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Grade 8 Poetry Comparison Unit 2 Formative Task

Unit title: Flights of Imagination Significant Concept: Although there is an art and science to writing poetry, what makes anything good is the human response to it.

FORMATIVE TASK Write a detailed analysis of a poem in timed conditions. Reading standards: 1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2 Determine the theme or central idea of a text and analyse its development over the course of the text. 4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyse the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. 11 Interpret, analyse, and evaluate narratives, poetry, and drama, artistically and ethically by making connections to: other texts, ideas, cultural perspectives, eras, personal events, and situations. Requirements To consider the many layers of meaning within poems and write a detailed analysis covering style, content, language and structure. Use poetic terminology confidently and appropriately. Advice: Follow PEA where possible, explaining and analyzing in detail, the point and evidence you have provided. Grading: This will be marked out of 2 criterion and will therefore be out of 20 marks. This will be one of your formative tasks for this quarter, therefore it is 20% of your grade for this quarter. The grading breakdown will follow the provided rubric.

Teacher Comment:

Grade 8 Poetry Comparison Unit 2 Formative Task

Assessment criterion rubric Criterion A: Content (receptive and productive) 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

Criterion B:, Organization

The student demonstrates a perceptive understanding of the text, topic and poets choices, consistently using illustrative detail, development and support. The student shows a sophisticated command of relevant terminology, and uses it appropriately. My writing is detailed and developed. Points are clearly linked to evidence at all times, and I go on to show complete understanding through my analysis, which is both interesting and insightful. I am able to use poetic terms confidently throughout. The student consistently employs sophisticated organizational structures and language-specific conventions that serve the context and intention. The work is consistently wellorganized, clear and coherent and the ideas being expressed build on each other in a sophisticated manner. I have confidently written in clearly defined paragraphs, that build on one another, creating fluency through the use of my connectives. I have used PEA throughout and covered all areas (content, structure, style and language) in an organised manner. I have a clear introduction and conclusion which enhances the structure of my writing.

The student demonstrates a good understanding of the text, topic and poets choices, using substantial detail, development and support Relevant terminology is used accurately and appropriately.

The student demonstrates a sufficient understanding of the text and topic, and an awareness of poets choices, using adequate detail, development and support Terminology is usually accurate and appropriate.

The student demonstrates limited understanding of the text and topic, and sometimes an awareness of poets choices, although detail, development and/or support are insufficient. The use of terminology is sometimes accurate and appropriate. My writing shows some understanding of the poem. Points are rarely linked to evidence. I am able to use sometimes use poetic terms appropriate to my point.

The student demonstrates very limited understanding of the text and topic, and little or no awareness of poets choices. The use of terminology is missing, inconsistent and/or incorrect.

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

My writing is detailed. Points are linked to evidence at all times, and I go on to show good understanding through my analysis, which is detailed throughout. I am able to use poetic terms confidently.

My writing shows an understanding of the poem. Points are sometimes linked to evidence, and I go on to show understanding through my analysis. I am able to use poetic terms accurately.

My writing shows little understanding of the poem. Points are not linked to evidence. I am use poetic terms incorrectly.

I have not fulfilled the criterion in any way. My writing could not be identified as an analysis of a poem.

The student consistently employs organizational structures and language specific conventions that serve the context and intention. The work is usually well-organized, clear and coherent and the ideas being expressed build on each other.

The student usually employs organizational structures and language specific conventions that serve the context and intention. The work is generally organized, clear and coherent. .

The student sometimes employs organizational structures and/or language-specific conventions that serve the context and intention. The work shows the beginnings of organization but lacks coherence.

The student rarely employs organizational structures and/or language specific conventions, or uses those that do not serve the context and intention. The work is generally disorganized, unclear and/or incoherent.

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

I have written in clear paragraphs, that build on one another, with the use of connectives. I have used PEA at all times. I have a clearly defined and well written introduction and conclusion.

I have written in paragraphs, that sometimes use connectives. My writing includes evidence but this is not always linked to a relevant point. I have shown an understanding of structure and have included an introduction and conclusion.

I have sometimes written in paragraphs, although not all the time. I have attempted an introduction and conclusion although these are not clear. At times I have attached evidence, although it does not always match the point.

My writing is not written in paragraphs and lacks structure. There is no defined introduction or conclusion. I have made no attempt to follow PEA.

I have not fulfilled the criterion in any way. My writing could not be identified as an analysis of a poem.


Grade 8 Poetry Comparison Unit 2 Formative Task

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