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Decision-Making Skills

Read the following questions and choose the answer that is closest to the decision you would make in each situation. There are no right or wrong answers. When you have answered all ten questions, use the instruction sheet to add up your total score and to determine what kind of decision maker you are. You may be surprised by what you learn! ame! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1. You go to a fast food restaurant with friends. The person who takes your order gives you the wrong food. You: a) Get right up, yell at the person who took your order and demand to have it corrected. b) Say nothingmaking a scene isn t worth it. c) !eturn to the counter and e"plain that a mistake has been made and ask that it be corrected. 2. Your friends are planning to do something that you do not want to do. They expect you to be involved with them. You: a) Suggest to the group that they do something else, but i# they disagree you go along because it s important to your #riends. b) $ust do it. c) Make an e"cuse to avoid getting involved, or even tell them directly why you do not want to do it. 3. hich of the following choices would you select if someone were to offer you money legally! a) %ou d rather have &',(((.(( paid to you today. b) %ou would choose to have &)((.(( paid to you every month #or ') months. c) %ou would ask your #riends which option is best. ". hen it comes to talking about choices or decisions # need to make$ the kind of relationship # have with my parents%guardian&s' is best described as: a) * discuss almost all important decisions and concerns with them. * trust their +udgment and consider what they say be#ore * make a decision. b) *# they are around and something comes up, * will discuss it with them. *# they are not around when something comes up, * will decide on my own.

c) * do not usually seek out my parents ,guardians advice, but i# they o##er it, * tend to listen to them. (. hen # go on a date: a) * know ahead o# time how #ar * want to go, and * stick with that plan. b) * let my date make most o# the decisions about what we will do together. c) * let things happen, not depending on how things are going. ). hen it comes to using drugs or alcohol$ my attitude is basically: a) * like to party and will use drugs or alcohol when * get the chance. b) -hen * am with certain #riends, * use drugs or alcohol, but with other #riends * don t. *t all depends on the crowd. c) -hen a situation comes up, * think about the pros and cons o# alcohol and drug use be#ore deciding what to do. *. You are walking in the school hallway and suddenly you see two people fighting. You are the only other person in the hallway. You: a) .retend you see nothing and keep going. b) $ump into the #ight to de#end the person you decide is being attacked. c) %ell to try to break it up, and run to get help i# they continue #ighting. +. You are taking an important test in school. , girl sitting in front of you always gets good grades. ,t one point during the test$ she moves so that you can see her paper. #t would be easy to copy her answers. You: a) /opy the answers 0uickly without really thinking about it. b) /onsider whether you might get caught. *# it seemed you could get away with it, you would copy her answers. c) Do not copy her answers because you do not believe in cheating. -. Your best friend is involved with something dangerous and unhealthy. You are seriously worried. You: a) 1alk to him or her about your concerns, but keep it between the two o# you. b) 2#ter unsuccess#ully talking to your #riend, you go to an adult you trust and e"plain what is going on.

c) Don t say anything, but keep an eye on the situation and see how it goes. 1.. as: hen it comes to making choices$ # like to think of myself

a) 3iving li#e to the #ullest. * am spontaneous and like to have a good time whenever * can. * live #or today, not #or tomorrow. * want to en+oy li#e now. b) 4sually agreeing with most people. *t is important to me what other people think. * o#ten #ind mysel# going along with the crowd. *t s a sure way to have #un and keep #riends. c) 1hought#ul when it comes to considering all my options. * like to talk things over with people, hear other viewpoints. 1hen * make the choice that makes the most sense to meeven i# some people disagree with it.

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