Caruso English 1101

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Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:46 PM

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Amanda Budenhagen
English 1101
4 November 2013
Smoking Kills
The main advertisement is a smoking ad, whose main purpose is to convince people that
smoking is hazardous to humans health. It has two sides to it. One side of it has a gun that is
being loaded with cigarettes as the bullets, and listed off to the side are the negative side effects
smoking can have on the human body. On the other side of the advertisement, there is a man
whose head is half of a skull and half human with the words smoking slowly kills.
This advertisement is mainly targeted towards people who might have just started
smoking cigarettes, towards people who have considered starting to smoke cigarettes. The
advertisement may also be towards people who are thinking about quitting, and even people who
smoke in general that might not be considering quitting. The left side of the advertisement says,
Smoking slowly kills so why bother starting? It can be targeted towards people who do not
smoke because it lists off the negative effects of smoking such as: its a major cause of stroke,
its addictive, it raises blood pressure, it suppresses immune function, it dulls your sense of smell
and taste, and so on. Its saying that if a person does not smoke, that they are keeping his body
much more free of toxins and health problems than people who do smoke. The advertisement can
be targeted towards people who are thinking about picking up the habit because it is showing
them what kind of health problems they are at risk of getting if they do decide that they want to
try smoking. It can also be targeted towards people who want to quit because it is showing that
by smokingeven if they dont smoke as much as some people dowhat kind of toxins that
Amanda Budenhagen 11/14/13 8:43 AM
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Beth Caruso 11/7/13 8:16 AM
Comment [1]:
-Change maigins
- incluue page numbei
- switch class anu teachei
Amanda Budenhagen 11/14/13 8:43 AM
Deleted: English 1101
Amanda Budenhagen 11/14/13 8:43 AM
Deleted: Caruso
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:13 PM
Comment [2]: We uon't know what youi
main auveitisement is. Woik to actually
intiouuce the components of the au to youi
ieauei. What is this au foi.
Amanda Budenhagen 11/26/13 8:06 AM
Deleted: ,
Amanda Budenhagen 11/26/13 8:06 AM
Deleted: and
Amanda Budenhagen 11/26/13 8:06 AM
Deleted: be
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:14 PM
Comment [3]: Reau ovei this sentence.
You have two instances wheie the ieauei is
going to expect you to enu the sentence.
Amanda Budenhagen 11/14/13 8:44 AM
Deleted: a lot
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:15 PM
Comment [4]: Woik on using stiongei
woiu choice.
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:46 PM
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they are putting into their bodies, whether they have been smoking for a long time, or whether
they just started smoking. If they see this advertisement, they could decide that its a good idea to
stop because not only are there the health issues that they list on the ad that they can have, but
there are many other issues that are caused by smoking out there as well.
The colors in this advertisement are very dark, a lot of blacks and browns being used.
Most people associate black with death, like wearing black to funerals. The other advertisements
are similar to the Smoking Kills ad because they are all about how smoking is unhealthy for all
humans but the target audiences for them are more specific. The advertisement of the girl
rubbing the cigarette on her lips is mostly aimed towards girls, with the caption, Think it makes
you pretty? Since most girls worry about their physical appearance, the ad is mainly saying how
smoking can take away from physical attributes. The colors are very gray, so thats implying that
smoking dulls facial features, and that its just bad for someone. However, in the ad there is a
bright pink color right in the middle of it, and most females typically think pink is a pretty color,
so its holding more emphasis on the fact that smoking could take away any positive physical
attributes to people. The advertisement with the picture of a young child with the caption:
Tobacco smoke can harm your children has dark colors as well. Darkness is associated with
sickness and death, so its placing emphasis on how smoking is dangerous and hazardous to not
only the person smoking, but also others around them. Theres a picture of a child in the
advertisement because it is appealing to emotions, and why would anyone want to harm a child
with their tobacco smoke? The final picture in comparison to the Smoking Kills ad has more
light colors, and unlike the other ads which can be targeted to almost anybody whether they
smoke or not, this one is targeted towards people who want to quit. The creators of the ad used
lighter colors because its more of an encouraging ad to get people to quit smoking, and brighter
Amanda Budenhagen 11/14/13 8:44 AM
Deleted: tons of o
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:16 PM
Comment [5]: Be suie you aie woiking
towaiu piofessionalizing youi language.
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:57 PM
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:17 PM
Comment [6]: This iuea waiiants its own
paiagiaph. Auu uepth to youi iueas by
showing specifics fiom the auveitisements
anu contiasting them with the othei aus.
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:53 PM
All of the advertisements
All of the advertisements
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:50 PM
Deleted: main one,
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:17 PM
Comment [7]: Remembei, name it. Bon't
iely on a numbei-type system.
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:53 PM
Deleted: bad for you,
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:18 PM
Comment [8]: Bow can you iewoiu this
to take out the seconu peison aspect anu to
heighten youi language anu woiu choice.
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:19 PM
Comment [9]: Although most of the au is
giay, theie is a iathei biight pink coloi in
the miuule of it. Bow uoes this influence the
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:56 PM
All of the advertisements
All of the advertisements
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:56 PM
Deleted: third advertisement is a
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:56 PM
Deleted: . The colors are also
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:57 PM
Deleted: , and
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:57 PM
Deleted: d
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:20 PM
Comment [10]: In this paiagiaph anu the
next, you move the focus away fiom youi
main au, anu move on entiiely to the otheis. ... [1]
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:57 PM
Deleted: ... [2]
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:57 PM
Deleted: main one
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:46 PM
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colors are more appealing, which might help one want to quit smoking more rather than if the
advertisement creators used darker colors.
The main point the Smoking Kills advertisement was trying to get across was that
smoking is extremely hazardous to ones health. However, it is able to show how it can appeal to
the many different audiences, whether the people who see the ads want to quit, are considering
quitting, want to learn the dangers of smoking, and so on.

Amanda Budenhagen 12/3/13 12:00 AM
Deleted: All of the advertisements
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:20 PM
Comment [11]: Remembei, this papei is
about youi main au.
Amanda Budenhagen 12/3/13 12:00 AM
Deleted: had one thing in common: they
were all aimed towards how bad
Amanda Budenhagen 12/3/13 12:01 AM
Deleted: they
Amanda Budenhagen 12/3/13 12:02 AM
Deleted: are
Amanda Budenhagen 12/3/13 12:02 AM
Deleted: they
Amanda Budenhagen 12/3/13 12:02 AM
Deleted: s have children,
Beth Caruso 11/10/13 2:25 PM
Comment [12]:
0veiall, you have some gieat iueas, but I
agiee with what you mentioneu in youi
memothat you neeu to go ueepei with
youi analysis. It seems that fiom heie, you
neeu to simply talk moie about what you
see. You pass ovei youi iueas veiy quickly. If
you take moie time to talk about what you
see, you will natuially talk about it in moie
uepth. Foi example, if youi ieauei uiu not
look at youi aus, the peison woulu have no
iuea that theie is a half-living skull in one of
the aus, oi that the gun is not sitting on a
table alieauy loaueu, but that theie is action
in the pictuie. You also give no inuication as
to which au you useu as youi "final pictuie,"
since theie is no uiscussion of the content of
the au.
Be suie that you aie taking the time to
pause on youi aus anu talk about them.
Noving quickly thiough youi iueas can
sometimes help youi ieauei follow you, but
can oftentimes limit what you say.
Amanda Budenhagen 12/2/13 11:46 PM
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