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The GeekDad community at is committed to helping you raise geek generation 2.0.

We believe few things that you do are more important than reading to your kids early and often. Reading to them is a great way to get them using the language centers of their brain. lus! reading aloud to your kids can be a blast. "n #arch of 20$2 we put out a post of our favorite books to read aloud to our kids before the age of ten. Well! the post turned out to be a bit of a crowd%pleaser. #any educators and parents asked us to put together a printed version of &'( )ooks *very Geek +hould Read to Their ,ids )efore -ge $0.& While we never intended this to be a comprehensive list of what you should read to your kids! we certainly missed some obvious choices. -fter we published our list! we received a huge number of wonderful suggestions from readers. Their suggestions were placed into a second post! &)ooks Geeks +hould Read to Their ,ids. /our -dditions to 0ur 1ist.& They are also included here. *n2oy and happy Reading3

67 Books Every Geek Should Read to Their Kids Before Age 10

Recomme ded !y *rik Wecks" #att )lum" ,evin #akice" 4athan )erry" 5onathan 1iu" Dave )anks" Roy Wood" ,athy 6eceri" 5enny Williams" *than Gilsdorf" 6orrina 1awson" #ichael 7enables" a d GeekDad 8# )rian +el9nick! The "nvention of :ugo 6abret ,enneth Grahame! The Wind in the Willows ,ate Di6amillo! The #iraculous 5ourney of *dward Tulane )arbara ark! 5unie ). 5ones;s <irst )o=ed +et *ver3 >)ooks $%?@ +hel +ilverstein! Where the +idewalk *nds! - 1ight in the -ttic! <alling Ap! and *very Thing on "t 5. ,. Rowling! :arry otter and the +orcerer;s +tone William Goldman! The rincess )ride 0rson +cott 6ard! *nder;s Game 5. R. R. Tolkien! The :obbit and The 1ord of the Rings 4eil Gaiman! 6oraline *dward *ager! :alf #agic and #agic by the 1ake 5oan -iken, -rabel;s Raven Dave )arry and Ridley earson! eter and the +tarcatchers Terry ratchett! The -ma9ing #aurice and :is *ducated Rodents #ary 4orton, The )orrowers 4eil Gaiman! The Graveyard )ook Walter #oers! The $B%$C2 1ives of 6aptain )luebear 1arry Gonick! The 6artoon :istory of the Aniverse "rene #iller! Danny Dunn and the :omework #achine

5eff ,inney! Diary of a Wimpy ,id 6rockett 5ohnson! The -dventures of :arold and the urple 6rayon )ertrand )rinley! The #ad +cientists 6lub Rick Riordan! ercy 5ackson and the 0lympians "ngrid 1aw! +avvy Wendelin 7an Draanen, +hredderman 6.+. 1ewis! The 6hronicles of 4arnia ,ate Di6amillo! The Tale of Despereau= aul +tewart and 6hris Riddell! <ar <lung -dventures Russell :oban! The #ouse and :is 6hild Robert 6. 0;)rien! #rs. <risby and the Rats of 4"#: 5eanne )irdsall! The enderwicks 4orton 5uster! The hantom Tollbooth *mily 5enkins! Toys Go 0ut Grace 1in! Where the #ountain #eets the #oon Tony DiTerli99i! The +earch for Wond1a Roald Dahl, 5ames and the Giant each 5ohn )ellairs! The :ouse With a 6lock in "ts Walls 5udy )loom! Tales of a <ourth Grade 4othing *. ). White! 6harlotte;s Web +hel +ilverstein! The Giving Tree Robert 6. 0;)rien! The +ilver 6rown 1ouis +achar! :oles Daniel inkwater! The )ig 0range +plot 1aura "ngalls Wilder! 1ittle :ouse books *. ). White! +tuart 1ittle *dith 4esbit! The Railway 6hildren *. 1. ,onigsburg! <rom the #i=ed%Ap <iles of #rs. )asil *. <rankweiler Roald Dahl! 6harlie and the 6hocolate <actory -ngie +age! +eptimus :eap series Trenton 1ee +tewart! The #ysterious )enedict +ociety Dr. 6uthbert +oup! - Whole 4other +tory and -nother Whole 4other +tory 7irginia :amilton! The :ouse of Dies Drear Dr. +euss! The 1ora= -rlene #osel! Tikki Tikki Tembo -. -. #ilne! Winnie%the% ooh *lse :olmelund #inarik! 1ittle )ear #adeleine 1;*ngle! - Wrinkle in Time Dr. +euss! Green *ggs and :am eggy arish! -melia )edelia #aurice +endak! "n the 4ight ,itchen :. -. Ray! 6urious George -rnold 1obel! <rog and Toad -re <riends -rnold 1obel! 0wl at :ome 6ynthia Rylant! :enry and #udge 4orman )ridwell! 6lifford #arc )rown! -rthur #aurice +endak! Where the Wild Things -re

Books Geeks Should Read to Their Kids# $our Additio s to %ur &ist
1inda +ue ark! - +ingle +hard 6hristopher aul 6urtis! )ud! 4ot )uddy +cott 0;Dell! "sland of the )lue Dolphins Deborah *llis! The )readwinner am #uno9 Ryan! The Dreamer 1aurance /ep! The +tar <isher David +hannon! - )ad 6ase of +tripes David #acaulay! 6astle and The Way Things Work 1loyd -le=ander! 6hronicles of rydain *oin 6olfer! The 1egend of +pud #urphy! The 1egend of the Worst )oy in the World! and The 1egend of 6aptain 6row;s Teeth -strid 1indgren! ippi 1ongstocking 1. #. #ontgomery! -nne of Green Gables +usan 6ooper, The Dark "s Rising )etty #cDonald! #rs. iggle Wiggle 5ohn 6hristopher! The Tripods Trilogy 5ack relutsky! The Dragons are +inging Tonight *sther <orbes! 5ohnny Tremain 4owen 4. articular! )oomtown Tom -ngleberger! The +trange 6ase of 0rigami /oda and Darth aper +trikes )ack +am Riddleburger! The Dwikpick -dventure +ociety -rthur Ransome! +wallows and -ma9ons 1. <rank )aum! 09 series Rev. W. -wdry! Thomas the Tank *ngine 1emony +nicket! - +eries of Anfortunate *vents )rian 5acEues! Redwall hilip ullman! :is Dark #aterials Robert :einlein! :ave +pace +uit Will Travel 7irginia 1ee )urton! The 1ittle :ouse and #ike #ulligan and :is +team +hovel Doris )urn! -ndrew :enry;s #eadow )ill eet! <arewell to +hady Glade -ntoine de +aint%*=upery! The 1ittle rince Richard -dams, Watership Down Rudyard ,ipling! 5ust +o +tories and Rikki%Tikki%Tavi 1. #. )oston, The 6hildren of Green ,nowe )abette 6ole, rincess +martypants ,athleen 7. ,undlinski! )oy! Were We Wrong -bout Dinosaurs Ruth +tiles Gannett! #y <ather;s Dragon Roald Dahl! The )<G Daniel inkwater! 0nce Apon a )lue #oose Robert #unsch, The aper )ag rincess Richard *van +chwart9, /ou 6an 6ount on #onsters #ercer #ayer! 0ne #onster -fter -nother 5on +tone! The #onster at the *nd of This )ook +u9anne 6ollins! The Gregor +eries Tomie de aola! +trega 4ona +esyle 5oslin! What Do /ou +ay! DearF

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