Can Do Statements

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Name: _____Brooke Holland______ Date:___12/2/2013 _______ Instructor:__Professor Mcdowell____Section:__005__ French 111

Can Do Survey: Elementary 1 (1st Semester of Language Study)

Please fill out the following survey. This survey is given at the end of every semester. It is important to answer the questions thoughtfully so that your responses will reflect the progression in your learning across the semester. The answers that you give on this survey will in no way effect your grade since you will get credit on completion alone. Please place an X in the box for your answers using the following scale: you completely agree with the statement, you mostly agree, you partially agree, you disagree and cannot do what the statements says, or this statement is not applicable to your course.

Interpersonal Communication Personto-Person

I can introduce myself, greet others, and take leave in a culturally appropriate way. Using memorized expressions, I can ask and answer simple questions on very familiar topics. E.g., home, family, activities, and professions. I can exchange personal and professional information such as address, telephone number, age, nationality, family, likes, and dislikes. I can ask and answer in simple terms questions about likes and dislikes. I can make myself understood in simple terms and understand the other person if s/he is accustomed to non-native speakers and helps me along. I can make simple purchases in a familiar context. I can deal with numbers, quantities, cost, time, and dates in simple situations. I can spell and count. I can situate myself in time (using date and time) I can discuss clothing and fashion. I can talk about my studies and school life. I can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan in a familiar context. I can ask simple questions on familiar topics. I have made progress in developing my personto-person, speaking skills this semester.

Not Applicable


Partially Agree

Mostly Agree

Completely Agree X X X X X

X X X X X X X X X Not Applicable Disagree Partially Agree Mostly Agree Completely Agree X X X

Presentational -Speaking
I can read aloud an ad, simple paragraph, or letter and be understood by a native speaker who has a sympathetic ear. I know how to look French so that I sound French. I can give personal information (address, telephone number, nationality, age, family) using words or phrases.

I can recall and make lists on things on familiar topics and describe them in phrases. I can give a basic description of myself, my family, and other people using simple sentences and phrases. I can give a basic description of my activities and personal experiences using simple sentences and phrases in the present and near future tenses. I can describe my house and my room. I can describe simple, familiar objects. I have made progress in developing my oral presentational skills this semester.


X X X Not Applicable Disagree Partially Agree Mostly Agree Completely Agree X X X X X X

I can fill in standardized forms on paper or on the Web with my personal details. I can write lists, short messages, postcards, and simple notes based on familiar materials and give simple descriptions of the items. I can write simple descriptions using a variety of nouns, adjectives, and articles. I can write about myself in the present and near future tenses using learned phrases and memorized expressions. I can write a paragraph consisting of a series of simple sentences on a topic with which I am familiar. I have made progress in my writing skills this semester.

I have developed an understanding of the French perspective on the educational system. I have developed an understanding of stereotypes of French and American people. I have developed an understanding of the French perspective on non-verbal communication. I have developed an understanding of the French perspective on diversity and intercultural communication. I have developed an understanding of the French perspective on family life. I have developed and understanding of the French perspective on fashion and clothing. I have developed a better understanding of American culture. I have made progress in understanding the differences and similarities between French and American cultures.

Not Applicable


Partially Agree

Mostly Agree

Completely Agree X X X X X X X X

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