Leanne Wilson - Resume Amn

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Leanne M.

1723 1/2 Diamond St. San Diego, CA 92109 - leannewilson05@gmail.com - (971 239-9930 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE San Diego State University, San Diego, CA !ac"elo# o$ Science e%&ected Decem'e# 2013 (a)o#* +os&italit, and -o.#ism (anagement / (eeting 0 12ent 3&e#ations WORK EXPERIENCE San Diego i!e " Kaya! To#rs, San Diego, CA Sales 4e&#esentati2e, ((a, 2013 / 5#esent - 6m&lement tactical sales st#ategies to a 2a#iet, o$ &otential c.stome#s - 6denti$, di$$e#ent t,&es o$ '.,e#s to s.ccess$.ll, c.stomi7e se#2ices and meet needs - 5#o2ide e%cellent c.stome# se#2ice w"ile managing a "ig" 2ol.me o$ calls Ugly Dog Events$ San Diego, CA 4ace Coo#dinato# 6nte#ns"i&, (8an.a#, 2013 / A&#il 2013 - 4es&onsi'le $o# &#e&a#ing st#ategic e2ent o&e#ations &lans - 9o#: colla'o#ati2el, to design co.#se, c"allenges, &ost-#ace, and manage e2ent ;.alit, - Constantl, comm.nicate .&dates and c"anges to clients, sta$$, s&onso#s, and c"a#ities Cata%aran &otel Resort an' S(a$ San Diego, CA +otel 4otation 6nte#ns"i& (Se&tem'e# 2012-Decem'e# 2012 - 4otate 'etween 11 de&a#tments incl.ding Sales, Cate#ing, Acco.nting, Sec.#it,, and (aintenance to lea#n all as&ects o$ +otel (anagement - 1%ceeded c.stome# e%&ectations w"ile maintaining 2a#io.s e2ents s.ccess in !an;.ets T)e &e**ernan +ro#($ San Diego, CA Administ#ati2e Assistant (A.g.st 2011 / 3cto'e# 2011 - Answe# tele&"ones in a &#om&t and &#o$essional manne# - Comm.nicate all sc"ed.led a&&ointments wit" 5#esident - (aintain an o#de#l, and o#gani7ed $iling s,stem wit" client in$o#mation ,OLUNTEER EXPERIENCE S#%%er Servi-e Learning Progra% in R#ral C)ina$ <ing#en, =.i7"o., C"ina -sing".a >ni2e#sit,, !ei)ing C"ina (8.l, 2012 - 1d.cational 5o2e#t, Alle2iation 5#og#am in 4.#al C"ina - St#.ct.#ed co.#ses to "el& im&#o2e 1nglis" s:ills to st.dents o$ all le2els - (oti2ated +ig" Sc"ool st.dents to attend college and ac"ie2e t"ei# d#eams CERTI.ICATIONS " SKILLS - Del&"i ce#ti$ication, C?1@- ce#ti$ication, Aig"tS&eed 53S, and Con2e#sational Ame#ican Sign Aang.age

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