Fancy Swiss Roll Ingredients Pattern

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plain flour (40g) castor sugar (30g) knob of butter, melted (20g) squeeze of pink food gel

sponge 3 eggs drop of vanilla extract pinch of cream tartare caster sugar (90g) plain flour (90g) melted butter (45g)

filling generous glug of double cream (200ml)

1 tbsp of icing sugar drop of strawberry flavouring 3 dollops fo strawberry jam RECIPE draw a design onto 2/3 of a piece of A 4 paper (keeping it fairly simple as later you'll have to pipe over the same) and stick it into a swiss roll tin before covering with silicon parchment. beat all of the ingredients for the pattern mix together in a bowl and make sure you're happy with the colour. (Go a little stronger on the colour than you want as it fades during cooking) spoon the mixture into a piping bag and pipe your artwork onto the silicon paper, using the design beneath to trace. freeze the tray for 30 minutes. preheat an oven to 200C. separate the eggs and whisk the whites with the cream of tartare until you have soft peaks. add in half of the caster sugar and whisk again until glossy and the sugar has dissolved. beat the egg yolks with the vanilla and other half of the sugar in another bowl. fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture, then pour in the melted butter and flour. stir to combine, making sure you maintain as much air as possible, but still mix in all the pockets of flour evenly. spread a layer of the sponge mix over the frozen pattern. work quickly and spread evenly to the edge. bake for 5-6 minutes until just golden and the sponge springs back. turn the sponge out onto a sugared piece of parchment, peel back the silicon paper to reveal the pattern, then leave to cool. whip the cream, icing sugar and flavouring together to form soft peaks and spread across the whole of the non-decorated side of the sponge along with the jam. roll from the end with pattern, keeping the rolls quite loose. trim the ends from the sponge to neaten it and serve with a smile to your impressed friends. serves 6

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