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To: From: Date: Subject:

Melodee L. Nichole Steinfeldt October 20, 2013 SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT THROUGH SEX EDUCATION

Overview I propose that we collaborate with the Utah Aids Foundation and Salt Lake Community Colleges Health and Wellness Department to help raise awareness to the students about the rising issues of sexually transmitted infections/diseases. With the help of the Utah AIDS Foundation we could be backed up by information and the Health and Wellness Department could help supply the means for students that have questions about STDs and STIs. This project has many benefits that will help students at SLCC in Business 2200, as well as future business professionals: Raise awareness to students that are unaware of the rising problems of STDs and STIs. Provide services to students at SLCC that would either like information or sex packages Teach these business students how to effectively collaborate, communicate and conduct constructive questions

Rationale Creating this booklet will help educate and provide information for the students at SLCC. As mentioned above, this booklet will provide: Information on the rising problems of STDs and STIs Services and resources to students at SLCC A connection to the Health and Wellness Department with a non profit organization Different options in contraceptives The booklet will also provide stunning facts about people in Utah that do not contraceptives. This booklet will provide a means of advertisement for both the Utah AIDS Foundation and SLCCs Health and Wellness Department. Many students are unaware of

Service Learning Project Through Sex Education Page 2

the services that SLCC offers and this will be a means of advertisement to show that SLCC offers things such as contraceptives, STD and STI tests and pregnancy tests. To prepare ourselves for the business world, its important to collaborate with other companies and businesses. Collaboration is a means to show support and strength in a certain topic or problem. Plan/Time Frame In order to collaborate with both the Health and Wellness Department and the Utah AIDs Foundation, we will have a set out schedule including interviews, collaborations and setting up the booklet altogether. Time Frame Week 1 Week 2-3 Week 4-5 Week 6-7

Plan collaboration by creating interview questions and contact the Utah AIDS Foundation and the Health and Wellness Department Research other online researches and compare facts Complete research, analyze data, and begin written report Finish written report and present to class

Personnel There is a great need for this booklet and set of services at SLCC. In order to better communicate and come up with good questions having four group members would help the idea succeed and progress. Team members will work together to help gather the most needed information for what SLCC students need. With four members, their opinions and input will matter to benefit other students.

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