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The most important concept that I have learned is that teaching is both an "art" and a "science".

Education is research-based and there are many best practices that I will implement in my classroom. How students learn is very important for me to understand and apply in order to be an effective teacher. It is also important to know the content of what I am teaching. However, there is the "art" of building relationships and interacting with people from very diverse walks of life. These are skills that cannot be learned from a book or a classroom, yet will have the opportunity to practice these concepts daily. An effective teacher molds both the "art" and the "science" into one skill set. Without either the "art" or the "science" then one is not teaching. What teaching means to me is building lifelong relationships to help other people develop themselves.

Two types of accommodations for disabled students include allowing more time to complete assignments and allowing different types of responses. A student with cognitive or other disabilities may need extra time to complete assignments, so I will provide an extended deadline to them in order to allow them extra processing time or time to respond properly to the questions. As for different types of responses, if an

assignment is to be written I will allow the student to dictate their response, or respond verbally or even with art or kinesthetics. The point of this is to find out what the student understands rather than how well they can present their information in a particular format.

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