Lesson 1 Earth Materials Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate: Mary Margaret ONeal Subject/Grade: Science-1st Grade

Lesson: #1

Date and Time of Lesson: 10-03-13

Learning Objective: The students will be able to recognize the different types of earth materials including: rocks, sand, soil, and water and what they are used for. Alignment with Standards: South Carolina Science Academic Standards: Standard 1-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties of Earth materials. (Earth Science) 1-4.1 Recognize the composition of Earth (including rocks, sand, soil, and water) Common Core Standards: W.1.8- With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: This lesson will go alongside the lessons they have already completed about rocks. The students will learn the different types of materials that the earth is made up of so this lesson will give them a better understand of Rocks, soil, sand and water. Students will need to have a general knowledge of what these materials are so that they can see the differences of why they are used in specific places. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Pre-Assessment: I will ask questions: Are all rocks alike? Are all rocks the same color? What is sand made of? How are sand and water similar? Can anyone raise
their hand and tell me what a characteristic is?

During Assessment: Students will be able to correctly identify the different characteristics of each material by completing their activity sheet. Post-Assessment: Students will be able to correctly depict where specific earth materials are located by creating a picture and a sentence about the earth material they chose. Lesson Objective(s) Student will be able to recognize the composition of rocks, sand, soil, and water when give a specific place as to where each material might be. Use of Formative Assessment After our group We will use this presentation and information in future discussion, the student will lessons when we talk match the correct earth about the different material to its description. earth materials and The four earth materials how they are each (Rocks, Sand, Soil, Water) used. This lesson is Assessment(s) of the Objective(s)

will be at the front of the room for the students to refer to if needed. The students will also draw a picture using two of the four materials we discussed as well as a descriptive sentence of what their picture is and the earth materials they used.

an introduction lesson to basic earth materials.

Accommodations: In my class, we do not have any students with an IEP or English Language Learners. I do however, have students who work at different paces. After the students finish their picture about the earth material they choose to draw about, they will sit quietly at their desk and color on their privacy folder for the next few minutes. Materials: SMART board, rocks, sand, soil, water, containers (for each material), activity sheet, scissors, glue, large drawing pad (teachers use), pencil, crayons, writing paper with picture box, paper towels. Procedures: - I will begin the class by having the examples (rocks, sand, potting soil, and water) set up in the middle of the floor so that everyone can see them. The students will be on the carpet in a circle. - I will introduce the different materials (Rocks, Sand, Soil, and Water). I will explain to the student that the soil we are using is potting soil and it is very similar to soil you find outside but it not the exact same thing. -While introducing the materials, I will ask the students if they can name each material. Can anyone raise their hand and tell me what a characteristic is? A characteristic is what you use to describe something. We will then list each material on the SMART board and list different characteristics of each one: What are some characteristics of a ______? Rock: solid, hard, rough, shapes are different, different sizes, glittery Sand: crushed rocks, grainy, on the beach, different colors Potting Soil: used to grow plants, loose, sometimes wet feeling, made up of crushed rocks and water Water: wet, can be salty, in lakes, pools, we drink it, if its not in a container, itll go everywhere To show how water would go everywhere, I will dump a few rocks out on the table and point out that the rocks kept their shape even though they arent in a container. What do you think will happen if I were to pour water onto the table?

-I will then spill a little bit of water onto the desk to show that water needs to be in a container of some sort so that it does not spill everywhere. - (I will also tell them the example of spilling their milk at lunch and how much more messy that would be than if they were to spill a bag of pretzels on the table.) -The students are then dismissed back to their seat for the next activity. -I will pass out the activity sheet for each student. -After the students write their name on their paper, I will tell them to cut off the bottom of their paper on the dotted line. -The students can then cut out each picture and wait for us to go over the worksheet. -Once everyone has their pictures cut out, I will then read each description for the 4 earth materials. -The student can then individually glue the earth material they think is correct on the box. -Everyone will then return to their spot in the circle on the carpet when they have completed their activity. -We will talk about the activity sheet after everyone is finished to see if everyone understood the pictures. -I will then introduce our next activity. -The students will then be asked to think of a place (such as a beach or the lake) where they will find at least 2 of the 4 earth materials. I will then give an example of the descriptive sentence that they can write to tell me what earth materials are in their picture.
-The students will be dismissed back to their desks to work on their paper.

-Once I have checked their picture and they have finished their descriptive sentence, they can add labels to their pictures. -When the student is finished completely with their picture, they can then
-I will walk around and monitor the students work. -After a few minutes, we will put everything up and they will have time another day to finish if they need to be.

Activity Analysis: Opening Presentation: Technology will be used to write down the different characteristic that the students name about each material. This information will be left on the board for the students to refer to later on in the lesson. Because we wont list enough information for each student to have a turn writing on the SMART board, I will write the information on the board to keep it fair for everyone. Activity One: The student will have to match the different earth materials to the characteristics that describe them most. For example, Rock would be match with solid, can be different sizes or shapes, different colors. These are all characteristics that were described earlier in the lesson.

Activity Two: The student will have to chose two of the four earth materials and draw a picture of where that material most likely would be found. They will then write a descriptive sentence about their picture. References: South Carolina Science Academic Standards Common Core Standards- Writing

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