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Alpha Series User Manual

Alpha 3 CM Alpha FREE Alpha KEYS Alpha Copyright LinPlug Virtual Instruments Gm !" #$$#%#$$& All rights reser'e(

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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,he Alpha Series are so-t.are synthesi/ers (esigne( -or 0reating musi0 on your personal 0omputer* ,he Alpha -eatures a su tra0ti'e (esign .ith spe0ial attention eing pai( to re0reating the .armth an( -eel typi0ally -oun( in early%+12$s analog synthesi/ers* Its 3ey -eatures in0lu(e an easy%to%use inter-a0e" a .i(e range oos0illator .a'e-orms" -at" ri0h%soun(ing -ilters" as .ell as numerous pro0essing an( mo(ulation options* ,his manual (es0ri es all aspe0ts o- the Alpha Synthesi/er an( is (esigne( so that your use o- this so-t.are is as e--i0ient an( en4oya le as possi le* At LinPlug .e5re 'ery prou( o- the Alpha Synthesi/er6 it5s the result o- many years o- resear0h an( synthesi/er programming e7perien0e* 8e hope you get a lot o- pleasure using the Alpha Synthesi/er an( that it e0omes an integral part o- your musi0%ma3ing*

Your LinPlug ,eam" 9erlin" Germany" :anuary #$$;

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page #

Instrument y Manual y Peter Linsener an( Pa'ol Mar3o'i< Chris Share an( Peter Linsener

Alpha Presets y =alpha eti0 or(er> ?u ha( @ (h presets Fran3 Von !ae'en % -'h presets Fran3 Aeumann @ Bn7 presets Guilherme Kal-el/ a3a 8illiamK Ken Fennell Klaus%?ieter Polla3 a3a Summa @ sum presets Laurent Gau(in % 3sn%presets Ai0o !er/ % 9, presets Peter S0hel-hout % PS%presets Sean Steele % LS%presets Stephan MCs0h % SM%presets ,*D*,*C @ =,>%presets Alpha G)I y 9ranisla' Pa3iE ranispa3F eo0ity*net

All te0hni0al spe0i-i0ations o- the pro(u0ts spe0i-ie( in this manual may e su 4e0t to 0hange .ithout noti0e* ,he (o0uments may not e 0hange(" espe0ially 0opyright noti0es may not e remo'e( or 0hange(* LinPlug an( all LinPlug pro(u0t names are

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page 3

tra(emar3s o- LinPlug Virtual Instruments Gm !* Cu ase an( VS, are registere( tra(emar3s o- Stein erg Me(ia ,e0hnologies Gm !* All other tra(emar3s are the property o- their respe0ti'e o.ners*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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Table of Contents
8el0ome***************************************************************************************************************************************************# Cre(its*******************************************************************************************************************************************************3 D'er'ie.***************************************************************************************************************************************************H Controls***************************************************************************************************************************************************** & Ds0illators*************************************************************************************************************************************************; Mi7er*********************************************************************************************************************************************************2 Filter**********************************************************************************************************************************************************1 Ampli-ier**************************************************************************************************************************************************++ Mo(ulation Matri7************************************************************************************************************************************+3 LFD*********************************************************************************************************************************************************+G Gli(e********************************************************************************************************************************************************+H Chorus***************************************************************************************************************************************************** +& Preset I Main*******************************************************************************************************************************************+; Rear Panel**********************************************************************************************************************************************+1 Get ,he Full Version*******************************************************************************************************************************#$ Glossary**************************************************************************************************************************************************#+ Appen(i7 AJ MI?I Implementation Chart*************************************************************************************************## Appen(i7 9J Ds0illator 8a'e-orm ,ypes an( Ranges****************************************************************************#3 Appen(i7 CJ LFD Syn0 Settings**************************************************************************************************************#3 Appen(i7 ?J Mo(ulation Sour0es an( ?estinations********************************************************************************#G Appen(i7 EJ )sing ,)A Files*****************************************************************************************************************#; Appen(i7 FJ ,e0hni0al Spe0i-i0ations*****************************************************************************************************#1 Appen(i7 GJ Pre(e-ine( ECS assignments********************************************************************************************3$ Appen(i7 !J Flo. ?iagram*********************************************************************************************************************3+ Appen(i7 IJ Mi(i CC mapping on 9ehringer 9CR #$$$**************************************************************************3#

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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,here are multiple 'ersions o- the Alpha synthesi/er a'aila leJ the -ull Alpha 3" a 0ouple o- 0ustom Alpha synthesi/ers .ith a some.hat re(u0e( -eatureset an( the AlphaFREE .hi0h is pu li0ly a'aila le ut has the -e.est -eatures* See Appen(i7 E -or the (i--eren0es et.een the Alpha an( the AlphaFREE* ,his manual (es0ri es the Alpha so some parts may not e appli0a le to the 0ustom 'ersions o- Alpha an( the AlphaFREE* ,he Alpha synthesi/er is a monotim ral" 3# note%polyphoni0 A) an( VS, analogue% style synthesi/er .ith some e7traor(inary -eatures* ,he synthesi/er is ase( upon a 0lassi0 su tra0ti'e (esign an( in0lu(es three os0illator mo(ules" a -ilter mo(ule" en'elope an( LFD mo(ules" a 0horus e--e0t mo(ule an( an easy%to%use an( Mo(ulation Matri7* ,he stru0ture o- the Alpha synthesi/er 0an e (i'i(e( into & se0tionsJ Ds0illator" Filter" Ampli-ier" Mo(ulation =Matri7" LFDs an( Gli(e>" Chorus an( Master* Au(io signals are generate( y an os0illator that gets pit0h in-ormation -rom the synthesi/er5s MI?I input* ,he MI?I input is automati0ally 0onne0te( to MI?I output othe host so-t.are* ,he Alpha re0ei'es MI?I on all 0hannels simultaneously* ,he Alpha 0ontains three os0illators* Ea0h os0illator5s pit0h" amplitu(e an( symmetry 0an e mo(ulate( using the Mo(ulation Matri7 =Aoise 0an e only mo(ulate( in amplitu(e>* ,he output o- all os0illators is mi7e( an( route( to the Filter se0tion* ,he -ilter mo(i-ies the harmoni0 spe0trum o- the os0illator5s output mi7 an( has its o.n (e(i0ate( en'elope -or 0ontrolling the -ilter 0uto-- parameter* ,he output o- the Filter se0tion is then sent to the Chorus se0tion* ,he au(io outputs o- the Alpha are automati0ally 0onne0te( to the input o- your host so-t.are5s mi7er* !ere you 0an set the pan position o- the Alpha5s output* At 'arious points throughout the signal path you 0an mo(ulate the signal using either en'elopes" LFDs or MI?I 0ontrollers* ,he Alpha 0ontains # in(epen(ent en'elopes an( three LFDs that 0an e route( to any a'aila le mo(ulation (estination*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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)sers ha'e the option o- 0ontrolling all Alpha synthesi/er (ials in either a 0ir0ular or a linear manner (epen(ing on the ?ial Mo(e setting on the Alpha5s rear panel =see the KMainK se0tion o- this manual -or more in-ormation a out the Alpha5s rear panel>* !ol(ing (o.n the AL, 3ey .hile 0li03ing on a 0ontrol 0hanges the sele0te( 0ontrol5s 'alue a minimum step =.hen 0li03ing in the upper hal- o- the 0ontrol> or a minimum step ( =.hen 0li03ing in the hal- o- the 0ontrol>* !ol(ing (o.n the C,RL 3ey on PC an( Comman( =Apple> 3ey on Ma0 .hile 0li03ing on a 0ontrol sets the 0ontrol to its (e-ault 'alue* * !ol(ing (o.n the S!IF, 3ey .hile 0hanging a 0ontrol5s 'alue ena les -iner 0ontrol 'alues to e set* ?ou le 0li03ing on0e in a Mo(ulation Matri7 slot sets the 'alue o- the slot to $*$$* ?ou le 0li03ing in the same slot a se0on( time resets the slot to its pre'ious 'alue* All Controls 0an e automate( using e7ternal MI?I messages* ,o (o this you nee( to use the Alpha5s ECS =Easy Controller Setup> .hi0h is (es0ri e( in the KMainK se0tion o- this manual*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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,he Alpha5s os0illator mo(ule is 'ery 'ersatile e0ause it 0ontains many .a'e-orms" an( uses a high Luality signal generation algorithm so it soun(s smoother an( more as e'er e-ore* ,he Alpha5s t.o main os0illators are lo0ate( on the le-t o- the -ront panel* Ea0h o- the Alpha5s t.o os0illator mo(ules outputs a .a'e-orm that is a 0om ination o- t.o asi0 .a'e-orms* So the amount o- a'aila le .a'e-orms it literally en(less*

Ea0h .a'e-orm type is set y 0li03ing on the .a'e-orm name in the Alpha5s DSC +IDSC # se0tions* ,his opens a menu that allo.s you to sele0t -rom the a'aila le .a'e-orms* See Appen(i7 9 -or a 0omplete list o- all .a'e-orms* ,he os0illators pit0h range is set in a similar manner right o- the .a'e-orm* ,he MFN s.it0h on the le-t allo.s you to s.it0h et.een -reerun =.hen s.it0he( on> an( retriggere( start o- the os0illator =.hen s.it0he( o-->* 9elo. these 0ontrols is the MA al 9N =9alan0e> (ial* ,his (ial allo.s you to interpolate et.een the t.o .a'e-orms* 8hen the (ial is at its le-tmost setting" the .a'e-orm 0onsists purely o- .a'e-orm A* Similarly" i- the (ial is mo'e( all the .ay to the right the .a'e-orm 0onsists purely o- .a'e-orm 9* 8hen in an interme(iate position" the .a'e-orm 0onsists o- a mi7ture o- the t.o .a'e-orms* It5s pro a ly easier to un(erstan( this y trying it -or yoursel- rather than ha'ing it e7plaine( to you* As an e7ample" set one .a'e to Sine an( the other to a (i--erent .a'e su0h as Sa.tooth* As you rotate the (ial -rom one en( o- its range to the other you 0an hear the .a'e KmorphK -rom one .a'eshape to the other* ,he (etune (ial in DSC + se0tion (etermines the amount o- (etuning et.een the t.o os0illator mo(ules* A small amount o- (etuning 0an e use( to 0reate the s.irling soun( typi0al o- many analog synth pat0hes*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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,he Mringmo(N parameter in Ds0 # se0tion allo.s a gra(ually a(4ustment o- ho. the output o- os0illator # is ma(e -rom os0illator # an( the integrate( Ring Mo(ulator =see glossary -or e7planation o- AM an( ring mo(ulation>* ,urne( -ully le-t the output o- os0illator # is purely os0illator #* ,urne( -ully right the output o- os0illator # is -ully the ring mo(ulation result o- os0illator + an( os0illator #* In mi((le position the output is mi7 o- os0illator # an( the ring mo(ulation result oos0illator + an( os0illator # =in synthesi/ers o-ten 0alle( AM>* ,he M'oi0esN 0ontrol elo. the os0illator 0ontrols is use( to set the num er oa'aila le 'oi0es =KpolyphonyK>* ,he ma7imum polyphony is 3# 'oi0es" ut sometimes it might e use-ul to restri0t the polyphony to sa'e CP)*

,he upper (ial in the Mi7 se0tion is use( to set the relati'e output 'olume o- ea0h os0illator mo(ule* 8hen the (ial is set to + =i*e* it is turne( all the .ay 0ounter% 0lo03.ise> the output signal 0onsists entirely o- os0illator +* 8hen the (ial is set to # =i*e* it is turne( all the .ay 0lo03.ise> the output signal 0onsists entirely o- os0illator #* ,he mi( position pro'i(es an eLual mi7ture o- os0illator + an( os0illator #* ,he (ial is the MnoiseN parameter that allo.s to mi7 gra(ually some .hite noise to the t.o os0illators mi7* ,urne( -ully le-t no noise is a((e(" turne( -ully right the os0illators are suppresse( an( only noise is au(i le* ,he generate( noise is .hite noise*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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,he Alpha5s -ilter mo(ule is lo0ate( right o- the os0illators*

,he M(ri'eN =or saturation> (ial on the le-t 0an e use( to o'er(ri'e the Alpha5s -ilter* ,his 0an e use( to pro(u0e .armer" -atter soun(s or a thinner soun( (epen(ing on the amount o- (ri'e applie( an( (epen(ing on the asi0 .a'e-orm* 9elo. the (ri'e there is the -ilter M-mN (ial an( -ilter -m sour0e sele0tor* 8ith the M-mN (ial the amount o- -ilter 0uto-- mo(ulation is a(4uste( -rom no mo(ulation .hen turne( -ully le-t to ma7imum mo(ulation* As the mo(ulation sour0e is in au(i le range .e ha'e a true MFMN or 0uto-- FreLuen0y Mo(ulation* 8ith the -m sour0e sele0tor the sour0e o- the mo(ulation is sele0te(" either os0illator + " os0illator # or noise* Aote that the -ilter 0uto-- FM (oes not (epen( on the setting in the Mi7 se0tion o- the os0illators* I- os0illator # is sele0te( then its purely os0illator # an( (oes not (epen( on the ring mo(ulation setting in os0illator # se0tion =the Ring Mo(ulator is not a'aila le as sour0e -or -ilter FM>* ,he M0uto--N (ial is use( to set the -reLuen0y =in !/> at .hi0h the -ilter egins to ta3e e--e0t* In the 0ase o- the Lo. Pass Filter" higher settings pro(u0e righter soun(s .hile settings result in (ar3er soun(s* In the 0ase o- the !igh Pass -ilter" higher settings pro(u0e thinner soun(s .hile settings result in -uller soun(s* ,he 9an( Pass -ilter 0om ines a Lo. Pass an( a !igh Pass -ilter* In this 0ase" the Cuto-(ial sets the mi(point o- the -ilter5s pass an(* ,he MresoN =Resonan0e> (ial is use( to set the amount o- emphasis aroun( the 0uto--reLuen0y* !igher settings 0reate a more pronoun0e( pea3 in the signal .hile settings pro(u0e a -latter response* 9elo. 0uto-- an( resonan0e is the -ilter type sele0tor* It allo.s sele0tion o- G types o-ilter* ,hese areJ +# =KLo. Pass +# (9ID0t*K>" #G =KLo. Pass #G (9ID0t*K>" !P =K!igh
LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page +$

Pass +# (9ID0t*K> an( 9P =K9an( Pass +# (9ID0t*K>* ,he en'elope parameters -ollo. elo. the type sele0tor" these are the 0lassi0 atta03" (e0ay" sustain an( release as .ell as an a((itional M-a(eN parameter* Aote that the en'elope has only an e--e0t i- the -ilter en'elope (epth =(es0ri e( elo.> is not $* ,he (es0ription o- the en'elope parameter assumes that the (epth is positi'e* ,he MattN =Atta03 ,ime> (ial is use( to set the length o- time it ta3es -or the 0uto-en'elope to rea0h the -ull en'elope (epth* For e7ample" i- the att (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the -ilters 0uto-- .ill mo'e -rom 0uto-- parameters 'alue to ma7imum en'elope (epth imme(iately* I- the A,, (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise the -ilters 0uto-- .ill mo'e -rom 0uto-- parameters 'alue to ma7imum en'elope (epth in +$ se0on(s* ,he M(e0N =?e0ay ,ime> (ial setting (etermines the length o- time =in se0on(s> that the -ilter 0uto-- en'elope ta3es to mo'e -rom the ma7imum en'elope (epth to the Sustain 'alue* For e7ample" i- the (e0 (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the -ilters 0uto-- .ill mo'e -rom the Atta03 pea3 'alue to the Sustain 'alue imme(iately* I- the ?EC (ial is set to +$$O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise> the same 0hange in 0uto-- -reLuen0y .ill ta3e +$ se0on(s* ,he MsustN =Sustain> (ial setting (etermines the 0uto-- -reLuen0y a-ter the initial Atta03I?e0ay phase .hile a note is eing hel(* ,he MrelN =Release ,ime> (ial is use( to set the length o- time =in se0on(s> that the 0uto-- -reLuen0y ta3es to mo'e -rom 0urrent SustainIFa(e 'alue to silen0e a-ter the note is release(* I- the REL (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the -ilters 0uto-- .ill mo'e -rom the 0urrent le'el to the 0uto-parameters 'alue imme(iately* I- the REL (ial is set to +$$O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise> it ta3es -ull +$ se0on(s* ,he M-a(eN =Fa(e ,ime> (ial is use( to set the rate at .hi0h the -ilters 0uto--reLuen0y mo'es -rom the Sustain 'alue to either the 0uto-- parameters 'alue =.hen the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise> or ma7imum en'elope (epth =.hen the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise>* A mi((le M-a(eN setting =(ial is set to +# o50lo03 position> means that the -ilters 0uto-- -reLuen0y remains at the Sustain le'el until the note is release(* ,he M(epthN (ial is use( to set the (egree to .hi0h the -ilter5s en'elope e--e0ts the signal* Setting M(epthN to %+$$O =i*e* turning the (ial 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise> means that the en'elope has -ull negati'e e--e0t on the -ilter* A(4usting the (ial to the mi((le position means that it has no e--e0t on the -ilter* Setting M(epthN to +$$O =i*e* turning the (ial 0ompletely 0lo03.ise> means that the -ilter is mo(ulate( y the en'elope5s -ull range* ,he negati'e en'elope (epth 0an e use( in e7ample -or opening the Filter .hen a note is release( =this is impossi le .ith a non%in'erte( A?SR en'elope>*
LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page ++

,he ampli-ier se0tions -ollo.s right o- the -ilter se0tion* It -eatures oth a M'olN 'olume 0ontrol to a(4ust the o'erall output 'olume* ,he M'elN 'elo0ity 0ontrol allo.s a(4ustment o- the in-luen0e that the notes 'elo0ity has on 'olume* 8hen turne( -ully to the le-t the Velo0ity has no in-luen0e on the 'olume .hile turne( -ully right meants that the 'olume is 0ompletely 0ontrolle( y 'elo0ity*

,he MattN =Atta03 ,ime> (ial is use( to set the length o- time it ta3es -or the amplitu(e en'elope to rea0h the -ull en'elope (epth* For e7ample" i- the att (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the signal5s amplitu(e .ill mo'e -rom /ero to -ull 'olume imme(iately* I- the A,, (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise the signal5s amplitu(e .ill mo'e -rom /ero to -ull 'olume in the ma7imum time o- +$ se0on(s* ,he M(e0N =?e0ay ,ime> (ial setting (etermines the length o- time =in se0on(s> that the amplitu(e en'elope ta3es to mo'e -rom the Atta03 pea3 le'el to the Sustain le'el* For e7ample" i- the (e0 (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the signal5s amplitu(e .ill mo'e -rom the Atta03 pea3 le'el to the Sustain le'el imme(iately* I- the ?EC (ial is set to +$$O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise>" the signal5s amplitu(e .ill mo'e -rom the Atta03 pea3 le'el to the Sustain le'el in +$ se0on(s* ,he MsustN =Sustain Le'el> (ial setting (etermines the amplitu(e le'el a-ter the initial Atta03I?e0ay phase .hile a note is eing hel(* ,he MrelN =Release ,ime> (ial is use( to set the length o- time =in se0on(s> that the amplitu(e en'elope ta3es to mo'e -rom 0urrent SustainIFa(e le'el to silen0e a-ter the note is release(* I- the REL (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the signal5s amplitu(e .ill mo'e -rom the 0urrent Fa(e le'el to /ero imme(iately* I- the REL (ial is set to +$$O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely
LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page +#

0lo03.ise>" the signal5s amplitu(e .ill mo'e -rom the 0urrent Fa(e le'el to the /ero in +$ se0on(s* ,he M-a(eN =Fa(e ,ime> (ial is use( to set the rate at .hi0h the signal amplitu(e mo'es -rom the Sustain le'el to either silen0e =.hen the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise> or -ull output =.hen the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise>* A mi((le M-a(eN setting =(ial is set to +# o50lo03 position> means that the signal amplitu(e remains at the Sustain le'el until the note is release(* ,he Msprea(N (ial allo.s you to play 3 'oi0es simultaneously* I- the Msprea(N (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" Sprea( is (isa le(* Ithe Msprea(N (ial is set to anything other than $O" the Alpha5s si7 os0illators are 0ontinuously (etune( .ith one another* !igher settings 0reate more (etuning" so pro(u0ing a -atter" thi03er soun(* A small in(i0ator light sho.s .hen Sprea( is ena le(*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page +3

Modulation Matrix
,he Alpha5s Mo(ulation Matri7 allo.s you to 0reate se'en user%(e-ine( mo(ulation routings* See Appen(i7 ? -or a listing o- all mo(ulation sour0es an( (estinations* ,he Alpha5s Mo(ulation Matri7 is lo0ate( in the top right o- the -ront panel*

Mo(ulation sour0es are sho.n in a 0olumn on the le-t o- the (isplay" .hile the (estinations are sho.n on the right* ,he mo(ulation amount is (isplaye( in the mi((le* ,o 0hange a routing 0li03 on the sour0e or (estination that you .ant to 0hange* A menu .ill appear .hi0h lets you sele0t the ne. sour0e or (estination* ,o remo'e a mo(ulation sour0e or (estination sele0t the K% % % % %K entry in the menu* ,o 0hange the mo(ulation (epth 0li03 on the amount (isplay an( mo'e the mouse =.hile 3eeping the mouse utton presse(> or ( =in0reasing or (e0reasing the 'alue> until the (esire( amount has een rea0he(* A negati'e mo(ulation (epth in'erts the .a'e-orm o- the mo(ulation sour0e* A (ou le 0li03 on the mo(ulation (epth sets it to $" another (ou le 0li03 .ill re'ert it to its original 'alue" so you 0an Lui03ly (isa le 0ertain mo(ulations to 0he03 their e--e0t* ,he mo(ulation o- pit0h has a spe0ial (isplay -or mo(ulation (epth* In e7ample a mo(ulation (epth o- K#JG$K means that the pit0h is mo(ulate( to a (epth o- # semitones an( G$ 0ents*

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Page +G

An LFD =Lo. FreLuen0y Ds0illator> is an os0illator that generates a lo. -reLuen0y signal that 0an e use( to mo(ulate other aspe0ts o- the au(io signal* ,he Alpha 0ontains up to three LFDs elo. the matri7 on the right o- the -ront panel*

First" the LFD 0an e set to either MMN Mono or MPN Poly mo(e .ith the s.it0h elo. the LFD num er* In Mono mo(e" one LFD is share( y all 'oi0es* In Poly Mo(e" ea0h 'oi0e has its o.n LFD .hi0h is triggere( y a Aote%Dn MI?I message* ,he .a'e-orm parameter is use( to sele0t one o- the LFD .a'e-orms* ,o sele0t a .a'e-orm" 0li03 in the o7 to the right o- the LFD num er* A popup menu 0ontaining si7 LFD .a'e-orms .ill e (isplaye(* ,he si7 a'aila le LFD .a'e-orms areJ Sine" ,riangle" Sa.tooth" SLuare" Aoise an( Sam!o =Sample an( !ol(>* ,he Syn0 popup menu elo. the .a'e-orm allo.s you to set the LFD so that it is Ksyn0e(K to the tempo o- the 0urrent song* In this 0ase" the LFD .ill syn0 its tempo to the song tempo =see Appen(i7 C -or the range o- possi le syn0 settings> For e7ample" a setting o- +IG .ill ma3e the LFD 0y0le last e7a0tly one Luarter note* ,he 'alue MD--N in(i0ates that the LFD is not syn0hroni/e( to the song tempo* Instea( the LFD spee( 0an e a(4uste( .ith the M-reLN parameter* ,he M-reLN =FreLuen0y> (ial is use( to set the the LFD5s -reLuen0y* I- the FREP (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" the LFD os0illates at $*$+ !/ =that is + 0omplete 0y0le e'ery +$$ se0on(s>* I- the FREP (ial is set to +$$O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise>" the LFD os0illates at 3#*$ !/ =3# 0y0les per se0on(>* ,his parameter is not a'aila le -or the thir( LFD* ,his parameter is not a0ti'e .hene'er a syn0 'alue is sele0te( -rom the Syn0 popup menu* ,he MattN =Atta03 ,ime> (ial is use( to set the length o- time it ta3es -or the LFD to rea0h the -ull mo(ulation (epth* ,his 0an e use( to in0rease the amount oLinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page +H

mo(ulation applie( to the au(io signal* I- the MattN (ial is set to $O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0ounter%0lo03.ise>" mo(ulation 0ommen0es imme(iately* I- the A,, (ial is set to +$$O =i*e* the (ial is turne( 0ompletely 0lo03.ise>" mo(ulation (epth mo'es -rom /ero to the ma7imum mo(ulation (epth in +$ se0on(s* ,his parameter is not a'aila le -or the thir( LFD*

,he Gli(e or KportamentoK se0tion allo.s you to set the Alpha5s portamento parameters* KGli(eK 0ontinuously 0hanges the pit0h -rom one note to the ne7t" 0onne0ting the notes an( letting you smoothly Kgli(eK -rom one to the other* ,he Gli(e se0tion is lo0ate( on the right o- the -ront panel eneath the LFD se0tion* ,he Gli(e Mo(e utton has G 'aluesJ D--" Dn" !el( an( 9en(* ,he Dn an( D-- -un0tions turn KGli(eK on an( o--* 8hen KGli(eK is on" the ,imeIRate (ial is use( to set the length o- time it ta3es -or the pit0h o- one note to rea0h that o- a note* ,he K!el(K setting .or3s as -ollo.s* I- notes o'erlap then Gli(e is applie(" ho.e'er i- they (on5t then the notes are playe( .ithout Gli(e* ,his ma3es it possi le to apply Gli(e only to sele0te( notes* K9en(K allo.s you to apply a pre(etermine( pit0h en( to ea0h note* ,he en( range is set using the 9en( 0ontrol* A en( range o- %G2 to QG2 semitones is a'aila le* ,his parameter only has a meaning .hen the Gli(e Mo(e utton is set to M9en(N* ,he ,imeIRate (ial is use( to a(4ust the time it ta3es -or the gli(e to happen* ,urne( -ully 0ounter 0lo03.ise the gli(e is so -ast that its har(ly noti0ea le* I- the (ial is turne( -ully 0lo03.ise it ta3es 'ery long -or the notes to gli(e -rom the pre'ious notes pit0h to their o.n pit0h* ,he ,imeIRate utton has t.o settingsJ ,ime an( Rate* ,hese settings (etermine the manner in .hi0h the pit0h o- one note mo'es to that o- the a note* 8hen set to K,imeK" it ta3es a 0onstant amount o- time to mo'e -rom one note to the ne7t* In this 0ase it .ill ta3e the same amount o- time to rea0h the (estination pit0h regar(less o- .hether the pre0e(ing note .as a semitone a.ay or an o0ta'e a.ay* 8hen set to KRateK" the pit0h o- one note mo'es to that o- a note at a 0onstant rate* ,his means that the amount o- time it ta3es to mo'e -rom one note to the ne7t (epen(s upon ho. -ar apart the pit0hes o- the t.o notes are* ,he -urther apart the notes" the longer it .ill ta3e -or the pit0h o- the -irst note to rea0h that o- the note*
LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page +&

,he Chorus e--e0t 0an e use( to Kthi03enK a single soun( 0reating the impression that it 0ontains multiple 'oi0es* ,he Chorus .or3s y mi7ing (elaye( signals .ith the original signal* ,he Alpha5s Chorus -eatures 0ontrols -or 8E," ,IME an( RA,E an( is lo0ate( in the right se0tion o- the -ront panel*

,he M.etN (ial allo.s you to set the alan0e et.een the pro0esse( K.etK signal an( the original unpro0esse( K(ryK signal* A small in(i0ator light sho.s .hen Chorus is ena le(* ,he MtimeN (ial is use( -or setting the 0horus5 (elay time =in millise0on(s>* Longer times pro(u0e a K0horusingK e--e0t .hile shorter times 0reate a K-langingK e--e0t* ,he MrateN (ial sets the rate at .hi0h the signal is mo(ulate(* ,o set the 0horus5 soun( .e suggest you start .ith all 0ontrols at a me(ium position an( su00essi'ely 0hange them until you -in( a soun( that you li3e*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page +;

!reset " Main

,he Alpha5s Preset se0tion is lo0ate( on the ottom mi((le o- the -ront panel* It 0ontains 'arious 0ontrols -or (ealing .ith presets*

,he Preset 0ontrol is use( -or all File%relate( operations* ,he Loa( utton =the mi((le utton on the le-t> opens a (ialog that lets you sele0t a -ile -or loa(ing* ,he )pIPre'ious an( ?o.nIAe7t uttons allo. you to tra'erse a list o- -iles* ,he Msa'eN utton allo.s you to sa'e the 0urrent preset settings* ,he Alpha loa(s an( sa'es all o- its presets (ire0tly to har( (is3 so your 0omputer5s RAM (oes not limit the num er o- a'aila le presets* Cli03ing on the an3 or preset name allo.s you to (ire0tly a00ess another an3 or preset .ithin the 0urrent an3* ,he ECS =Easy Controller Setup> se0tion ma3es it simple to 0ontrol the Alpha 3 -rom an e7ternal MI?I 0ontroller* All you ha'e to (o is s.it0h on the ECS =a menu pops up .hen you 0li03 at the ECS letters" 0hoose Learn>" sele0t a Alpha 3 parameter .ith the mouse an( then sen( some MI?I messages to the Alpha 3 -rom you MI?I sour0e* ,hat5s all there is to itR From no. on you 0an 0hange the parameter .ith that 0ontroller* In a((ition to this" more than one 0ontroller 0an e (e-ine( to 0hange a parti0ular parameter* In -a0t" you 0an (e-ine up to +#2 parameter%0ontroller%0om inations* ,his (oes not (epen( on the type o- 0ontroller you ha'e nor the parti0ular MI?I Control Change messages it sen(s* ?on5t -orget to s.it0h o-- the ECS =pi03 D-- -rom the menu> a-ter you ha'e -inishe( using it =the ECS utton remains re( (uring ECS a0ti'ity as a remin(er>R ECS settings 0an e sa'e( an( restore( using the KLoa(K an( KSa'eK -un0tions -rom the menu* In a((ition" a single 0ontroller assignment 0an e 0leare( using the
LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page +2

KClearK menu entry* All you ha'e to (o is sele0t Clear an( sele0t a 0ontrols that you .ish to e 0leare( =(eassigne( -rom MI?I CC5s>* ?on5t -orget to s.it0h o-- the ECS 0ontrol a-ter you ha'e -inishe( 0learing assignmentsR ,he MClear AllN -un0tion 0lears all 0ontroller assignments at on0e an( the Rest*Fa0t* Fun0tion means Restore Fa0tory" thus restoring the -a0tory settings as (es0ri e( in Appen(i7 G* ,he GEA utton is use( to generate ran(om pat0h settings* ,o generate a ne. pat0h 0li03 on the utton an( some or all o- the 0urrent parameter settings .ill e 0hange( to ne. settings* ,he Gen range is set on the Alpha5s rear panel =see elo.>*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page +1

#ear !anel
,he KRear PanelK o- the Alpha is a00esse( y 0li03ing on the LinPlug logo at the ottom o- the Alpha5s -ront panel* Se'eral master 0ontrols ha'e een lo0ate( on the rear panel to ma3e the -ront panel less 0ro.(e(" an( also so that they are not 0hange( a00i(entally .hile the Alpha is in use* ,he 0ontrols lo0ate( here are ?ial Mo(e" Master,une" Gen Range" 9en( Range" Pre0ision an( Mi0rotuning*

?ial Mo(e is use( to sele0t the Alpha5s (ial operation mo(e* ,.o mo(es are a'aila leJ KCirK =Cir0ular> an( KLinK =Linear>* In KCirK mo(e the Alpha5s (ials tra03 0ursor mo'ement in a 0ir0ular -ashion aroun( the (ial* In KLinK mo(e the Alpha5s (ials tra03 'erti0al 0ursor mo'ement* Master ,une is use( to set the o'erall tuning o- the Alpha* ,uning 0an e set -rom G+H !/ to G&& !/* ,he Gen* Range 0ontrol is use( to set the range -or ran(om parameter generation* It has a range o- $O to +$$O* )sing 'alues .ill e--e0t the pat0h less than using higher 'alues* Aot all parameters are 0hange( .ith ea0h ne. ran(om pat0h* 8ith settings =e*g* HO> less parameters are a--e0te(* Aormally" a setting in the range o- # to +$O .ill pro(u0e the most interesting an( usea le results* ,he P =Pit0h> 9en( )p 0ontrol is use( to set the Alphas response to pit0h messages* 9en( Range 0an e set -rom $ to #G semitones* en(

,he 9en( ?o.n 0ontrol is use( to set the Alphas response to pit0h en( messages* 9en( ?o.n Range 0an e set -rom $ to #G semitones* ,he 9en( ?o.n Range 0ontrol 0an also e set to MLin3N in .hi0h 0ase the 9en( ?o.n Range is the same as the 9en( )p Range*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page #$

,he PRECISIDA 0ontrol is use( to set the a00ura0y o- the Alpha5s signal generation* 8hen the KPre0isionK 0ontrol is set to less than +$$O small ina00ura0ies are intro(u0e( into the .a'e-orm at 'arious point in the Alpha5s signal 0hain* ,his is use-ul i- you5re trying to repli0ate the .armth o- an ol( analog synthesi/er* Pre0ision 0an e set in a range -rom 1$O to +$$O* 8ith the S0ale 0ontrol you 0an loa( ,)A%s0aling -iles* See appen(i7 E -or more (etails* Finally" the rear panel also 0ontains your Alpha Synthesi/er5s trun0ate( serial num er an( the 'ersion num er* ,o s.it0h a03 to the -ront panel 0li03 the LinPlug logo on the rear panel*

et The Full $ersion

D taining the Full Version o- the Alpha is 'ery easy* All you ha'e to (o is 'isit our online shop at ...*linplug*0om an( pur0hase a li0ense* As soon as your transa0tion has een authori/e( you .ill e sent a personal serial num er* In most 0ases this .ill only ta3e a -e. minutes* A-ter you5'e installe( an( opene( the -ull 'ersion o- the Alpha" go to the instrument5s rear panel* ,he SIA e(it o7 shoul( rea( KEnter hereK* Enter the serial num er you ha'e re0ei'e( into the SIA e(it o7* I- the serial num er has not een entere( or it has een entere( in0orre0tly" the -ull 'ersion o- the Alpha .ill not play any notes* A-ter entering the serial num er return to the Alpha5s -ront panel* Ao. sen( the Alpha a -e. note%on messages* A-ter the Alpha re0ei'es the -irst -e. note%on messages it automati0ally e0omes registere(* I- you ha'e any Luestions regar(ing the Alpha5s registration pro0ess" please 'isit our support%area at ...*linplug*0om*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page #+

AM& AM or KAmplitu(e Mo(ulationK is a pro0ess .here the amplitu(e o- one generator =the 0arrier> is 0ontrolle( y another =the mo(ulator>* 8hen the -reLuen0y o- the mo(ulator is perio(i0 an( elo. the au(io range =less than #$ !/> tremolo is pro(u0e(* 8hen the mo(ulation -reLuen0y is .ithin the au(io range" Ring Mo(ulation is pro(u0e(* See also Ring Mo(ulation elo.* AmplifierJ A signal pro0essing (e'i0e that 0hanges the amplitu(e" an( hen0e the 'olume" o- a signal* 'nvelopeJ A time%'arying signal use( to 0ontrol the (e'elopment o- another signal a-ter it has een triggere(* En'elopes are most o-ten use( -or 0ontrolling a signal5s amplitu(e* ,he shape o- the en'elope is (etermine( y the num er o- 0ontrol parameters* )sually -our parameters are a'aila leJ Atta03 ,ime" ?e0ay ,ime" Sustain Le'el an( Release ,ime* FilterJ A signal pro0essing (e'i0e that suppresses or K-iltersK out spe0i-i0 parts o- a signal5s -reLuen0y spe0trum* Aumerous types o- -ilter are use( in au(io synthesis* ,hese in0lu(e Lo. Pass" !igh Pass" 9an( Pass an( Aot0h* ,he tone 0ontrols on a stereo ampli-ier are one e7ample o- an au(io -ilter* LFOJ An LFD or KLo. FreLuen0y Ds0illatorK is a perio(i0 signal sour0e =usually elo. au(io -reLuen0y range> use( to mo(ulate another signal parameter* An LFD 0an e use( -or a 'ariety o- e--e0ts in0lu(ing 'i rato = y mo(ulating the pit0h> an( tremolo = y mo(ulating the 'olume>* Modulation MatrixJ A signal K4un0tionK .here a sour0e signal 0an e pat0he( so that it 0ontrols a (estination signal* ,he Alpha5s Mo(ulation Matri7 is use( -or tas3s su0h as mo(ulating an os0illator5s amplitu(e y an LFD* OscillatorJ A signal sour0e that generates a perio(i0 .a'e-orm at a gi'en -reLuen0y* #in( ModulationJ ,he pro0ess o- 0om ining t.o au(io signals y multipli0ation* Ring Mo(ulation pro(u0es si(e an(s ut suppresses oth the 0arrier an( mo(ulating -reLuen0ies* ,hough Ring Mo(ulation is only a spe0ial -orm o- AM" in pra0ti0e MAMN is 0onsi(ere( Ring Mo(ulation plus the 0arrier =one o- the os0illators" in Alpha its the os0illator #> an( MRing Mo(ulationN is 0onsi(ere( pure Ring Mo(ulation .ith no 0arrier*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page ##

Appendix A& M)*) )mplementation Chart

Pro(u0tJ Function 9asi0 Channel ?e-ault Change( Mo(e ?e-ault Change( Aote Aum er ,rue Voi0e Velo0ity Aote Dn Aote D-A-tertou0h Poly =Key> Mono =Channel> Pit0h 9en( Control Change Program Change System E70lusi'e System Common Song Position Song Sele0t ,une ReLuest System Realtime Clo03 Comman(s Au7 Messages Lo0al DnID-All Aotes D-A0ti'e Sensing System Reset no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no %es no %es %es %es %es %es no no no no no no no %es no %es no no %es no no no Omni no LinPlug Alpha Synthesi/er Transmitted no no Version 3*$7 #eco(ni+ed no no ?ateJ +H*Septem er #$$&


LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page #3

Appendix -& Oscillator Waveform T%pes and #an(es

,ypesJ Sine" ,riangle" Sa.tooth" SLuare+" SLuare#" SLuare3" Drgan+" Drgan#" Drgan3" Spe0tra+" Spe0tra#" Spe0tra3" Spe0traG" Ri0hSa.+" Ri0hSa.#" Ri0hSa.3" Ri0hSa.G" Sa.Spe0+" Sa.Spe0#" VintSa.+" VintSa.#" VintSa.3" Sa.9ass+" Sa.9ass#" Sa.9ass3" Sa.9assG" Sa.9assH" Sa.9ass&" Sa.9ass;" Sa.9ass2 8a'e-orm RangesJ 3#K" +&K" 2K" GK" #K

Appendix C& LFO S%nc Settin(s

D--" +&I+S" +&I+" +&I+," 2I+S" 2I+" 2I+," GI+S" GI+" GI+," #I+S" #I+" #I+," +I+S" +I+" +I+," +I#S" +I#" +I#," +IGS" +IG" +IG," +I2S" +I2" +I2," +I+&S" +I+&" +I+&," +I3#S" +I3#" +I3#," +I&G" HI+&" ;I+&" 1I+&" HI2" ++I+&" +3I+&" ;I2" +HI+&* AoteJ K,K stan(s -or ,riplet an( KSK stan(s -or a (otte( note* In the 0ase o- a (otte( note" the note (uration is eLual to +*H times its original un(otte( 'alue*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page #G

Appendix *& Modulation Sources and *estinations

Mo(ulation Sour0esJ %%% =D-->" Aote playe( =log T logarithmi0>" Aote playe( =lin T linear>" Velo0ity" A-tertou0h=poly an( mono>" Pit0h 8heel" Mo(ulation 8heel" 9reath Controller" Foot Controller" E7pressionContr" CC+& Controller" CC+; Controller" CC+2 Controller" CC+1 Controller" Amp en'elope" Filter en'elope" LFD+" LFD#" LFD 3 an( Constant Mo(ulation ?estinationsJ %%%=D-->" Ds0 + Amplitu(e" Ds0 + Pit0h" Ds0 + Symmetry" Ds0 # Amplitu(e" Ds0 # Pit0h" Ds0 # Symmetry" Ds0 # Ringmo(" Aoise Amplitu(e" Filter Cuto--" Filter Cuto-FM" Filter Resonan0e" Main Amplitu(e" Main Pit0h" Matri7 ?epth +" Matri7 ?epth #" Matri7 ?epth 3" LFD + Spee(" LFD # Spee( Modulation Sources Aote playe( Log ,he note eing playe( .ith e7ponential response* ,he mo(ulation 'alue -ollo.s the -reLuen0y o- the playe( note = ipolar>* ,he note eing playe( .ith a linear response* ,he mo(ulation 'alue -ollo.s the note num er = ipolar>* ,he MI?I note%on 'elo0ity in-ormation* ,he har(er the 3ey is hit" the higher the mo(ulation 'alue =unipolar>* MI?I pressure I a-tertou0h in-ormation* Either polyphone or monophone =unipolar> ,he 'alue o- the pit0h%8heel is ta3es as mo(ulation sour0e" may e it ma3es sense to re(u0e the Pit0h 8heel range to $ .hen using the Pit0h 8heel as mo(ulation sour0e* ,he Pit0h 8heel is ipolar

Aote playe( Lin

Velo0ity A-tertou0h Pit0h 8heel

Mo(ulation 8heel ,he MI?I mo(ulation .heel =MI?I CC +> =unipolar > 9reath Controller Foot Controller MI?I CC # =unipolar>* MI?I CC G =unipolar>*

E7pression Contr* MI?I CC ++ =unipolar>*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page #H

CC+& Controller CC+; Controller CC+2 Controller CC+1 Controller LFD + LFD # LFD 3 Amp En'elope

MI?I CC +& = ipolar>* MI?I CC +; = ipolar>* MI?I CC +2 = ipolar>* MI?I CC +1 = ipolar>* LFD + = ipolar>* LFD # = ipolar>* LFD 3 = ipolar>* ,he en'elope o- the Main Amplitu(e* ,his en'elopes 0ontrol the o'erall Volume" ho.e'er i- it ma3es sense .ithin the preset to (o so" the en'elope 0an e use( as a mo(ulation sour0e =unipolar>* ,he en'elope o- the Filters Cuto--* ,his en'elopes 0ontrol the Filter 0uto-- -reLuen0y" ho.e'er i- it ma3es sense .ithin the preset to (o so" the en'elope 0an e use( as a mo(ulation sour0e =unipolar>* A 0onstant 'alue o- +" sometimes use-ul to apply stati0 mo(ulation" e*g* o- the os0illator symmetry* =unipolar>

Filter En'elope


Modulation *estinations Ds0 +"# Amplitu(e ,he amplitu(e o- Ds0illator + to #" use( in e7ample -or tremolo or -or a(4usting the alan0e o- the os0illators in the soun(* A*9* In or(er to 0reate the 0lassi0 tremolo e--e0t it is etter to use Main Amplitu(e as the mo(ulation (estination as this is applie( to the .hole 'oi0e* Ds0 +"# Pit0h ,he pit0h o- the respe0ti'e Ds0illator" use( in e7ample -or 'i rato or to 0ontrol (etuning o- the os0illators* A*9* In or(er to 0reate the 0lassi0 'i rato e--e0t it is etter to use Main Pit0h as the mo(ulation (estination as this is applie( to the .hole 'oi0e*

Ds0 +"# Symmetry Symmetry o- the respe0ti'e Ds0illator .a'e-orm" use( to thi03en a soun( or ma3e it s.irl" e--e0t (epen(s on intensity an( mo(ulation spee(" typi0ally .ith LFD*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


Page #&

Ds0 # Ringmo(

Controls the Ringmo( parameter o- Ds0 #" thus allo.s to (ynami0ally 0hange the mi7 o- os0illator # an( the ring mo(ulators output* ,he amplitu(e o- noise os0illator" mainly use( -or (ynami0ally a(4usting the alan0e o- the noise os0illators in the soun(* Cuto-- -reLuen0y o- the Filter" o-ten use( .ith an LFD to 0reate -ilter s.eeps or .ith Velo0ity to simulate an a0ousti0 instrument5s response to note atta03* ,he intensity o- the FM mo(ulation o- the -ilters 0uto-- -reLuen0y* Resonan0e o- Filter + or #" a rather su tle e--e0t" sometimes use( .ith an LFD or -or Keys0aling =Aote Lin or Aote E7p sour0e> to a(4ust Resonan0e o'er the 3ey range* D'erall amplitu(e o- all Ds0illators* D-ten use( -or tremolo or .ith Key Lin to a(4ust the 'olume o'er the 3ey oar(*

Aoise Amplitu(e Filter Cuto--

Filter Cuto-- FM Filter Resonan0e

Main Amplitu(e Main Pit0h

D'erall pit0h o- all os0illators* D-ten use( -or 'i rato*

Matri7 ?epth +"#"3 Intensity o- the -irst three entries =line + to 3> in the Mo(ulation Matri7" o-ten use( .ith the Mo(8heel as sour0e to 0ontrol a spe0i-i0 mo(ulation parameter =e*g* Vi rato>* LFD Spee( +"# Spee( o- LFD + or #" this allo.s tempo 0hanges o- the LFD to e programme(* ,ypi0ally this is use( .ith Key Lin to ma3e the LFD run -aster .ith higher notes*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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Appendix '& Usin( TU. Files

9y :a03y Ligon About Microtunin( Mi0rotuning" or Kmi0rotonalityK are metho(s -or tuning musi0al instruments .here y musi0ians may e7plore an( 0ompose .ith ethni0" histori0al an( 0ontemporary tuning% systems* Mi0rotuning musi0al instruments allo.s one to use s0ales .hi0h may ha'e pit0hes lying et.een the notes o- our -amiliar 8estern +# tone s0ale* ,hese pit0hes .hi0h are -oun( in the 50ra03s5 o- +# ,one ELual ,emperament are one othe things that gi'e musi05s o- 9ali" In(ia" A-ri0a" ,hailan(" ,ur3ey an( the Mi((le East =to name ut a -e.> a spe0ial intonational -la'or" ut is something that is oimmeasura le 'alue to the 0ontemporary a0ousti0 an( ele0troni0 0omposer" .ho may reLuire a more roa( palette o- musi0al pit0hes -or their musi0* ,he Luest -or 0reating eauti-ul an( musi0ally use-ul tuning%systems has een an unen(ing pro0ess o- (is0o'ery an( (e ate amongst musi0al theorists" mathemati0ians" physi0ists an( musi0ians going a03 to early history* Puite o-ten the reasons -or mi0rotuning instruments may in'ol'e impro'ing the 0onsonant inter'als o- a tuning%system -or s.eeter soun(ing harmonies" as .ell as o--ering .i(er 'ariety o- 0hoi0es -or melo(y* KMi0rotuningK an instrument 0an sometimes mean there may e less or more than +# tones in an o0ta'e" or e'en that the o0ta'e itsel- may e stret0he( or 0ompresse(* Mi0rotuning is a 'ast topi0" ri0h .ith lore" musi0 an( an in-inity o- musi0al possi ilities -or the soni0 e7plorer* Creatin( TU. microtunin( files with SCALA S0ala is a -ree.are utility (e'elope( y Manuel Dp (e Coul in the Aetherlan(s" .hi0h 0an e use( -or the 0reation an( analysis o- histori0al" ethni0 an( 0ontemporary mi0rotunings* A 0apa ility o- S0ala is that it ena les the user to 0reate the proprietary tuning (ata reLuire( -or mi0rotuning a .i(e range ohar(.are an( so-t.are synthesi/ers an( samplers* S0ala may e use( to 0reate the ,)A -ormat mi0rotuning%-iles nee(e( to e7plore mi0rotunings .ith this instrument* ,he S0ala home page is httpJII...*7sGall*nlIUhuygens-Is0alaI Specif%in( the #eference Fre/uenc% of a Microtunin( Dne o- the 0apa ilities o- the ,)A -ile -ormat an( S0ala" is the a ility to spe0i-y the pit0h an( mi(i note .hi0h .ill e the re-eren0e pit0h -or the mi0rotuning in use* ,his e0omes a 'ery important 0onsi(eration .hen one is using a num er o(i--erent synthesi/ers an( .ishes to 3eep them in tune .ith a gi'en ase -reLuen0y* It is 'ery 0ommon -or one to spe0i-y a 0hosen 0on0ert pit0h su0h as AGG$ !/ or
LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual 3*$ Page #2

C#&+*&#H& !/ as a re-eren0e -or a mi0rotuning" ho.e'er" the -le7i ility o- the ,)A -ormat an( S0ala ena les one to spe0i-y this -reLuen0y ar itrarily* In S0ala this re-eren0e is 0alle( Map FreLuen0y* As .ell as eing a le to spe0i-y the Map FreLuen0y" one 0an also spe0i-y a 0entral mi(i%note" .hi0h .ill e0ome the starting point -or the mi0rotuning in use* 9eing a le to spe0i-y a parti0ular mi(i%note on the 0ontroller" pro'i(es a .ay to map a mi0rotuning eginning on any (esire( mi(i 3ey" ma3ing it easier to na'igate the 3ey oar( .hen there may e more or less than +# tones per o0ta'e" or .here one may (esire to ha'e the notes o- a tuning -all on 0ertain physi0al 3eys* Important Aote 8hen one uses a ,)A mi0rotuning%-ile in the " the a o'e spe0i-ie( mapping properties .ill o'erri(e the Master ,uning re-eren0e* Aormally .hen one is using the (e-ault +# ,one ELual ,empere( S0ale" the Master ,uning .ill e use( to ma3e -ine pit0h a(4ustments aroun( the stan(ar( 0on0ert pit0h o- AGG$ !/" ut .hen one has spe0i-ie( another pit0h ase -or a mi0rotuning .hen the ,)A -ile is 0reate( in S0ala" su0h as C#&+*&#H& !/" the (ata in the ,)A mi0rotuning%-ile .ill pro'i(e a ne. pit0h re-eren0e*

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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Appendix F& Technical Specifications

AL!0A 1 Polyphony Preset Memory Ds0illators 8a'e-orms Filter En'elopes LFD PortamentoIGli(e 3# 'oi0es )nlimite( =(ire0t (is3 ase(> # Q Aoise =Ds0 Pit0h" Amplitu(e an( Symmetry mo(ulatea le>" -reerun s.it0ha le" Ring Mo(ulator 3$ 7 3$ 8a'e-orms LP+#" LP#G" 9P+#" !P+# .ith Saturation an( Filter FM 2 'oi0es )nlimite( =(ire0t (is3 ase(> # =Pit0h" Amplitu(e an( Symmetry mo(ulatea le> 3$ 7 3$ 8a'e-orms LP+#" LP#G" 9P+#" !P+# AL!0A F#''

A?SFR -or Amplitu(e an( Cuto-- =may A?SFR -or Amplitu(e an( Cuto-- =may e in'erte(> e in'erte(> 3 LFD5s & 8a'e-orms" Syn0a le to ,empo" Atta03 a(4usta le" MonoIPoly Mo(e Mono V polyphoni0 Aormal" !el( an( Auto%9en( =Q% G2 semitones> Mo(e .ith a(4usta le ,ime or Rate + to +# 'oi0es or All =3# 'oi0es> Yes" sprea( a(4usta le Yes" 1$ =analog .armth> to +$$O =(igital 0ol(> Yes =ECS> Yes" a(4usta le ?epth an( Spee( Yes" G3$*$ to GH$*$ !/ ; slot" +1 sour0es" +2 (estinations Separately a(4usta le upI(o.n + to #G semitones Yes" a(4usta le ,)A File support Yes + LFD" & 8a'e-orms" Syn0a le to ,empo" Atta03 a(4usta le Mono V polyphoni0 Aormal" !el( an( Auto%9en( =Q% G2 semitones> Mo(e .ith a(4usta le ,ime + to 2 'oi0es Ao Yes" 1$ =analog .armth> to +$$O =(igital 0ol(> Yes =ECS> Yes" a(4usta le ?epth an( Spee( Ao ; slot" +; sour0es" +G (estinations Fi7e( # semitones Ao Ao Ao

Voi0e Limit Polyphoni0 )nison Pre0ision MI?I Learn Chorus Master ,une Mo(ulation Matri7 Pit0h 9en( Range Pat0h Creator Mi0rotuning ,rue Mono%Mo(e

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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& !redefined 'CS assi(nments

,he MI?I%CC%parameter%assignments are automati0ally set up on start%up o- Drgan 3* D- 0ourse" the assignments 0an e repla0e( .ith your o.n pre-eren0es using the ECS -un0tion* CC +# Main Le'el CC +G Sprea( CC +H E7a0tness CC #$ Ds0 + 8a'e-orm + CC #+ Ds0 + Range + CC ## Ds0 + 8a'e-orm # CC #3 Ds0 + Range # CC #G Ds0 + 8a'e-orm Mi7 CC #& Ds0 # 8a'e-orm + CC #; Ds0 # Range + CC #2 Ds0 # 8a'e-orm # CC #1 Ds0 # Range # CC 3$ Ds0 # 8a'e-orm Mi7 CC 3+ Filter FM Sour0e CC &1 Ds0 ?etune CC ;$ Ds0 Ringmo(ulation CC ;+ Ds0 9alan0e CC ;# Aoise Le'el CC ;3 Filter FM ?epth CC ;G Filter En'elope ?epth CC ;H Filter En'elope Atta03 CC ;& Filter En'elope ?e0ay CC ;; Filter En'elope Sustain CC ;2 Filter En'elope Fa(e CC ;1 Filter En'elope Release CC 2$ Filter Cuto-- FreLuen0y CC 2+ Filter Resonan0e CC 2# Filter ?ri'e CC 23 Filter ,ype CC 2G Gli(e ,ime CC 2H Gli(e Mo(e CC 2& Gli(e 9en( CC 22 Amplitu(e E'elope Atta03 CC 21 Amplitu(e E'elope ?e0ay CC 1$ Amplitu(e E'elope Sustain CC +$# Amplitu(e E'elope Fa(e CC +$3 Amplitu(e E'elope Release CC +$G Amplitu(e Velo0ity Respon0e CC +$H LFD + Atta03 CC +$& LFD + 8a'e-orm CC +$; LFD + FreLuen0y CC +$2 LFD + Syn0 CC ++$ LFD # Atta03 CC +++ LFD # 8a'e-orm CC ++# LFD # FreLuen0y CC ++3 LFD # Syn0 CC ++H LFD 3 8a'e-orm CC ++& LFD 3 Syn0 CC ++; Chorus 8et CC ++2 Chorus ,ime CC ++1 Chorus Rate CC #H Matri7 Mo(ulation Amount + CC 2; Matri7 Mo(ulation Amount # CC +$1 Matri7 Mo(ulation Amount 3 ARPA +$#GI+$#H Preset pre'iousIne7t ARPA +$#&I+$#; 9an3 pre'iousIne7t

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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Appendix 0& Flow *ia(ram

LinPlug Alpha Series )ser Manual


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Appendix )& Midi CC mappin( on -ehrin(er -C# 2333

Dn the LinPlug .e site you -in( a MI?I CC mapping -or o.ners o- the 9ehringer 9CR #$$$ 0ontroller" so the 9CR#$$$ 0an e optimally use( .ith the Alpha 3 synthesi/er* Dnly the -irst ro. o- s.it0hes elo. the top ro. o- (ials is use( -or this MAlpha3 9CR#$$$*sy7N template* ,he Fa(e F an( Fa(e A s.it0hes are a Lui03 option to set the Fa(e parameter o- the Filter an( Amplitu(e en'elope to neutral =no -a(e" thus a stan(ar( A?SR>* ,he M8 assignment is the Mo(ulation 8heel =4ust in 0ase you not ha'e any on your MI?I 3ey oar(>* All other assignments shoul( e pretty 0lear -rom the ( elo.* 8e suggest you print it an( put it asi(e your 9CR #$$$ until you got -amiliar .ith it*

,o loa( the mapping into your 9CR#$$$ you nee( to trans-er the MI?I system e70lusi'e (ata -ile MAlpha3 9CR#$$$*sy7* ,his might e a le right -rom your host or .ith a MI?I tool li3e MSysE7 Li rarianN on Ma0 or MMI?I%DBN on PC* Aote that the mapping only .or3s as e7pe0te( .ith the ECS Fa0tory Settings as (es0ri e( in Appen(i7 G*

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