Mask Jeanie Powerpoint 1

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To Microsoft PowerPoint

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) Ribbon

Comman d Tabs

Title Bar


Slides/ Outline Pane Slide Pane Notes Pane Status Bar View View Buttons Buttons

Microsoft PowerPoint Screen Elements

Screen Element
Notes Pane Slide Pane

Displays below the Slide pane and provides space for you to type notes regarding the active slide Displays a large image of the active slide

Slides/ Outline Pane

Status Bar View Buttons

Displays either the presentation in the form of miniature images called Thumbnails or the presentation outline
Displays, in a horizontal bar at the bottom of the presentation window Control the look of the presentation window with a set of commands

Choose Title and Conten t

Notice the many options

This slide allows This slide This allows slideyou allows to you to you to insert ato This slide allows you to This slide This allows slide you allows to you insert a insert table a Excel insert Clip Art Clip insert a Picture insert from a SmartArt Media File

The color design themes include sets of colors. The font theme include sets of heading and body text fonts. The effect themes include sets of effects that can be applied to lines and other objects on your slides.

Click the down arrow and choose a Design Theme

A header is text that prints at the top of each sheet of slide handouts or notes pages. A footer is text that displays at the bottom of every slide or that prints at the bottom of a sheet of slide handouts of notes pages.

Click the Insert Tab and choose Header and Footer in the Text Group

For further information about PowerPoint, click here.



CIS 326


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