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() 9ee5ly 3e!sletter ?

@0 9hat as 8een

9ee5 of -ecem7er )nd& )A@1

4C 9ee5 @B UIS/ 4C -i#ision

appening In Our ClassroomsC

Last week" the 02 children finished the week with summative assessments on the unit of inquiry ex'loring families. 2ost of the children really en5oyed the learning engagements 'resented" role 'layed in the 7ome *orner and were able to acquire the conce'ts taught. /e started to review the letters !t" #n" $s" %i and &' and will continue this week. /e can see that children are interested in 'rint and in their free time" like to make books and illustrate for the teachers to scribe. -s we introduce the 5ournal writing" the children will have more o''ortunities to draw events and favourite things for the teacher to scribe. 8ventually" they will 9have a go: at writing words or sentences using initial sounds. :O$ Update !hank you to those 'arents who have already sent the costume items to school today. /e will have a full dress rehearsal this week so if you can send the items by !hursday the latest" we really a''reciate it. !he children are excited about the 'erformance and working very hard at 'racticing the song and actions. $ome of our s'ecialist classes might be cancelled due to rehearsals this week and next week. Remember this im'ortant date+ ,riday" 3ecember ;<th" 2=;< *harge your cameras

Unit of Inquiry (UOI)

Central Idea: Stories can engage the audience and communicate meaning. Trans-disciplinary Theme: o! !e e"press oursel#es. $ines of Inquiry: How to construct an effective story How stories are created and shared Feelings and emotions that stories evoke

9e !ould li5e to than5 last !ee5.s Classroom elpers<

$ine $eader Snac5 = $unch elper Calendar>9eather elper ()* -tsuki Ryan 6ames ()+ #owa 4 2a5a -ntonia 4 0elvin 2ia

Calendar of Upcoming 4#ents %nd Cele7rations

'onth -ecem7er @1th 4#ent>Cele7ration ,estival of Lights 2ore info to come soon 8nd of $emester ; Comments /hole $chool *elebration $chool ends at noon

This 9ee5.s :ocus

$anguage: Letter Review !t" #n" $s" %i" &' (continued) Role 'laying stories/ *reate class stories/*reating books ;utonghua+ $ummative assessment+ ,amily !ree 'athematics+ reviewing numbers / -ttributes of sha'es . describe and com'are Creati#e %rt+ /orking with clay ;4: 0idnastics.various balancing routines (continued) 'usic: !he song 1/hen $anta *laus gets your letter1 for the ,estival of Light/ Robot 2an action song


%ny questions or concerns& please feel free to contact us. 's. Stephanie(()*)- 's. Chan (()+) , 's. -aoqiong (()+), Class *eps : ()* *achel.s mum(/illian) : ()+ %ntonia.s mum (3adine): ()+ 4lise.s mum (Ulri5e): ulri5eran6o! $earn more a7out I8: () !e7page:

% $ittle ;iece of /ood %d#ice<

!ry to make your child inde'endent and self reliant. 3o not do everything for your child as this will make them more and more de'endent on you. *hildren should be given an o''ortunity to do sim'le tasks which can be done by them" without the 'arent doing it for them. /hen children do things by themselves" they become self reliant which in turn increases self esteem.

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