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Skye Galley English 1010- Lawrence

Reflective Essay

This semester in my English 1010 class I was able to gain a new perspective on writing. I was amazed to recognize the strength within my writing as well as find powerful articles to reference for my papers. Words are extremely influential and can incite thoughts, emotions, and motivation for action. I have always considered myself a good writer, but this English class made me realize there is always room for improvement. This semester I was able to delve deeper into my writing by reflecting on my own emotions, counsel with others, and research articles to help further my knowledge of each topic. While I was working on my final project for this class, which was about plastic, I went through many phases of researching and editing. Although I struggled with this project, I relied on the things I learned in class to help me organize what I wanted to say and how I would finish my project. This process taught me to check my work through feedback, and use logos, ethos, and pathos to discern which articles are credible. I know the knowledge I have gained this past semester is very valuable and will help me with any future writing assignments.

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