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Needs Improvement Created a food web with incorrect food chains. None of the organisms are classified as a producer, consumer, or decomposer in the food web. Less than 75% of the items that need to be identified have labels OR it is not clear which label goes with which organism. Less than 75% of the assigned structures are drawn AND/OR labeled accurately.

Includes accurate food chains

Includes 3 different trophic levels for each food chain (producer, consumer, decomposers) Organisms are labeled correctly

Created a food web with all 4 accurate food chains. All organisms are classified as a producer, consumer, or decomposer in the food web. Every item that needs to be identified has a label. It is clear which label goes with which organism.

Created a food web with at least 3 accurate food chains. Most organisms are classified as a producer, consumer, or decomposer in the food web. Almost all items (90%) that need to be identified have labels. It is clear which label goes with which organism. 94-85% of the assigned structures are drawn accurately and are recognizable. All assigned structures are labeled accurately

Created a food web with at least 2 accurate food chains. Some organisms are classified as a producer, consumer, or decomposer in the food web. Most items (7580%) that need to be identified have labels. It is clear which label goes with which organism. 84-75% of the assigned structures are drawn accurately and are recognizable. 8475% of assigned structures are labeled accurately.

General Accuracy 95% or more of the assigned structures are draw accurately and are recognizable. All assigned structures are labeled accurately.

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