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Cloey mccarville b-15!

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! I claim Malala is a crusader for several reasons. First, she started to make a blog about wanting to become a doctor and how scared she was of the Taliban. She also wrote about how important education was. "To protect her identity, she used a pseudonym." (p.7) "The blog was an instant hit; soon, people all over the world were reading it." (p.7) Then, in 2009 the Pakistan army attacked the Taliban in Malala's hometown of Swat. "Along with millions of refugees, Malala and her family were evacuated south". (p.8) The conict lasted for three months." (p.8) After that, she got mad and became bolder and used her voice as a weapon, becoming very vocal about education. "She appeared in a New York Times documentary, went on television shows, and gave powerful speeches to Pakistani kids". (p.8) "All children deserve the right to an education". (p.8) In the end, her courage and words were heard world wide and her powerful speeches gave hope to many.!


I claim that Malala has impacted many people of the world. For instance, the girls of her country. She has given them hope and the opportunity to go to school and have an education. "The Malala Fund, created in her name, is helping to send 40 girls in Pakistan to school". (p.9) "She envisions a world in which all children, and especially girls, can get the education they need to become whatever they want". (p.9) Also, she has affected her country and the world. "In 2011 she was awarded Pakistans National Peace Award for her bravery in writing about the difculties of life and education in the shadow of the Taliban". "She has spoken publicly about childrens rights and been nominated for an international childrens peace prize". ( Next, notes began appearing under her door. " the notes we telling her go give up but she never did". " then in 2012 in October to Taliban gunman shot her and to others on a bus".(p.8)! To conclude, it makes me sad that girls in Pakistan were not able to get an education. Malala using her voice and pen was very brave. I feel lucky to live in a country that allows girls to go to school and be whatever they want to be. !

Lewis, Kristin. "Malala the Powerful." Scope Sept. 2013: 5-9. Print.! ! ! Time for Kids. "A Heroic Return." Time for Kids. N.p., 20 Mar. 2013. Web. 14 Oct. ! ! 2013. <Www>.!

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