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Chicken Potato Salad Ingredients: 1 kilo potatoes 1 big chicken breast 3 pieces medium sized carrots 500 ml mayonnaise

ayonnaise 1 can (836 g) pineapple tidbits or chunks 1/2 cup s eet pickle relish 1 cup cheddar cheese! diced (optional) 3 tablespoons o" chopped spring onions (optional) #odized salt to taste (pepper! optional)

Chicken Potato Salad Cooking Instructions: #n a big pot! boil potatoes and carrots (co$ered ith ater) "or about 15 to 20 minutes or until cracks on the potato skin appears% (tip& pierce a potato ith a toothpick% #" you can pierce it ith little resistance and the toothpick comes out clean! the potatoes ' carrots are cooked)% (rain potatoes and carrots! let cool% )nce cooled! the skin can be easily be pealed by hand% (ice the potatoes and carrots (about 1*1 cm) +oil the chicken breast in ater ith some salt% ,et cool! then shred the chicken meat in 1 inch lengths (rain pineapple chunks or tidbits% -ombine all ingredients (potatoes! chicken meat! pineapple! carrots! pickle relish! mayonnaise%%%) in a big bo l and salt to taste% .ou may add pepper i" you ish% /e"rigerate be"ore ser$ing% Potato Salad Cooking Notes: .ou may add the optional ingredients (diced cheese! chopped onions! spring onions) or a hand"ul o" raisins "or added "la$or%

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