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An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company

To, The Deputy General Manager(NDT) BHEL, Ramachandrapuram, Hydera ad! "#$#%$

Ref: Dt:

Dear &'r, &u (ect: E)empt'on for payment of tender fee* and EMD Ref: Tender No+ H,-.GM-/T!01-$#0$!0% DT: %#!0#!$#0$ .**oc'ated Eng'neer'ng &er2'ce* '* an 3&/ 4##0 $##5 company located at Narayanaguda, Hydera ad and 6e are carry'ng out NDT 'n*pect'on 6or7 *'nce $##8+ 9e are *u m'tt'ng our :uotat'on aga'n*t a o2e referred tender for ;T and MT of ca*t'ng* and forg'ng*+ 9e 6ould l'7e to *u m't that our organ'<at'on '* reg'*tered 6'th M&ME-N&3= a* *mall *cale organ'<at'on a* *uch 6e are e)empted aga'n*t payment of tender fee* and EMD+ 9e ha2e enclo*ed a >ero) copy of the cert'f'cate for conformat'on+ Than7'ng ,ou With Regards T+B+ Har'?'*han Rao Head, Bu*'ne** De2elopment Mo : @40 40AA%#8408 .&&/=3.TED ENG3NEER3NG &ERB3=E& (.n 3&/ 4###:$##5 =ert'f'ed =ompany) . o2e 3nd'an Ban7, Cancha2at' Mall, Narayanaguda, Hydera ad C'n code!"###$4 Ch+No: (/): @40!8#!115%#1$#, Telefa): @40!8#!11AA51$#, E!ma'l: h7rao+ae*Dgma'l+com, 6e *'te: 666+ae*'n*pect'on*+com

E%!"!488-$#"!$#1 F $$#!$$0, 33nd GL//R, C.N=H.B.T3 M.LL, N.R.,.N.G;D., H,DER.B.D Ch+No: #8#!11AA51$#+ =ell: #455"01$115 Ema'l: ga((allaDgma'l+com Ema'l: ae*'n*pect'on*hydDgma'l+com 9e *'te: 666+ae*'n*pect'on*+com

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