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Luke Walker Ms. Caruso Engl 1101 10/31/13 Just a Smoke

Comment [BC1]: MLA: - change font and font size - change date format

Comment [LW2]: Fix header make unique title Comment [LW3]:

I am sure that even if one has never smoked, then they . If one has never smoked then one can at least recall the smell of a cigarette The horrible odor that cripples the life inside of those who smoke, as some may see it. For others, they are viewed as way to take a break and calm theirselves from the stresses of the work week. Some only do it when they drink, some do it all the time and some want it banned entirely. Each and every person has a schema developed about smoking that is unique to themselves. Some of our views are shaped by information and ads provided by the media. Just like our opinions these ads have a message of their own. For various auidences the the image of the young boyof the young boymay appear very extreme and morbid. The image depicts a young boy who is suffocating in a plastic bag of secondhand smoke. The ad is sponsorored by the Children Corporation Against Cancer. So the ad will appeal particulaly to parents. The sight of a child suffer reminds a parent of their child and motivates them to quit smoking. A consistant smoker may see the ad as a reminder, but due to the constant nagging of being told to quit and all of the smoking ads they have seen in the past makes the ad old hat to them. For a younger auidence, it comes across as a scare tactic for the youth. As a children, I can remember kids are shown ads and videos that depict this images during their health class.being showen to us as students in health class.These type of ads are shown to motivate children to never smike.I remember being scared straight and thinking, I will never smoke. For those who work in the tobacco industry, the ad could potential cost their

Comment [BC4]: Rather than taking out you and substituting it for another, try changing up the sentence. Ex: Surely, even those who have never smoked can at least recall

Comment [BC5]: This is very general, and also sets up your paper to discuss all of your ads equally. Remember what we talked about in class the main idea should be in the intro. The supporting ideas should be left to the body of the paper. Comment [BC6]: So far, your audience doesnt know what you are talking about.

Comment [BC7]: These sentences are a bit choppy and short.

Comment [BC8]: How might you orient this story to take yourself out of it and professionalize your language a bit more?

Walker 1

workplaces revenue and potentially there jobs. Ads like the camel ad, are used to show smoking as cool and pleasant. It portrays the town Hollywood, to show that smokingit is a famous and hip fad. The use of a new car and an attractive women in the background portrays it as hip. Also the use of the hollywood sign is representative of fame and importance. These elements are used to present smoking as an attractive hobby while in reality, it is much more dreadful. In advertising, if the company can portray a product or idea as cool, then the auidence is much more likely to purchase the product to make themselves feel more important and cool.. To make the intended message shine through To portray the message of cigarettes as a harmful deadly drug, ddrastic measure are used by showing a child suffocating to death. This message hits home with parents and populations concerned about children, which is a huge group of people. The anti smoking ads are designed to target human emotions. The majority of people know at least one person who has experienced health effects associated with cigarettes. This association of a persons past motivates them to not smoke and stops the effects associated with cigarettes. In tThe ad with the suffocating childwas bias was showned in the direction of those against smoking. Health figures, such as the Surgeon General , approves ads like these. The surgeon general and interest groups that are associated with him, proposed campaigns such as no more smoking in resturaunts and warning labels on tobacco products. Also the ad is sponsored by the Children Corporation Against Cancer, so it has a health motivated message. This sponsorship was very small on the ad and can only be seen when you look in depth, this technique is used to allow the auidence to look further in depth to understand all of the motives behind the advertisment. Because of this technique the audience may not be turned off from the ad right away, the way most smokers are by corporation ran advertising, for they are simply tired
Comment [BC13]: Show how prominent this sponsorship is in the ad. Do you see the logo right away? Comment [BC12]: Show where this is coming from. Comment [BC11]: Name it, and also work on transitioning back into that original ad, after talking about another one. Comment [BC9]: How does it portray Hollywood as cool? Comment [BC10]: Pay attention to your wording.

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of hearing the same message, allowing for the deeper speculation in the advertisment to understand the complete message.My high school teacher used to tell if the government would have paid tobacco companies the revenue made through cigarette sales to make them stop selling tobacco products, then in the long run money would be saved from the money spent on health costs covered by the government.
Comment [BC14]: Im not sure I understand what youre getting at here. Are you able to say this differently?

Near the beginning of my childhood Fox movies would present an ad along with the movie trailers before the movies. These ads portrayed a transition of smoking as cool and hip to an elderly man in hospital dying of lung cancer. When it comes to smoking ads the true harshness of long term effects is shown to convey an anti-smoking message. Especially when this ad was placed in movies for younger audiences, a greater effect was introduced on the young minds of children. The Camel ad picture would be portrayed in magazines, to show its audience that smoking was a cool thing to do. Most people can recognize the stoma ad, for most major television networks shown in past years. The media uses multiple media sources to convey their intended messages. The suffocating child adIt is usesd a scare tactics to show the potential harmful effects of smoking. Even though smoking renown for being unhealthy, sometimes it takes extreme scenarios to reiterate it through the thick skulls of humans. Advertising companies are very crafty with their placement of ads. I remember as a child seeing the ads on Saturday mornings cartoons and getting terrified. In the anti-smoking ads dark gray and black colors are used to show a sense of tragedy and sickness. The child in the focus ad used is under a spotlights, as if the ad is bring the effects on secondhand smoking to the surface and light. Everything but the smoke and the child is fading
Comment [BC15]: I can see where youre coming form here, but you present this paragraph as a look to your childhood, which doesnt fit in with the rest of your paper. Comment [BC16]: What is it?

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out to focus in on the main message of the ad. The child is also wearing a grayish yellow shirt, which is a color associated with illness and disease in humans. The colors used in the focus ad are associated with deaths and funerals. This ad is similar to the other two anti-smoking ads, in their sense of morbidity. In the smoking gun advertisement similarities can be seen with the focus ad for they both contain a both contain a black back drop and smoke taking form of something that can kill. In the very recognizable ad with the women with her stoma, the color is pale blue, which is a color associated with hospitals. The anti-smoking ads use color to enhance the mood of depression and death in the advertisments. While the Camel ad is shown with the colors represented in a sunset. The ad shows a camel, whom is well dressed with a beautiful lady on a shiny red sports car. The advertiser is defiantly trying to portray smoking as a cool, positive act. The Hollywood hill is shown in the background to associate it smoking with fame and glamour. The bright colors in the pro-smoking ad are shown in contrast with the morbidity of the anti-smoking ads. Advertising companies often use color to present an effect to persuade their audience in a particular manor. In the ads pictured the different approach of advertisements can be seen through the uses of color, placement and other various techniques. Also different attitudes and views on ads are seen by the differing background of human beings. Advertisers use scare tactics and dark colors to present a sense of negativity. Whether an individual has a definite opinion on smoking or not, cigarette ads have a substantial impact on a human and their own opinion.
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.25", Space After: 0 pt, Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style, Line spacing: Double

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