Ssca Co-Teaching Lesson

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Positive Affirmations

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Nickie Ross & Jean Weisner

Lesson # 1

Subject/Grade: 7th & th Se!"#Contained # Sanders $ate and Ti%e o" Lesson: Learnin& 'bjecti(e: The student will demonstrate the understanding of positive and
negative affirmations by putting candy into the correct ar based on observations with 100! accuracy.

)!i&n%ent *ith Standards: "ection #$%&3%120 '(arassment) intimidation) or bullying means a gesture) an electronic communication or a written) verbal) physical) or se*ual act that is reasonably perceived to have the effect of+ ,a- harming a student physically or emotionally or damaging a student.s property) or placing a student in reasonable fear of personal harm or property damage/ or ,binsulting or demeaning a student or group of students causing substantial interference with the orderly operation of the school.0 $e(e!o+%enta! )++ro+riateness or Cross#curricu!ar connections: This lesson can be lin1ed with 2nglish%3anguage Arts and many writing samples. This lesson also can be lin1ed to everyday life. This lesson is developmentally appropriate for all of the students in this classroom. )ssess%ent,s- o" the 'bjecti(es:
Lesson Objective(s) What is a positive affirmation? 'o$ do positive affirmations change peop"es) "ives? Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Partner activity Listening and spea ing positive affirmations abo!t themse"ves #haring bet$een different sets of partners Use of Formative Assessment #ma"" $riting samp"e of c"ass disc!ssion %!estions& 'o$ did it go? What did it fee" "i e? (o be the spea er? (he "istener? Why do yo! thin it)s so hard?

4nstead of 1 minute to tal1) allow 2%3 minutes to tal1 about themselves to have ample time to gather their thoughts and be able to appropriately e*press them. 5rite discussion 6uestions on the "mart7oard for students to be able to loo1 at as needed.

.ateria!s: / s%a!! "ish bo*!s or %i0in& bo*!s1 a ba& o" s%a!! *ra++ed cand21 +a+er and +enci! "or each student 3rocedures: *+,ic ie& As if anyone no$s $hat an affirmation is+ Affirmations are positive
statements that describe a desired sit!ation- and $hich are repeated many times+ (hey ma e yo!r brain .fee" good/ and he"p b!i"d yo!r se"f0esteem+ An e1amp"e of a positive affirmation is te""ing yo!rse"f .2 am f!"" of energy+ 2 st!dy and "earn %!ic "y+ 2 am ca"m and re"a1ed+ 2 am s!ccessf!" in $hatever 2 do+/ 3+ 4ean& .Positive affirmations he"p b!i"d o!r se"f0esteem and this activity $i"" he"p !s get to no$ another person as $e""+ (his activity $i"" he"p !s fee" good abo!t o!rse"ves and each other+ . Nickie: Tell the class they will be divided into pairs. Each person will talk for 1-3 minutes about themselves and what they L !E about themselves.

Positive Affirmations Rev. 2013 "ou may not say anythin# ne#ative about yourself or put any limitations on the #ood thin#s you say. $o you can%t say & %m a #ood person e'cept when for#ot to wish $ally a happy birthday yesterday.( )ave each person pick a letter * or +. * will be the first listener and + the first speaker. Listen carefully because you will have to introduce your partner to another set of partners. Listen intently. ,emind the other person N -EL" if they say somethin# ne#ative about themselves. .se body lan#ua#e to show you are interested. /oes everyone understand0 -larify if needed. 1ick partners. 2ean 3 Nickie: $tart time. 4alk around and monitor conversations. -all time after 3 minutes. ,epeat. )ave each pair visit another pair and introduce their partner usin# only nice thin#s they said about themselves. -ome to#ether as a whole #roup. 3. Nickie: ,o$ that $e no$ abo!t positive affirmations+ What do $e no$ abo!t p!t do$ns? 2ean: 'o$ often do yo! hear them at schoo"? 'o$ do they ma e yo! fee"? 5+ Nickie: 2ntrod!ce P!t 6o$n and P!t Up jars+ 7o!nt ho$ many times yo! hear a positive affirmation thro!gho!t the day and $e $i"" add a piece of candy to the jar+ 2f yo! hear a p!t do$n to another st!dent or someone p!ts yo! do$n- $e $i"" add a piece of candy to the P!t 6o$n jar+ 7ompare the candy in the bo$"s+ Which bo$" has more? Why? At the end of the $ee the st!dents $i"" get the candy in the P!t Up 4ar on"y as a s!rprise+ 8+ 2ean& On a sheet of paper- 2 $o!"d "i e for yo! to thin abo!t these %!estions+ 'o$ did the partner activity go? What did it fee" "i e? 6id yo! "i e being the spea er or the "istener? Why? Why do yo! thin it)s so hard to !se positive affirmations?

)cti(it2 )na!2sis:
4 am using the partner activity of saying positive affirmations about themselves. 4 chose to do it in partners rather than in a whole group to avoid students being embarrassed easily. (aving this activity in partners will hopefully allow students to open up and e*press themselves. This activity supports the lesson ob ective by allowing them to use the 1nowledge they have ust received of positive affirmations and e*pressing themselves. "mall groups are better for a group that has different needs because 4 can group the students according to their needs so they can complement each other academically and support each other. The only technology that will be used during this lesson is writing the discussion 6uestions 4 present to the class so the students have a visual reminder of the 6uestions and are not having to as1 me a million times what they are supposed to be writing about.

Re"erences: Admin. ,2011) 8ay 23-. Retrieved from http+99www.newageteacher.com9'i%thin1%i%am0% affirm%that9

Positive Affirmations 5olfe) A. ,2012) :uly 11-. ;5eb log message<. Retrieved from http+99wolfelicious.blogspot.com9201290=9caught%ya%positive%reinforcement.html

Rev. 2013

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