Tws 6

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TWS #6 Student Analysis Pre- red During- blue Post- green Lesson Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 1-3 6 Haley

2/3 2/2 3/4 4/5 4/4 2/2 Madden 3/3 2/2 3/4 X 4/5 4/4 2/2 Thompson 3/3 2/2 3/4 X 2/5 4/41/2 Tanner 2/3 1/2 3/4 X 2/5 -------Ben 3/3 2/2 4/4 - 5/5 4/41/2 Max 2/3 2/2 4/4 5/5 4/4 2/2 Tyrees 2/3 1/2 3/4 --Elizabeth 1/3 2/2 4/4 5/5 4/4 2/2 Enrique 1/3 2/2 4/4 5/5 4/4 2/2 Adela 2/3 2/2 4/4 1/5 3/4 2/2 Carolina 2/3 2/2 3/4 5/5 4/4 1/2 Jaque ------------2/3 1/2 4/4 --Jaquelin 2/3 1/2 2/4 X 1/5 2/4 1/2 Jaden ------X- - - - - 3/3 1/2 4/41/2 Chastity 2/3 1/2 4/4 X 3/5 3/4 1/2 Anna 2/3 2/2 4/4 5/5 4/4 --David 2/3 2/2 4/4 5/5 4/4 2/2 Jay 1/3 1/2 4/4 1/5 2/4 --Keegan 2/3 1/2 4/4 4/5 4/4 --Jackson 3/3 2/2 3/4 4/5 4/4 2/2 Nyteria 2/3 -- 4/4 3/5 4/41/2 Myles 3/3 1/2 4/4 - 5/5 4/4 --Jasmine 2/3 2/2 4/4 - 5/5 4/41/2 Shimarya 3/3 1/2 4/4 4/5 4/41/2 Top Average Low

Lesson 7 X ----------- -------- --------------.5 ---------- ----------

Lesson 8 3/3 3/3 .5 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/3 ------- 1/3 3/3 3/3 2/3 2/3 ------- 1/3 --- ----- 2/3 -------- .5 2/3 1/3 .5 1/3 .5 1/3 2/3 .5 1/3 2/3 3/3 2/3

= Students participated in class or attempted the assessments * We have several students leave for pull out programs during this time, which causes them to miss these activities.

Haley Madden Thompson Tanner Ben Max Tyrees Elizabeth Enrique Adela Carolina Jaque Jaquelin Jaden Chastity Anna David Jay Keegan Jackson Nyteria Myles Jasmine Shimarya Haley Madden

Post Unit Assessment 5 questions- 20 points each 80 100 80 80 100 100 60 100 100 100 90 100 75 90 80 60 75 55 90 100 75 100 75 80 80 100

Whole classSome of my students are in pull out programs, which caused them to miss a majority of the science lesson everyday. They usually did not come back to the classroom until it was time to pack up and go out into the hall. This made it difficult to catch these students up, but I did my best to catch them up later. Overall, my students did well on the assessments in this unit. They enjoyed the hands on activities and being able to discover new things on their own. I had ten students make a 100 on the final assessment for the unit and only one student make below a 60. I am pleased with the results of this unit and even throughout the rest of the semester I heard students talking about the earth materials and everything that they learned. Top StudentI choose Elizabeth as my top student because she always tries her best and does her work the first time she is asked and gets done a lot quicker than the

other students. Elizabeth did extremely well on the assessments in this unit and I could see a lot of improvement from the pre-assessment to the post-assessment. She only received a 1/3 on the Pre assessment, but made a 100 on the final. It is very important to understand the learning of students like Elizabeth because she is able to learn so much more and if you keep her at the basics with your low or average students, then she will not be able to prove that she is capable of more. Because she finishes her work so soon, there should be other work available for her to work on while others are still working. One thing that Mrs. Ellis and I started doing for the early finishers is a Multiple Skills book, which works on the students reading abilities and they also have to answer questions about what they read. Each book was a different level of reading, so even though Elizabeth is also an excellent reader, she could choose a higher leveled book and still be challenged. Average StudentJaquelin was chosen as the average student in my class because she always tries her best and gets her work completed. Because of her language barrier, she sometimes has trouble following directions, but when I explain the material to her one on one, she gains a better understanding and fixes what she messed up on. She scored a 2/3 on the pre assessment and a 75 on the final. I did see improvement in Jaquelin from the beginning of the semester towards the end. In class she sits next to another Hispanic student who helps her stay on task or explains directions to her where she can understand it better. It is important to understand the learning of these students, so that you can find the best way to teach them so that they too can learn. Low StudentTyrees was chosen as the low student in my class. He is capable of work that is at the level of my average students, but he does not do his work most of the time. Tyrees has a terrible behavior problem and cannot sit still without disturbing others. From the chart above, you can see that Tyrees did not have several of his assessments. He did fairly well on his post assessments, but when asked to write notes in his notebook or draw and label items, he did not. He made a 60 on the final assessment of the unit, which was one of the lowest scores. If he had paid attention and done his work like the rest of the class, I know he could have done better. It became very hard to teach Tyrees this semester; he would get out of his seat without permission, disturb other students, and play with things that did not belong to him. If he had someone sitting by him constantly telling him what to do, then he could get work done, but without that constant reminder, he could not stay on task. It took a lot of patience with Tyrees, but I feel more prepared knowing some ways to deal with students like him. Even though I had a hard time understanding Tyrees, I am glad that I experienced his type of learning this semester and that I could observe how Mrs. Ellis took care of the situation.

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