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November 29, 2013 To Whom It May Concern, I have had the privilege of working with Mr. Jorge Guilln for the last four years at Dolores Huerta Elementary School. I teach students with Special Needs on the Alternate Curriculum and Mr. Guilln has been my partner teacher for mainstreaming my students into a General Education Classroom. To find a teacher who will take my students into their classroom is not an easy task. However, not only does Mr. Guilln enthusiastically invite my students to his class, he treats them as they were his own students. He goes beyond his call of duty for my students in every way possible. On one occasion, he saw my Teacher Assistants have trouble taking care of all my students colds during recess time (because some of my students wear diapers and need reminders when to blow their noses), therefore the next day he brought a plastic container for my students. In the container were wipes, tissue paper, gloves, paper towels and wet napkins. This gesture was a typical move by Mr. Guilln, because no one asked him for favors, but he saw a problem and he took initiative to solve it. Mr. Guilln is not only loved by all students on campus, but he is trusted by the teachers as well. He is the one we can always talk to when we are stressed and/or need help with something. When talking with Mr. Guilln, we know we will always be heard. He takes his job seriously and always shows leadership in any given situation. He has taken the lead in our Friday Morning Assemblies, Music Programs, Safety Committee and Dance Choreography to name a few. My students light up every time they see Mr. Guilln walk by, because he represents fun and inclusion. My students are able to dance with their general ed. peers and let loose with Mr. Guillns charismatic personality. Parents of my students are humbled with joy when they watch their student with special needs dance in a performance with his general ed. students. This is all due to Mr. Guillns passion and openness. I cannot thank Mr. Guilln enough for all the support he provides to my students and Im motivated by his positive energy for the whole school. I have witnessed Mr. Guilln support new Kindergarten teachers while being the Grade Level Chair and also teach two grades and classes at the same time when there was an emergency situation at work. He is our Dolores Huerta Superman. I believe Mr. Guilln will be able to flourish in any situation he is put in and I would be the first to follow in his lead.

Sincerely, Sabrina Sheikh SPED Teacher

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