Microbiology Intro

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Microbiology: An Introduction

What is Microbiology?
Micro very small; Bio life; Logos Science or study of Study of microbes, organisms so small that a microscope is needed to study them The major groups of organisms studied in microbiology are bacteria, algae, fungi, viruses, and protozoa

Fields of Microbiology

Seatwork 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Algae Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Viruses Helminthes

Single-celled microscopic organisms, but some marine algae are large, relatively complex, multicellular organisms Unlike bacteria, algae have a clearly defined cell nucleus and numerous membrane-enclosed intracellular structures. All algae photosynthesize their own food as plants do, and many can move about Algae are widely distributed in both fresh water and oceans. Because they are so numerous and because they capture energy from sunlight in the food they make, algae are an important source of food for other organisms

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