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P4 Stress and Strain

Dr. A.B. Zavatsky HT08

Lecture 5 Plane Stress Transformation Equations

Stress elements and plane stress. Stresses on inclined sections. Transformation equations. Principal stresses, angles, and planes. Maximum shear stress.

Normal and shear stresses on inclined sections

To obtain a complete picture of the stresses in a bar, we must consider the stresses acting on an inclined (as opposed to a normal) section through the bar.
Inclined section Normal section

Because the stresses are the same throughout the entire bar, the stresses on the sections are uniformly distributed.

Inclined section

Normal section

N x V P

The force P can be resolved into components: Normal force N perpendicular to the inclined plane, N = P cos Shear force V tangential to the inclined plane V = P sin If we know the areas on which the forces act, we can calculate the associated stresses.
area A

area (A / cos )

area A

area (A / cos )

y x

Force N P cos P = = = cos 2 Area Area A / cos A

= x cos 2 =

2 max = x occurs when = 0

(1+ cos 2 )

V P sin Force P = = = sin cos Area Area A / cos A

= x sin cos =

2 max = x/2 occurs when = -/+ 45


(sin 2 )

Introduction to stress elements

Stress elements are a useful way to represent stresses acting at some point on a body. Isolate a small element and show stresses acting on all faces. Dimensions are infinitesimal, but are drawn to a large scale. y


Area A

x = P / A

x = P/A x

x = P/A x


Maximum stresses on a bar in tension

x = max = P / A

a Maximum normal stress, Zero shear stress

Maximum stresses on a bar in tension

a b x/2
= 45

max = x/2 x/2 b Maximum shear stress, Non-zero normal stress


Stress Elements and Plane Stress

When working with stress elements, keep in mind that only one intrinsic state of stress exists at a point in a stressed body, regardless of the orientation of the element used to portray the state of stress. We are really just rotating axes to represent stresses in a new coordinate system.
y1 y x1 x x x

y yz x z

yx xy zx xz

Normal stresses x, y, z (tension is positive)


x x
Shear stresses xy = yx, xz = zx, yz = zy

Sign convention for ab Subscript a indicates the face on which the stress acts (positive x face is perpendicular to the positive x direction) Subscript b indicates the direction in which the stress acts Strictly x = xx, y = yy, z = zz

When an element is in plane stress in the xy plane, only the x and y faces are subjected to stresses (z = 0 and zx = xz = zy = yz = 0). Such an element could be located on the free surface of a body (no stresses acting on the free surface).

Plane stress element in 2D x, y xy = yx z = 0


yx xy

x xy yx y


Stresses on Inclined Sections



y x1y1 x1 x1

yx xy

y1 y1x1

x xy yx

x1 x1y1

x y1x1 y1

The stress system is known in terms of coordinate system xy. We want to find the stresses in terms of the rotated coordinate system x1y1.
Why? A material may yield or fail at the maximum value of or . This value may occur at some angle other than = 0. (Remember that for uniaxial tension the maximum shear stress occurred when = 45 degrees. )

Transformation Equations
y y1

y y1
x1 x1 x
xA xy A yx A tan


x xy

x1y1 A sec x1 A sec

x1 x

yx y

y A tan

Forces can be found from stresses if the area on which the stresses act is known. Force components can then be summed.

Left face has area A. Bottom face has area A tan . Inclined face has area A sec .

y y1

x1y1 A sec x1 A sec xy A yx A tan y A tan

x1 x


Sum forces in the x1 direction :

x1 A sec ( x A) cos ( xy A)sin ( y A tan )sin ( yx A tan )cos = 0

x1 y1 A sec + ( x A)sin ( xy A)cos ( y A tan )cos ( yx A tan )sin = 0

Using xy = yx and simplifying gives :

Sum forces in the y1 direction :

x1 y1 = ( x y ) sin cos + xy (cos 2 sin 2 )


x1 = x cos 2 + y sin 2 + 2 xy sin cos

Using the following trigonometric identities cos 2 = 1 + cos 2 2 sin 2 = 1 cos 2 2 sin cos = sin 2 2

gives the transformation equations for plane stress : x + y x y x1 = + cos 2 + xy sin 2 2 2 HLT, page 108 ( x y ) x1 y1 = sin 2 + xy cos 2 2

For stresses on the y1 face, substitute + 90 for :

y1 =

x + y

x y

cos 2 xy sin 2

Summing the expressions for x1 and y1 gives :

x1 + y1 = x + y

Can be used to find y1, instead of eqn above.


Example: The state of plane stress at a point is represented by the stress element below. Determine the stresses acting on an element oriented 30 clockwise with respect to the original element.
50 MPa

y 80 MPa x 80 MPa

Define the stresses in terms of the established sign convention: x = -80 MPa y = 50 MPa xy = -25 MPa We need to find x1, y1, and x1y1 when = -30.

25 MPa 50 MPa

Substitute numerical values into the transformation equations:

x1 =

x + y

2 2 80 + 50 80 50 x1 = + cos 2( 30) + ( 25)sin 2( 30) = 25.9 MPa 2 2


x y

cos 2 + xy sin 2

y1 =

x + y

2 2 80 + 50 80 50 y1 = cos 2( 30) ( 25)sin 2( 30) = 4.15 MPa 2 2 x y sin 2 + xy cos 2 x1 y1 = 2 ( 80 50) sin 2( 30) + ( 25) cos 2( 30) = 68.8 MPa x1 y1 = 2

x y

cos 2 xy sin 2

y 25.8 MPa


4.15 MPa

+60 o -30

x 25.8 MPa

Note that y1 could also be obtained (a) by substituting +60 into the equation for x1 or (b) by using the equation x + y = x1 + y1

4.15 MPa 68.8 MPa


(from Hibbeler, Ex. 15.2)


Principal Stresses
The maximum and minimum normal stresses (1 and 2) are known as the principal stresses. To find the principal stresses, we must differentiate the transformation equations.

x1 =

x + y
2 x y

x y

cos 2 + xy sin 2

d x1 ( 2 sin 2 ) + xy (2 cos 2 ) = 0 = d 2 d x1 = ( x y ) sin 2 + 2 xy cos 2 = 0 d 2 xy p are principal angles associated with tan 2 p = x y the principal stresses (HLT, page 108)
There are two values of 2p in the range 0-360, with values differing by 180. There are two values of p in the range 0-180, with values differing by 90. So, the planes on which the principal stresses act are mutually perpendicular.

We can now solve for the principal stresses by substituting for p in the stress transformation equation for x1. This tells us which principal stress is associated with which principal angle. 2 xy tan 2 p = x y

x1 =

x + y

x y

cos 2 + xy sin 2

R 2p (x y) / 2

R2 =

x y 2

2 + xy


cos 2 p = sin 2 p =

x y xy
R 2R

1 =

x + y

x y x y
2 2R

xy + xy R

Substituting for R and re-arranging gives the larger of the two principal stresses:

1 =

x + y

x y 2

2 + xy

To find the smaller principal stress, use 1 + 2 = x + y.

2 = x + y 1 =

x + y

x y 2

2 + xy

These equations can be combined to give:

1, 2 =

x + y

x y

2 + xy

Principal stresses (HLT page 108)

To find out which principal stress goes with which principal angle, we could use the equations for sin p and cos p or for x1.

The planes on which the principal stresses act are called the principal planes. What shear stresses act on the principal planes?
Compare the equations for x1 y1 = 0 and d x1 d = 0

x1 y1 =

y )

2 ( x y ) sin 2 + 2 xy cos 2 = 0

sin 2 + xy cos 2 = 0

d x1 = ( x y ) sin 2 + 2 xy cos 2 = 0 d

Solving either equation gives the same expression for tan 2p Hence, the shear stresses are zero on the principal planes.



yx xy



x xy yx


Principal Stresses

1, 2 =

x + y

x y

2 + xy

Principal Angles defining the Principal Planes

tan 2 p =

2 xy

x y

Example: The state of plane stress at a point is represented by the stress element below. Determine the principal stresses and draw the corresponding stress element.
50 MPa

y 80 MPa x 80 MPa

Define the stresses in terms of the established sign convention: x = -80 MPa y = 50 MPa xy = -25 MPa

25 MPa 50 MPa

1, 2 = 1, 2

x + y

x y 2

2 + xy

80 + 50 = 2

1 = 54.6 MPa

80 50 2 + ( 25) = 15 69.6 2 2 = 84.6 MPa


tan 2 p = tan 2 p =

2 xy

54.6 MPa

x y

2( 25) = 0.3846 80 50

100.5 84.6 MPa

84.6 MPa


2 p = 21.0 and 21.0 + 180

p = 10.5, 100.5

54.6 MPa

But we must check which angle goes with which principal stress.

x1 =

x + y

2 2 80 + 50 80 50 x1 = + cos 2(10.5) + ( 25)sin 2(10.5) = 84.6 MPa 2 2

x y

cos 2 + xy sin 2

1 = 54.6 MPa with p1 = 100.5 2 = -84.6 MPa with p2 = 10.5


The two principal stresses determined so far are the principal stresses in the xy plane. But remember that the stress element is 3D, so there are always three principal stresses.
y y x x x

2 1 xp

3 = 0 2


x, y, xy = yx =

1, 2, 3 = 0

Usually we take 1 > 2 > 3. Since principal stresses can be compressive as well as tensile, 3 could be a negative (compressive) stress, rather than the zero stress.

Maximum Shear Stress

To find the maximum shear stress, we must differentiate the transformation equation for shear. ( x y ) x1 y1 = sin 2 + xy cos 2 2 d x1 y1 = ( x y )cos 2 2 xy sin 2 = 0 d x y tan 2 s = 2 xy
There are two values of 2s in the range 0-360, with values differing by 180. There are two values of s in the range 0-180, with values differing by 90. So, the planes on which the maximum shear stresses act are mutually perpendicular. Because shear stresses on perpendicular planes have equal magnitudes, the maximum positive and negative shear stresses differ only in sign.

We can now solve for the maximum shear stress by substituting for s in the stress transformation equation for x1y1.
x y tan 2 s = 2 xy ( x y ) x1 y1 = sin 2 + xy cos 2 2

R 2s xy

(x y) / 2

R2 =

x y 2

2 + xy

cos 2 s =


sin 2 s =

x y

max =

x y 2

2 + xy

min = max

Use equations for sin s and cos s or x1y1 to find out which face has the positive shear stress and which the negative. What normal stresses act on the planes with maximum shear stress? Substitute for s in the equations for x1 and y1 to get

x1 = y1 =

x + y
s max


yx xy

max s

x xy yx

x max s




Example: The state of plane stress at a point is represented by the stress element below. Determine the maximum shear stresses and draw the corresponding stress element.
50 MPa

y 80 MPa x 80 MPa

Define the stresses in terms of the established sign convention: x = -80 MPa y = 50 MPa xy = -25 MPa

25 MPa 50 MPa

max = max =

x y 2

2 2

+ xy

s =

x + y

80 50 2 + ( 25) = 69.6 MPa 2

2 80 + 50 s = = 15 MPa 2

x y 80 50 = tan 2 s = = 2.6 2 ( 25) 2 xy 2 s = 69.0 and 69.0 + 180

15 MPa

s = 34.5, 55.5
But we must check which angle goes with which shear stress.

15 MPa



15 MPa

x1 y1 =

69.6 MPa 2 ( 80 50) sin 2( 34.5) + ( 25) cos 2( 34.5) = 69.6 MPa x1 y1 = 2

y )

sin 2 + xy cos 2

15 MPa

max = 69.6 MPa with smax = 55.5 min = -69.6 MPa with smin = -34.5


Finally, we can ask how the principal stresses and maximum shear stresses are related and how the principal angles and maximum shear angles are related.

1, 2 =

x + y

x y 2

2 + xy

1 2 = 2

x y 2 + xy 2

1 2 = 2 max 2 max = 1

x y 2 xy tan 2 s = tan 2 p = 2 x y xy 1 tan 2 s = = cot 2 p tan 2 p


tan 2 s + cot 2 p = 0 cos 2 p sin 2 s + =0 cos 2 s sin 2 p sin 2 s sin 2 p + cos 2 s cos 2 p = 0 cos (2 s 2 p ) = 0 2 s 2 p = 90

s p = 45 s = p 45
So, the planes of maximum shear stress (s) occur at 45 to the principal planes (p).


Original Problem
50 MPa

Principal Stresses y
54.6 MPa

y 80 MPa x 80 MPa
84.6 MPa 100.5

84.6 MPa


25 MPa 50 MPa
54.6 MPa

x = -80, y = 50, xy = 25

1 = 54.6, 2 = 0, 3 = -84.6

Maximum Shear
15 MPa 15 MPa

max =

1 2


15 MPa

max max

15 MPa 69.6 MPa

2 = 10.5 45 54.6 ( 84.6 ) s = s = 34.5, 55.5 2 = 69.6 MPa

s = p 45

max = 69.6, s = -15


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