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Lesson Plan #2: Norms & Expectations, Part 1 Unit Working Title: You Make the Difference Week

1 of 4 Plan #2 of 12 !"# mins$% &ritical Learning '()ecti*es: SWBAT: &ogniti*e +kno,-.n/erstan/0: 1. Students will understand the effects of belonging to a group. b. Students will understand the are part of a classroo! co!!unit . 1ffecti*e +feel-*al.e0: 1. Students will understand the effects of belonging to a group. a. Students will feel welco!e and "alued. Performance +/o0: #. Students will work effecti"el as !e!bers of a group. b. Students will !ake !eaning in dialogue with peers. $. Students will articulate ideas in writing and in con"ersation. a. Students will anal %e and articulate their "iew of an issue. 2'Ls: &.1 The student will !ake planned oral presentations independentl and in s!all groups. h' (i"e i!pro!ptu responses to )uestions about presentation. *' +se a "ariet of strategies to listen acti"el . l' Assu!e shared responsibilit for collaborati"e work. Proce/.res-3nstr.ctional 2trategies [Note: An words that represent what , would sa directl to students appear in italics.4eginning 5oom 1rrangement: Students are seated at desks in pods of four. 1$ !16 mins$% 4ri/ge: 2t./ents complete 7o No,$ The Do .ow on the board will read: /0lease co!plete the )uestionnaire at our seat. Take our ti!e and answer thoughtfull . , want to get to know ou all indi"iduall 1 and this is one wa to help !e start. 2a"e fun telling !e about ourself34 2$ !2# mins$% 2tep 1: 89in/ 2omeone W:o;< , collect students5 )uestionnaires and pass out /6ind So!eone Who4 sheets. Students get up and walk around the roo!1 introducing the!sel"es and asking each other )uestions.

Students are looking for people who ha"e done the things listed on their sheet1 such as /2as been to another continent4 or /0la s basketball.4 Students tr to find as !an different people as the can1 and are encouraged to ask each other )uestions be ond /2a"e ou e"er been to another continent74 or /Do ou pla basketball74 =$ !16 mins$% 2tep 2: 7isc.ssion of class norms an/ expectations$ , ask students what kinds of nor!s and e8pectations the think we need for our class to be a happ 1 orderl 1 learning9conduci"e en"iron!ent. As students share their ideas with the class1 , t pe the! on the S!art Board. , !a steer students in directions that , feel are i!portant to co"er1 if the don5t get there the!sel"es. When we5re done brainstor!ing :i.e. ha"e a co!prehensi"e list of beha"iors1 including respect1 listening while others are speaking1 being prepared1 etc.'1 , tell the class we will re"isit this ne8t class to finali%e their class rules and e8pectations. 4$ !6 mins$% 2tep =: 8>ome &o.rt< talk$ , show students a "ideo clip about /ho!e court ad"antage14 which !eans that sports tea!s generall perfor! better when the co!pete at ho!e1 rather than awa . 6$ !6 mins$% 2tep 4: 2t./ents (rainstorm in pairs$ , in"ite students to talk with a neighbor and write a list of ideas of wh the think this !ight be. ?$ !16 mins$% 2tep 6: 2t./ents s:are t:eir i/eas ,it: t:e ,:ole class$ As students share their ideas with the class1 , write their ideas on the board. @$ !1# mins$% 2tep ?: 2t./ents ,rite a(o.t :o, t:is relates to t:e classroom$ , direct students to take out their *ournals and write for ten !inutes about how the see all this talk of /ho!e court ad"antage4 relating to the classroo!. What are the si!ilarities7 ,f the ha"e ti!e1 the can write about the differences the see1 too. A$ !6 mins% & , thank students for a fabulousl successful second da and re!ind the! that we5ll be re"isiting their list of nor!s and e8pectations ne8t ti!e1 so if the think of an others we should add1 take note and bring the! to class. Bet:o/s of 1ssessment: , will know students ha"e reached ;b*ecti"es 1a1 1b1 #b1 < $a and S;= &.1 based on their

con"ersations with peers :Steps 1 < >'1 contributions to whole9class discussion :Steps ? < @'1 and *ournal entr :Step #'. Students5 written responses to the )uestion of how ho!e court ad"antage relates to the classroo! will show !e whether the ha"e reached ;b*ecti"e $a and S;= &.#. Baterials Nee/e/: 1. ?. C. >. 2ardcopies of Student Auestionnaire 2ardcopies of 6ind So!eone WhoB S!art Board Student *ournals

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