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Prompt #5

ne Ra'Shelle McLendon

that he commits while trying to get back at Frankenstein. The monster kills Frankenstein's
brother, William, he is the reason whytheir maid, Justine, is killed, and Frankenstein's best

friend, Henry. The monster really hits Frankenstein the hardest when he kills his loverfwife,
Elizabeth. "l will be with you on your wedding night !" is what the monster says to Frankenstein
because he is angry that Frankenstein refused to create a female monster. Frankenstein's

decision to go through with creating the monster impacts the story as a whole by contributing

to the theme because it conveys that the decision to ignore helpfulwarnings and go through with following your obsessive passions cam end up making your life a horrible life that can
sometimes drive you to things that you thought you would never door have to deal with knowing that they could have been avoided if only you had listened.

With the use of frame story writing and a powerful purpose, Shelley is able to convey powerful theme to readers. One shouldn't go against their moral or spiritual uphringing for
obsessive passions is the theme of this novel. Following behind obsessive passions, Frankenstein gets disappointed, cursed, emotionally hurt, physically hurt, and is not able to enjoy the rest of his life. This novel is actually a warning to those who hope to gain too much knowledge and too much wisdom which is Shelley's purpose of writing it as a frame story.

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