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Seminar for Young Women Groups Syllabus This seminar is to help people no longer be a victim.

From childhood we are bulled and made to feel we are worthless. Well there is good news. There is someone who says no matter who told you that they lied. You see there is only one set of true principles for us to live by and we will be studying them in this seminar. How about getting them off my back 101 These days people are looking for paradise and seem to try anything to feel like they have it. Some get drunk or high, others bully or fight and some do bodily harm to feel superior. There is a way that everyone can feel happy at the same time. Course Prerequisite To have an open mind to learn so changes will come easier. Course Objectives Learn core principles for life.

List problems and problems with in those problems. Match core life principles with problems. Decide what is most important to you. Make decisions based on your goals. It is important to remember your choices have consequences, and you need to be able to live with those consequences. Required Material The instructor will be handing out all required materials for class, unless otherwise specified. Grading Grading will be determined by each persons ability to comprehend and apply what they learn. Group participation will be a significant part of the grade. The grading scale will be as follows:

Grading matrix
Assessments Discussions Assignments Classroom participation Quiz Final Project Quantity 6 6 6 1 1 Points Each 40 50 20 100 240 Total Points Total Points 240 300 120 100 240 1000 Points

Grading scale

930 1000 900 929 870 899 830 869 800 829 770 799 730 769 700 729 670 699 600 669 0 599

93-100% 90-92% 87-89% 83-86% 80-82% 77-79% 73-76% 70-72% 67-69% 60-66% 0-59% Credit by Examination Experiential Credit Incomplete Not Required Pass Satisfactory Transfer Credit Unsatisfactory Withdrawal Military Withdrawal

Grade Point
4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0 N/A N/A 0.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

General course out line hand outs What is most important in your life? Are you worshiping anything or one? Do you fuss, or talk to others? Are you being rude or mean? Are you a work alcoholic? Are you working all the time? Are your parents important to you? How do you respect authority? What do you think about killing? What are ways to kill? Have you thought of getting married? Do you feel someone else completes you? Do you understand what belongs to you? Have you taken from someone else? What are your feelings when someone tells a lie on you or lies to you? Are untruths ever ok?

Should we want other peoples belongings? By desiring others things can it cause a problem? Conduct and Policies For this class we will ask that you wear clothing that covers. Skirts that come to the knee or loose fitting pants. The neck line should not reveal the chest. At any time you see fit not to follow these rules you may dismiss yourself from this class. All work must be done in the class unless instructors ask you to do something outside the class room. If tardy we will need a written explanation. All activities are mandatory.

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