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=== Installation === OpenTK does not require installation. Simply decompress the archive to a folder of your choice.

=== Usage === To use OpenTK, simply add "OpenTK.dll" as a reference to your project. You can f ind this file under "Binaries/OpenTK". Additionally, you should add "OpenTK.dll.config" to your project and set it to b e copied to your output directory. Without OpenTK.dll.config, your application w ill not function correctly on Linux or MacOS. For more details, refer to "". === Build instructions === If you are using a fresh SVN checkout execute Build.exe to generate OpenTK.sln ( simply press enter when prompted). You can build OpenTK.sln using Visual Studio 2005+, SharpDevelop 2.0+, MonoDevel op 2.0+. Additionally, you can use msbuild 9+ (.Net) or xbuild 2.4.2 (Mono) to b uild OpenTK.sln from the commandline. The resulting binaries will be placed into the Binaries/OpenTK/[Release|Debug] f olders.

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