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Common R/T phraseology at an ATC controlled airport.

TAXI:You: XYZ Tower this is G-ABCD on the southern apron with information Bravo; request radio check & taxi. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD readability 5, taxi holding point Alpha for R/W 06, QNH1013. You: (readback) Taxi holding point Alpha, R/W 06, QNH1013, G-ABCD. AFTER POWER CHECKS:You: G-ABCD holding Alpha ready for departure. CLEARENCE:XYZ Tower: G-ABCD have your clearance when ready. You: Go ahead G-ABCD. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD is cleared to leave the zone standard north/south. You: Standard north/south G-ABCD. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD read back correct. LINING UP:XYZ Tower: G-ABCD line up R/W06. You: Line up R/W06 G-ABCD. TAKE OFF:XYZ Tower: G-ABCD cleared take off R/W06, surface wind 060 /10. You: Cleared take off G-ABCD.

DEPARTING THE ZONE:You: G-ABCD departing the zone to the north/south. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD roger, Barnsley regional QNH 1015, remain clear of controlled airspace, report ready for rejoin. You: Barnsley regional QNH 1015, Wilco G-ABCD. WHEN RE-JOINING:(Get ATIS before making call) You: XYZ Tower, this is G-ABCD, (state position and altitude) with information Charlie, request VFR rejoin. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD enter the zone standard north/south, QNH1013, Runway 06, Report entering. You: Standard north/south, QNH1013, R/W06, Wilco G-ABCD. ENTERING THE ZONE:You: G-ABCD inbound. (Give your position relative to a VRP (Visual Reference Point) XYZ Tower: G-ABCD join, report left/right, downwind/base R/W06 QFE1011. You: Join report left/right, downwind/base R/W06, QFE1011. JOINING THE CIRCUIT:You: G-ABCD left/right, downwind/base R/W06. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD report final/ready for base. You: Wilco G-ABCD. ON FINAL:You: G-ABCD final Runway 06. XYZ Tower: G-ABCD cleared to land, surface wind 060/10. You: Cleared to land, G-ABCD. AFTER LANDING:XYZ Tower: G-ABCD vacate 06 taxi southern apron. You: Vacate 06, taxi southern apron, G-ABCD.

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