Multimedia Dising

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multimedia desing is a way of comunicating a concept or information via websites, cd-rom, kiosk, usually in an interactive form.television uses multimedia specialists in the non interactive form.

multimedia classes


non interactive

this includes work on kiosk, interactive dvds, blu-ray apps, and web, video, animation, photos and more can be elements in the overall desing of the output.

this kind can be seen on non interactive output such as tv and the internet.commercials. websites using flash or HTML5, and movies are all examples of work that and audio visual specialist might have or her hands in.



it takes to be a multimedia designer

your work will need to be accurate in fine detail; there is very little room for error. you will also need to be able to see "the big picture" and have a feel for how a finished piece of work will appear and be used.

in which a designer can play media

as a successful graduate of a good multimedia program, you can apply for positions such as scriptwrite for multimedia, web designer, multimedia producer, computer-based training designer, web script language developer, and more

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