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Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers.

Choose the best answer from the answers marked A,B and C or A,B,C and D. Then, on your answer sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen. Setiap soalan di dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pilihan jawapan. ilih jawapan yang terbaik daripada pilihan A, B dan C atau A, B, C atau D . Hitamkan jawapan yang anda telah pilih di kertas jawapan. SECT !" A !uestions "#$ Choose the best wor# to fill in the blanks. %si tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang terbaik.


&y pencil is blunt. &ay % borrow your''''''''''''' ( ) sharpener * scissors C eraser + ruler The little boy is wearing his''''''''''''''''''. ) shirt * pyjamas C pinafore .umar went to the '''''''''''' to check his teeth. ) nurse * doctor C dentist + surgeon The young of a deer is called a '''''''''''''' . ) owlet * grub C fawn + foal


!uestions 1#2 Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. ilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah ini. 3esterday % followed my father to the supermarket. 4e bought'''/10''' flour ,'''/50'''' bananas and'''''/20'''' biscuits .

) a bo6 of * a packet of C a tin of


) a comb of * a packet of C a bouquet of


) a can of * a tin of C a bottle of

!uestions 7#"8 Study the pictures carefully.Then, choose the best answer$ 9ihat gambar dengan teliti . ilih jawapan yang terbaik. 7 ) The blind man is helping the boy to cross the road. * The boy is helping the blind man to cross the road. C They are walking along the road.

) They are playing netball at the park. * They are playing badminton in the hall. C They are playing football at the school field.



) );i;ah is bandaging her knee. * );i;ah is pouring water on her knee. C );i;ah is applying some medicine to the cut on her knee.

SECT !" B !uestions ""#"1 9ook at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture. 9ihat gambar dengan teliti . ilih ayat yang sesuai untuk melengkapkan situasi tersebut.
%<m not feeling well


) See you later. * % am busy now. C lease don<t bother me. + =ere is the medicine for you.

% put them into the washing machine.

) 4here are your dirty clothes( * 4ho took away your dirty clothes( C 4hat has happened to your dirty clothes(

Thank you


) =ow do you do ( * 4hat do you want( C =ere is your change. + lease choose quickly.



Sure, what style do you want (

) % need a haircut. * 9ook at my messy hair. C 4hat do you think of my hairstyle( + =ow much does it cost to cut hair(


) * C +

%s this your study room(. The room is in a mess. % don<t have a broom. % wonder who did this(

9et<s cleanit itup up 9et<s clean

SECT !" C !uestions "5#," Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. ilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat#ayat berikut. "5 % went to his office '''''''''''''' Saturday. ) across * near C on + at 9isten> Someone is '''''''''''''' for help. ) shouting * shout C shouted ?a;ak is a fat boy. =e is the ''''''''''boy in my class. ) fat * fattest C fatter + as fat as





&y father rides his ''''''''''''' to the office every day. ) motorcycle * car C bus Shall we go camping ''''''''''' stay at home( ) but * or C because


!uestion ," Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the underlined word. ilih perkataan yang sama maksu# dengan perkataan yang bergaris. ," 3ou should speak to someone about your problems. ) see * talk C tell

!uestions ,,#,Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. ilih ayat yang mempunyai tan#a baca yang betul. ,, ) * C ) * C + ak )hmad is a kind , friendly and hardworking man. ak ahmad is a kind , friendly and hardworking man. ak )hmad is a kind friendly and hardworking man. @% am sorry,A said ?ahimah @% am sorry,A said ?ahimah. @i am sorry,A said ?ahimah @% am sorryA said ?ahimah



!uestions ,$#,1 Choose the option with the correct spelling . ilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. ,$ .avitha is wearing a''''''''''''' to school. ) pinafor * pinfore C pinafore ) hibiscus has five'''''''''''''''' . ) patels * petals C pitals


SECT !" D !uestions ,5#-8 9ook at the picture carefully .*ased on the picture and the passage given, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. 9ihat gambar dengan teliti. %si tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar dan petikan yang diberi. .

This is Encik .arim<s family. They '''''/,50''''' two daughters and a son. Salina , the eldest , is "$8 cm '''''''/,20'''''' . 9okman , ''''''/,70'''''' only boy , is the youngest . ''''''''/,:0''''''' is quite thin . Salbiah , the second '''''''/-80'''''' the family, is seven years old.


,5 ,2 ,7 ,: -8

) have ) tall ) a ) She ) under

* has * tallest * is * =e * on

C having C taller C the C They C in + was + 4e + below

SECT !" E !uestions -"#-1 ?ead the conversation below and answer the questions that follow. *aca perbualan di bawah dan jawab soalan#soalan yang berikut. 9eong Siva B B Siva, please take a look at my car. Ch > % think you need to take it to %smail<s workshop nearby. =e is my friend .

9eong drove his car to %smail<s workshop slowly. Siva %smail 9eong %smail 9eong %smail 9eong -" B B B B B B B %smail , he<s my friend, 9eong. Can you please check his car ( )lright. lease wait , 9eong. %<ll have a look at the engine. 4hat<s wrong ( +on<t worry. %t<s only a small problem with one of the plugs.. Can you fi6 it ( 3es , %ll fi& it but you have to wait for a while. That<s fine. %<ll wait.

4hose car was it ( ) %smail<s * 9eong<s C Siva<s + %smail<s and Siva<s 4hy was the car taken to the workshop ( ) 9eong wanted to know %smail. * 9eong wanted to repair his car. C 9eong lived there. + 9eong wanted to buy a wire.




%smail is most probably a ''''''''''''''' . ) ta6i driver * mechanic C salesman + worker 9eong and Siva areDDDDD. ) friends. * uncles. C cousins. + brothers. The phrase E %ll fi& it% means thatDDD. ) %smail will fi6 the car with a new engine. * %smail will clean the engine. C %smail will take out the engine. + %smail will fi6 a new plug to the engine.



!uestions -5#$8 Study the advertisement below . Then choose the best answers. 9ihat iklan di bawah dengan teliti. .emudian,pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Great Discounts
31st May 2007 9.00 a.m. till 9.00 p.m.

All items will be sold at a discount of between 20% - 70%

Rainbow plaza is having a fashion show at !00p!m! "oin us and do not miss the chance to pic# some bargains on the wa$! -5 This passage is


) * C + -2

a page from a diary an essay in a maga;ine a story told by a friend an advertisement

The sale will be held for ) "8 hours * ", hours C ,$ hours + "7 hours 4hat can you see at 7.88 p.m.( ) ) variety show * ) fashion show C ) grand sale + ) cinema show 4hich of this is not mentioned in the passage ( ) Stationary * Clothing C Footwear + =ousehold The word Ebargains< in the last line means ) attractive items * e6pensive goods C discount prices + good buys




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