non-current Assets (a) Fixed Assets (b) Non-current Investments (c) Deferred Tax Assets (Net) (d) Long-term Loans and Advances (e) Other Non-current Assets Sub-total - Non-current Assets 2 Current Assets (a) Current Investments (b) Inventories (c) Trade Receivables (d) Cash and Bank Balances (e) Short-term Loans and Advances (f) Other Current Assets Sub-total - Current Assets TOTAL - ASSETS check 48,367 3,713 2,141 11,649 199 66,069 38,262 3,713 2,244 7,030 125 51,374

22,477 6,883 41,042 16,554 535 87,491 153,560 0 -

998 18,530 8,121 42,880 8,447 328 79,304 130,678 0

Notes (Contd.) 2. Net Sales for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2013 increased by 16% and 15%, respectively, over the same period of the previous year. 3. 4. 5. Net Profit before Tax for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2013 is Rs. 14,769 Lacs and Rs. 38,899 Lacs, respectively, as against Rs. 18,005 Lacs and Rs. 34,321 Lacs for the similar periods of the previous year. In accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standard -17, Segment Reporting, the Company's business segment is 'Personal Care' (including Oral Care) and hence it has no other primary reportable segments. The company after obtaining necessary approvals from the Board of Directors and Shareholders, sold and transferred the whole of the Company's "Global Shared Services Organization" (GSSO Divison) by way of a slump sale to Colgate Global Business Services Private Limited (CGBSPL), a 100% subsidiary of the ultimate holding company, Colgate-Palmolive Company, U.S.A. with effect from June 1, 2013, on a going concern basis for a total consideration of Rs. 5,989 Lacs. This amount, after necessary adjustments to the relevant assets and liabilities of the erstwhile division is shown under "Exceptional Items". The Capital Gain tax arising from the transaction is included in "Tax Expense". Previous period/ year figures have been reclassified to conform with current period/ year presentation, where applicable.


The Statutory Auditors have carried out a Limited Review of the Financial results of the quarter ended September 30, 2013 as per Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their Meeting held today. The full text of Colgate releases is available:


Mumbai October 25, 2013


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