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un, F in s id K Happy rcade A s e n o y r Eve Rocks

Welcome to our arcade!

Follow this guide as you explore: 1. Grab a Fun Pass at the door. 2. Find a game and enjoy the game designers presentation. 3. Play the game! 4. Make sure to keep your tickets for the prize store. 5. Every 10-15 minutes, we will rotate everyone to another game. Suggested questions to ask: 1. How did you make the game? 2. How do you play? 3. What was your favorite / hardest part? 4. How did planning help you?

How does planning help improve our work?

We started our building project by exploring the materials through openended building sessions and challenges, like our tallest tower contest. Then we watched Caines Arcade and were inspired to build our own cardboard arcade. Our high school buddies helped us design and begin building our arcade games. We continued building and refining our games through critique. We brainstormed what an arcade should include and how it should look. We mapped the classroom. We worked as task teams to build signs, invitations, fun passes, game stands, prizes and a store.

HTeNC Room #3 First Grade, Mr. Manger Thursday, November 21, 2013

Care and e c n a r e v e Pers

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Student Learning
Math Common Core Standards that were integrated into this project: Add within 20 by counting by 1, 2s, and 5s, and adding on. Use addition within 20 to solve word problems using snap cubes and other math building manipulatives. Measure lengths using inch tiles and rulers. Reason with shapes and their attributes. Thinking skills: Planning and executing a plan. Spatial reasoning. Collaborating with peers. Communicating ideas with peers, teachers and community members. Comparing and contrasting. Persevering through trial and error and problem solving.

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