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Samantha Pickens Circle Classroom Sebastian, 13 months ISTAR-KR Matrix: Social Emotional Core Standard 1: Sense of Self and

Others Rating 1: Demonstrates self-awareness Sebastian looked in the mirror behind the couch. When he looked in the mirror he saw his reflection and started to smile. He made loud noises and said, hi. The next step for Sebastian is to recognize his name and respond to it consistently.

Core Standard 2: Manages Emotions Rating 1: Expresses a variety of emotions Sebastian played with a teacher. The teacher was stomping around the room with Sebastian and making noises. Sebastian clapped his hands and laughed.

Core Standard 3: Interpersonal Skills Rating 1: Interacts with caregiver Sebastian indicated that he wanted to be picked up. A teacher was standing near him and he held up his arms at her. She extended her arms as he put his down and he lifted them again. The next step for Sebastian in this category is to demonstrate an awareness of the presence of other children.

Core Standard 4: Responsibility Rating 1: Recognizes steps in familiar routines Sebastian walked over to the snack table. A teacher went to get snack ready and Sebastian saw her. He walked over to the table and waited until another teacher helped him wash his hands. The next step for Sebastian in this category is to participate more in group activities.

Core Standard 5: Problem Solving Rating 1: Initiates an action to get a desired effect Sebastian looked for a toy his teacher had hidden under her leg. The two of them played with the toy and then the teacher hid it. Sebastian leaned over her to see where the toy had gone.

Core Standard 6: Learning Rating 1: Demonstrates Curiosity Sebastian played with a toy that opened and shut. He had flipped the switch to open the object and then used his hands to close it again.

ISTAR-KR Matrix: Physical Core Standard 1: Sensory Integration Rating 2: Tolerates a variety of sensory input Sebastian put a grasshopper toy in his mouth and chewed on it. He picked it up off of the floor and put one of the feet in his mouth. Then he put the grasshopper on his finger and put its head in his mouth. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to be comfortable being moved. Currently, Sebastian becomes upset when moved.

Core Standard 2: Physical Stability Rating 4: Demonstrates stability, balance and control in upright position A teacher put a toy ladybug on the blue mat next to her. Sebastian walked over and looked at the bug. He stooped down and picked up the ladybug, then stood back up and put the ladybug in his mouth. Sebastian is at the top of this standard and fulfills all the skills in rating 4. Core Standard 3: Gross Motor Skills Rating 4: Coordinates forward movement Sebastian walked from center to center in the classroom. When he arrived at the Child Study Center, he was asked by a teacher to go and wash his hands. He walked over to the sink and washed his hands with assistance. Then he walked over to the carpet area and hugged the teacher that was sitting on the floor with an infant. He saw a toy on the floor and picked it up. Then he walked over to the discovery table and used his fingers to explore the sand. The next skill in this rating is for Sebastian is to jump forward.

Core Standard 4: Object Control Rating 2: Releases objects with control Sebastian picked up a starfish from the sealift shelf and put it in his mouth. He walked over to the teacher and held his hand out for her to take the starfish. When she put her hand out, he pulled his hand back in and then gave her the starfish. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to use one hand to hold an object while using the other to manipulate it.

Core Standard 5: Precision Hand Skills Rating 1: Grasps small objects Sebastian picked up an infant toy from the infant basket. He picked up the toy baby bottle shaker and saw that the infant was banging his hand on the table. Sebastian then banged the toy on the table with the infant. Then Sebastian walked over to the snack table and banged the toy on the table. The next skill for Sebastian in this standard is to manipulate a variety of buttons on a pop up box.

ISTAR-KR Matrix: Personal Care Core Standard 1: Oral Rating 4: Chews with rotary movement Sebastian ate cheese cubes and crackers during snack. He put a piece of cheese in his mouth and used his tongue to move and munch the solid food.

Core Standard 2: Self-feeding Rating 2: Assists in feeding self Sebastian assisted in self-feeding. During snack time he picked up his cup to take a drink. He occasionally needed help tipping his cup high enough. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to help him hold his utensils to eat.

Core Standard 3: Dressing/Undressing Rating 3: Cooperates in dressing/undressing Sebastian helped put on his shoes to go to the outside classroom. When a teacher led him over the shoe cubbies and set his shoes in front of him, he picked them up and undid the Velcro. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to assist in pulling off pieces of clothing when getting undressed.

Core Standard 4: Care of hands, face, nose Rating 1: Cooperates in personal care routines Sebastian cooperated in washing his hands. He was helped up onto the stool by a teacher and was assisted in getting soap and turning on the water. Then Sebastian put his hands under the water. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to be more independent in washing and drying his hands and knowing what the routine is. Core Standard 5: Toileting Rating 0: No evidence There is no evidence of this standard for Sebastian. He wears diapers and is changed by teachers in the classroom. He has given teachers no indication of soiled diapers and he has not been placed on a toilet or started toilet training.

ISTAR-KR Matrix: Mathematics Core Standard 1: Counting, Cardinality, and Operations Base Ten Counting and Quantity Rating 1: Demonstrates awareness of the presence of objects Sebastian observed a hanging mobile that was put in front of his face. Teachers were attaching the mobile to the ceiling and it was held in front of him before they put it up. He was engaged in a puzzle but looked up at the mobile and studied it for a minute before going back to his puzzle. The next step in this standard for Sebastian is to indicate a desire for more of something.

Core Standard 2: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Computations Rating 1: Manipulates objects for a purpose Sebastian manipulated clay. He was given a tool to use on the clay and he lifted it to his mouth to explore it. He then set it back on the table and lifted the clay up to his mouth. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to line up objects.

Core Standard 3: Measurement and Data Time Rating 1: Anticipates a routine Sebastian anticipated snack time. When a teacher said, It is time to wash our hands for snack Sebastian went over to the snack table and sat down in a chair.

Core Standard 3: Measurement and Data Location Rating 1: Demonstrates an awareness of location of objects Sebastian identified a part of his body. I asked Sebastian where his ears were and he put both hands over his ears. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to put things in and out of other things.

Core Standard 3: Measurement and Data Length, Capacity, Weight, Temperature There is no evidence of Sebastian fulfilling this standard. While he has shown some of the skills in rating one, there is no measurement of those skills. When he wants to repeat an action he does not indicate that he wants more. He will repeat a desirable action by himself.

Core Standard 4: Geometry Sorting and Classifying Objects Rating 1: Explore attributes (e.g. shape, size, color) Sebastian used a shape toy to explore triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles. A teacher pulled out the toy for him and he sat down and pulled the shapes out of the toy and placed them back in their spots.

ISTAR-KR Matrix: English/Language Arts Core Standard 1: Word Recognition, Fluency and Vocabulary Development Demonstrates awareness of sounds Rating 2: Produces a variety of sounds Sebastian repeated a word from a song that was sung in the classroom. The teachers sung the turtle song for the children and at the end of the song they said, pop. Sebastian danced to the song and at the end he repeated the word pop. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to blend individual sounds into words.

Core Standard 1: Word Recognition, Fluency and Vocabulary Development Demonstrates awareness of symbols Rating 1: Responds to familiar pictures Sebastian looked at his family poster in the classroom. When he pointed to the pictures on the wall, a teacher took it down for him to look at. When he looked at the pictures, he pointed to the picture of his mother and father and made excited sounds while he waved his hands around. He said mama. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is to make sounds related to a picture, such as seeing a cow and saying moo.

Core Standard 2 & 3: Reading Informational and Literary Text Uses print for pleasure and information Rating 1: Engages with a book Sebastian took a book off of the bookrack. He sat down next to another child and put the book on the floor. Then he turned the pages of the book while he looked at the pictures.

Core Standard 2 & 3: Reading Informational and Literary Text Comprehends details, events and main ideas Rating 1: Reacts to a story or event Sebastian sat at circle time. He was sat down with the other children and he watched the teacher as she opened a book. When she started reading, he leaned forward to look at the pictures in the book. The next step for Sebastian in this standard is for him to anticipate phrases from a predicable story.

Core Standard 4 & 5: Writing Informational and Literary Text Writing for a specific purpose and audience Rating 1: Intentionally makes marks and scribbles Sebastian drew on newspaper. When he picked up a crayon a teacher asked him if he wanted to draw. Sebastian proceeded to put the crayon on the newspaper and make marks.

Core Standard 6: English Language Conventions Rating 1: Grasps writing tools Sebastian used a crayon to draw on newspaper. He picked up a green crayon out of the tray and held in in his hand. He put it to the paper and moved the crayon up and down to make marks. The next step for Sebastian is to be able to hold a crayon or marker correctly.

Core Standard 7: Listening and speaking Demonstrates receptive language Rating 2: Responds to familiar gestures and words Sebastian played in the classroom. A teacher said bye-bye and Sebastian waved. The sequence repeated and Sebastian waved when she said byebye.

Core Standard 7: Listening and speaking Demonstrates expressive language Rating 1: Uses gestures or sounds to communicate Sebastian interacted with another child. The infant was in a ball pit and Sebastian leaned over and said hi.

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