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LPortfollo uvulluble uon request

1o obtuln u teuchlng osltlon ln u quullfled ureu

Sumford Unlverslty, 8lrmlnghum AL
8uchelor of Sclence ln Lducutlon
Lurly ChlldhoodjSeclul LducutlonjLlementury LducutlonjColluborutlve Legree
(8lrth 6
Crude) Cluss 8 Certlflcutlon
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8ryun Llementury School, Srlng zc

vulley Llementury School, Srlng zc


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Eomewood Mlddle School, lull zc
grude selfcontulned: 1uught soclul skllls und wrltlng content lessons uslng extended und
trlle u stundurds for students wlth vurlous seclul needs lncludlng Lown syndrome, Autlsm,
Cerebrul Pulsy, und 1ruumutlc 8ruln lnjury
Admlnlstered l1LAll, observed lLP reevuluutlon meetlng und deslgned u soclul story
Eund ln Eund, lull zc
Preschool lncluslon: 1uught lessons ln muth und reudlng uslng usslstlve technology for students
wlth Cerebrul Pulsy und Levelomentul Leluy
Admlnlstered lSLALS und vlnelund Adutlve 8ehuvlor Assessment, revlewed lLP cumulutlve flle,
develoed und lmlemented behuvlor chunge lun
Cuk Mountuln Llementury School, lull zc

grude resource: 1uught soclul lunguuge lessons for students wlth Autlsm
Admlnlstered Runnlng Record, wrote un lLP ln Sets, und creuted udututlons for LSL student
Arrlngton Mlddle School (lnner clty), Srlng zc
grude: 1uught muth content lessons for students ln u 1ltle school uslng Prometheun 8ourd
technology und AMS1l strutegles
1ruce Crosslngs Llementury School, lull zc

grude: 1uught lessons ln reudlng und develoed und lmlemented un uctlon reseurch lun for
struggllng students, lmlemented mornlng lnterventlon ln muth und reudlng for 1ler ll und 1ler lll
Mountuln 8rook Llementury School, Srlng zcz

grude: observed lessons, erformed clerlcul tusks
8rookvllle Llementury School (rurul), Srlng zcz
llndergurten: observed lessons, erformed clerlcul tusks, usslsted wlth usslgnments, gruded uers,
udmlnlstered vocubulury und selllng ussessments

'umle lerguson z
Roblnson Llementury School, Srlng zcz

grude: observed lessons, erformed clerlcul tusks, usslsted wlth usslgnments, usslsted ln
leudlng smull grou reudlng lnterventlon
Cruce Mlddle School, 'unuury zcz
grude: observed the school's reudlng couch und usslsted ln comlllng dutu on students

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Lee vs. Mucon 1rulnlng lull zc
Professlonul Leurnlng Communlty: lntrlnslc Motlvutlon lull zc
Presenter for Eomewood Mlddle School Professlonuls on 1echnology lull zc
Llsuggreguted Lutu Presentutlon Srlng zc
AMS1l 1rulnlng Srlng zc
LdCum 8lrmlnghum Srlng zc
Professlonul Leurnlng Communlty: Llverslty ln the Clussroom Srlng zc
Mentor Progrum wlth Lr. 8etsy Rogers, zcc Nutlonul 1eucher of the Yeur Srlng zc
1ruce Crosslngs R1l Mornlng lnterventlon lull zczSrlng zc
1ruce Crosslngs Reudlng Commlttee lull zcz
1ruce Crosslngs Reud for the Record lull zcz
LLL Semlnur lull zcz
ARA Conference lull zcz
Crunt vrltlng und Proosul lull zcz
Actlon Reseurch ln Llterucy lull zcz

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Asslstunt to Llrector of Cumus vlslts zcczcz
vorked ln the Cfflce of Admlsslon schedullng cumus tours, urrunglng fuculty meetlngs, und
orchestrutlng overnlght vlslts for ersectlve students ulong wlth clerlcul tusks.
veekly 1our Culde zczcz
Cuve weekly tours to ersectlve students und fumllles for Sumford Cfflce of Admlsslon
Nunny zczzc
Munuged everyduy uctlvltles for fumlly of three chlldren uged 6, und months
Uerclussmen Resldent Asslstunt zczzc
ln churge of 8 resldents, bullt communlty, creuted monthly bulletln bourds, lunned und fucllltuted
monthly hull uctlvltles und uttended weekly und monthly stuff meetlngs
Lntre Nous, Sumford Unlverslty Yeurbook, Sectlon Ldltor zczc

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luu Leltu Pl, Lducutlon Eonor Soclety Member Srlng zczresent
Alhu Leltu Pl Sororlty, luu Chuter Member lull zccresent
Punhellenlc Councll, Llected Cfflcer
Llrector of Publlc Relutlons zcczc
vlce Presldent of Membershl Lducutlon zczcz
Unlverslty Mlnlstrles
Clobul lnvolvement Commlttee, Member zczzc
Mlsslon 1rl to luulu Lumur, Muluyslu Summer zcz

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1echnology: Moodle, Ldmodo, Schoology, veebly, Prezl, SMAR1 bourd, Prometheun bourd
lnterests: lmlementlng effectlve technology ln the clussroom, ProjectjProblem 8used Leurnlng

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