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their eyebrows, mouths, and body language.



ketchupbott1e,Map1ayfu1,surprisedexpressionasopposedtotheseriouslooksof / b\ror.rss .\bt>rnarn qsl




the women in the first two ads. This playful, surprised look presents the idea of a woman being

ilfEf and surprised that she even had the strength to open a ketchup bottle. TheftLrh,of*'- \,)(>tt- ,rqr o,rosrer usord tor d\n6q ffe qal
African Americans during the civil rights movementy4Alth":tlrt::Tf:
diflerent purpose than the for rights.
as one


because the people in this ad are also frghting

.srcni\Crr U>"ft5*f3** tln4 ifrF) uS\sp

are similar in many ways. For one, the people are united

in order to make a statement just as the women in the original ad are. The expressions on

the people's faces


serious and they show an expression of determination. But,



to be calmer than the wometr in the original ad by the way they are

standiag holding hands, while the womGr in flexed.

th.uiginal are bold faced with their muscles na brp Lilqr, . .,,


"Stop This War On


d "We Can Do


correlate because women want to stop the unfair practices against them by proving that they can do what a man can do.
ads, the women are not dressed , in both of these

"lady-like" they have on clothes that would be associated with


work clothes of a man. They have on bandanas and jeans and their actions axe expressed in the


it...?" This ad gave a sense of bias towards

women because the people who made it were

being sarcastic by trying to call women weak. They are saying that the bottle is so easy to open that a woman can open it as if wornen couldn't open them before. This ad goes into a whole

different direction than the original one because it is exactly what the women in the original ad
were fighting

for. Women

are often stereotyped as being weak and as+rou-can see in the original

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