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Groups of 2-4 Video must be from 3 minutes or less in length 3 Categories: o Commercial entrepreneurship o Social Entrepreneurship o Viewers Choice

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The winning team will receive $50 and an externship at a startup, innovation consulting firm, or venture capital firm!

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Visit stay updated with competition details.

MHC Entrepreneurship Club MHC Media Lab


Make a Gameplan.
Divide Assignment/ Roles Create a Timeline Methods for communication

Go Viral!
Upload your video to a private YouTube and send the link to ferre22m by midnight on Nov 22nd

-- Work as a team
Understand each others capabilities, availabilities, communication
and work styles

Develop a storyboard.
Storyboards are due by noon Nov 1st at Steven Schmeisers office (Skinner 117)

Map out your pitch and video into an organized format Take notes at the pitch workshop Focus on clarity of message

Get and stay organized Share responsibility for success

-- Develop and deliver an outstanding video

Craft a clear message Use visuals to enhance delivery Connect with the audience

-- Brainstorm
Generate ideas Identify additional resources

Making Movies
Attend the Video Editing Workshop on Nov 6th to learn the basics of making videos (Art Building Media Lab)

Hint: These available resources might be able to assist in your entry

! ! ! ! SAW Weissman Center for Leadership MEWS Communications office

Set up an appointment with Nick Baker, media lab director The Mews assistants are available for video editing. Use them! Use visuals to deepen understanding, not distract Take advantage of your teams creative abilities!

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