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Rhetorical Analysis

Looking at the advertisement, one side of it has a gun that is loaded with
cigarettes as the bullets, and listed off to the side are the negative side effects smoking
can have on the human body. On the other side of the advertisement, there is a man
whose head is half of a skull and half human with the words smoking slowly kills.
This advertisement is mainly targeted towards people who might have just started
smoking cigarettes, towards people who have considered starting to smoke cigarettes, and
maybe towards people who are thinking about quitting, and even people who smoke in
general that might not be considering quitting. The left side of the advertisement says,
Smoking slowly kills so why bother starting? It can be targeted towards people who do
not smoke because it lists off the negative effects of smoking such as: its a major cause
of stroke, its addictive, it raises blood pressure, it suppresses immune function, it dulls
your sense of smell and taste, and so on. Its saying that if a person does not smoke, that
they are keeping his body much more free of toxins and health problems than people who
do smoke. The advertisement can be targeted towards people who are thinking about
picking up the habit because it is showing them what kind of health problems they are at
risk of getting if they do decide that they want to try smoking. It can also be targeted
towards people who want to quit because it is showing that by smokingeven if they
dont smoke a lotwhat kind of toxins that they are putting into their bodies, whether
they have been smoking for a long time, or whether they just started smoking. If they see
this advertisement, they could decide that its a good idea to stop because not only are
there the health issues that they list on the ad that they can have, but there are tons of
yassenes medina 10/31/13 9:11 AM
Comment [1]: Naybe you shoulu come up
with a new title such as Smoking Kills like
the auveitisement says. It will help
intiouuce what youi papei is about.
yassenes medina 10/31/13 9:55 AM
Comment [2]: The intio is cleai anu veiy
uiiect towaius what the passage is going to
be about. To make it a little moie inteiesting
maybe you shoulu consiuei auuing a few
things to leau in maybe a shoit sentence just
so it won't stait off with "Looking at the
yassenes medina 10/31/13 11:47 AM
Comment [3]: You uiu a veiy goou job of
pointing out some iueas that aie not easily
seen by just simply looking at the au, some
iueas that you have to think about to
actually biing about.
other issues that are caused by smoking out there as well. (not finished with the paper)

yassenes medina 10/31/13 11:42 AM
Comment [4]: Yes, uefinitely neeu to auu
the othei aus anu come up with a
conclusion. Naybe you shoulu biing in the
othei aus by saying in compaiison to the
Smoking kills au. This__ au is uiffeient this
way oi similai in that way. Youi papei so fai
seems veiy well composeu anu I like the
uiffeient aus you chose but the auuience
coulu also be stuuents who aie youngei say
like miuule & high school. I iemembei
seeing things like this telling us not to
smoke when I was youngei.
yassenes medina 10/31/13 11:45 AM
Comment [5]: While finishing this papei
you might also want to incluue about the
coloi scheme anu what is being poitiayeu
with the coloi scheme in this anu in
compaiison to all othei aus you have.

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