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Seminar outline Young Women This lesson is about living by principles that will help you get through

life. Knowing and most of all understanding them is of utmost important. The outcome is a more peaceful way to live and help the children in our lives see a better way of life. What is most important in your life? Are you worshiping anything or one? What these things? How do they help? Why do you thin they help are they really helping! now that you have loo ed at them? "s what someone says more important than others? Will yhou do anything they tell you to do? Have you thought you were doing what you wanted only? Story #$rog and scorpion% &o you fuss' or tal to others any ind of way? Are you being rude or mean? &o you want to be treated that way? How would you change it? &o you thin there is a deeper couse? (an you e)plore other reasons? Story #*ne day a +eorge met a tattered person on the street and the man as for a hand out and told +eorge he would pay him bac . The man +eorge told the man no and went on his way.

,ater +eorge found himself in the same situation the man was in and the man came and saw +eorge in his distress. The man instead of telling +eorge no too +eorge to his house and showed him indness. +eorge remembered the man-s words " will repay you. We must be careful how we treat others. Are you a wor alcoholic are a lay around person? Are you wor ing all the time' or lying around all the time? How do you feel about it? (an something be done about it? (an you e)plain the reason for not getting anything done? Story #There was a rich man who as ed a homeless boy to do him a favor.% Are your parents important to you? .)plain why. How do you respect authority? How do you thin you can forgive them to be able to move on? (an you e)plain where it came from? (an you see the connection? Story #We will call the lady in our story Ann. *ne day Ann went to the doctor for a chec up.%

What do you thin about illing? What are different ways to ill? How do you thin has the authority to ill? Why do you thin it necessary? "s anger the prompter of hurting others? What are ways that ill? What about the way you treat people? Are there thing that can be said? How can it be handled differently? Story #This time we will play a game " will whisper a sentence and see how it ends up.% Have you thought of getting married? &o you feel someone else completes you? Why do you want to get married? What are the reasons you thin you should have gotten married? Should one be faithful? What ma es you feel you need someone to complete you? What do you thin should be the main reason for marriage? Story #There was a man who loved a woman very much no matter what she did.% &o you understand what belongs to you?

Have you ta en from someone else? How did you feel? Should you thin others may feel the same way? &o you thin what you do may come bac to you? &o you mar your things? Would it help to "& your belongings? Story #*ne day a young girl saw a dress she li ed in a store. She was poor and could not buy the dress. The young girl wanted the dress so bad she stole the dress. Although she was happy at first it latter she found the dress was missing. She dare not tell anyone because they would want to now where it came from. .veryone new she could not buy that ind of dress' and she could only ta e it out and loo at it anyway. She felt very bad that someone stole it from her but it let her now how others felt when she too from them.% What are your feelings when someone tells a lie on you or lies to you? Are untruths ever o ? How can they affect others? (an being sorry really change what happens because of a lie? "n what way can a lie be told? Story #*ne day a man saw a man bra e into a store before it

open. When the police /uestioned the people about it the man said nothing. Was he right or wrong?%

Should we want other people-s belongings? "s it o to want something li e what they have? How do we eep from ta ing others things? 0y desiring others things can it cause a problem? Will it cause a person to not care how the get it? Story #*ne day a woman saw a beautiful nic el her friend had. She found a way to get it while the friend was not loo ing. ,ater the friend found it missing and as ed her about it' remembering she was in the room. The friend did not trust her anymore and later saw her with the nic els. This totally disconnected the friends.% 1What ind of friends do you have? Are you friends important in your life? Are you important in your

friends life? &o they help you stay in a good mood? &o your friends motivate you to do better? Are you thin ing of higher education? Story #There was a man who had to ta e a 2ourney that was dangerous. *n his way he some men 2umped in and too ever3 thing he had and beat him up and left him for dead. A friend of the man saw him' and hurriedly passed him by for fear he might get hurt too. Then a total stranger came and fi)ed him up and too him home until he got well. Which do you thin was a true $riend.%

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