Mini Assignment D

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Skill Development Vanessa Charles Georgia State University


In every field of work there are sets of rules and morals that every individual in the workplace must abide by. In the field of Social Work, the codes of ethics are what Social workers follow in order to meet the expectations when working with diverse groups. There are certain groups that dont agree with the code of ethics due to their ethical values. Social workers must understand the cultures of others an also respecting each and everyones background. Respect is a key factor when working with people of all ethnic backgrounds. Cultural Competency Action Plan I have developed my cultural competency plan to meet the needs for future social workers like myself. My action plan will be surrounded around the micro, mezzo and macro level. The first step is social workers being culturally competent by avoiding conflict with clients. On the micro level, we need to educate clients and ourselves of their own culture. The best way for this to be done is having the clients take a reflections test. A test that allows you to see how much you know about your background as well as others. After being more competent of ones background I am bale to meet the needs of each individual. By using my skills, I will be able to know to serve each and every clients needs. The second part of my action plan will be on the Mezzo level. The only way to have people better educated is to have resources available for people to become more competent. Having a professional stable environment is a great way to meeting a persons multicultural way. Understanding and individuals problem is very important. It is also important to have resources such as translators and programs to help people with training purposes for work and school. Community awareness is very important, educating the community is what social workers must die to keep an open mind. Keeping people educated and skilled is an important aspect within the mezzo plan. Lastly, On a Macro level the largest system of them all, I would like this action plan to be on a international, government, and national systems. This plan will help competency issues on a larger level around the world. Programs that address issues will make others aware. With this plan social workers can work with companies with power to teach them cultural competency. Equality in a professional environment is something I want to change. A corporation being more educated in their employers culture is a great way in respecting their beliefs. It is out duty as social workers to help diverse populations succeed and receive fair treatment. Social Action Plan Lum (2000) addresses oppression as a certain group who has experienced difficulties in this country. A certain population not being able to reach certain resources due to the subordinate group they fit under. Dominant groups, who attain power, are socially acceptable in society. In my social action plan I would like to address members of subordinate groups who are oppressed. I am a firm believer in equality as wells as being fair. I believe everyone should be treated the same no matter what socio economic environment there from. In society, White men are who society looks at as superior to all. There are many groups in our communities who are inferior and looked upon due to their cultural background. People who have been oppressed deserve to fit equal with others.


I believe that that there are several groups who undergo oppression on a regular basis. I believe in helping people who go through oppression by other groups. I want to concentrate on helping people in the LGBT community. There are many young people who are not able to come out because they are not accepted by most people in society. I want to focus on helping the youth who fit under this oppressed group. Coming out to their family and peers is a lot harder then most people may think. It is our job as social workers to educate and become a helping hand to. Spreading equality through out all groups is the main focus. As a social worker in training I have many goals that I would love to complete. I want to become more aware of all groups and also pertain to each and every need. I really want to focus on the youth population since they are our future. Educating the youth is the only way to get them ready for their future. I am still learning about how I can help oppressed groups become more dominant. It will be my job to help each and every oppressed group.

Post Reflection Experience Before taking the Cultural Competencies pre test, I had a positive mentality about the overall outcome. Although I had high hopes for the knowledge I believed I possessed, the results proved that my general thinking has greatly improved. I knew before taking the test there were going to be a few questions that I did not know before, but because of this course I have improved a great deal. The cultural competencies posttest affected my cultural knowledge through self-improvement all demonstrating a world unknown to the average person. Prior to this course I took the pre- test and made a very low score. After a full semester of this course I learn about a variety of different group of people. I am more culturally competent. After taking the post reflection test I have doubled my score from the first time. The immersions that I have attended all semester have helped me become more culturally competent. Meeting and speaking to people who actually fit under these groups help me a great deal. I am very happy on the scores that I received the second time. It shows that I have learned a lot, causing me to be more aware of my knowledge. These test scores are showing me that I will be ready after proper training. There were many surprises that I encountered while taking the pre test and posttest that signified my lack of knowledge before. After the posttest it showed that I improved. In the most positive way possible I plan to educate myself more so that I may become a better person. Being a social work major requires that I know about different circumstances and I now see how important that is.


References Lum, Doman (2013). Culturally Competent Practice: A framework for understanding diverse groups and justice issues. (4)

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