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Training Need Assessment Prepared by: Syed Hassan Ali Zaidi Exclusively for CiteHR

Training Need Assessment TNA is the integral part of the company Human resource Development policy. HRD process of Teralight starts with TNA. Our TNA program is aligned with corporate goals. A training need exists when there is a gap between what is re uired of an employee to perform their wor! competently and what they actually !now. The results of training needs analysis will highlight the sub"ect matter needed to be covered during the training course. The !nowledge and s!ills gained during the training will increase abilities and allow our employees to perform their "obs at an acceptable level. The needs assessment is uite simple and obvious. #or example$ when a new information system is introduced$ it is assumed that no one has the !nowledge to operate it and the training need is noted. However if the organi%ation was switching systems$ the need may not be so obvious. &y conducting training needs analysis we target the group that needs to be trained as well as hone in on exactly what training is re uired. The purpose of conducting a needs assessment is to prevent a uic! fix approach to business problems. A TNA done correctly will ensure the solution addresses the real issues and effectively focuses the appropriate resources$ time and effort toward targeted solutions. Reasons for doing training needs assessment To To To To To To determine whether training is needed determine causes of poor performance determine content and scope of training determine desired training outcomes provide a basis of measurement gain management support

The assessment can be as detailed and involved as needed. #actors to consider when considering the level of detail are time$ money$ number of people involved$ criticalness of s!ill$ anticipated return on investment'$ resources available$ etc. A comparison of some of the factors between in( depth and a mini assessment follows.

Training Need Assessment Prepared by: Syed Hassan Ali Zaidi Exclusively for CiteHR

Steps in the Needs Assessment Process

Step One: Identify Problem Needs Determine organi ational conte!t Organi%ational context is important in the determination of attitudes and behaviors before and after the training. )e firstly find employee "ob satisfaction$ organi%ational commitment$ "ob involvement$ and partial inclusion and higher levels* of role conflict and role ambiguity. Perform gap analysis )e identify where employees are$ then we plan where employees want to be and how to get there. That analysis is conducted by the managers who noted the shortcomings and wea! areas of the employees. +anagers compare the actual performance and the desired performance of the employees. Set ob"ecti#es As the managers sees the clear indications of the gap$ they set there recommendations for the training of the employees.

Step T$o: Determine Design of Needs Analysis %ethod selection criteria After the identification of the problem areas$ managers establish criteria to select the method to improve things. They plan for the training modules and mode of training.

Ad#antages and disad#antages for methods After the initial selection of methods and modules$ managers draw conclusion with the help of advantages and disadvantages.

Training Need Assessment Prepared by: Syed Hassan Ali Zaidi Exclusively for CiteHR

Ad#antages fast, inexpensive broad involvement low-risk low(visibility

Disad#antages not precise or specific based on opinion difficult to validate difficult to set priorities difficult to relate to output or to evaluate the importance of training Once you ask people what training they feel is important you create an
implicit expectation that you will deliver it.

Step Three: &ollect Data &ond'ct inter#ie$s Departmental heads starts ta!ing interviews of the concerned persons to get each and every thing. )ith the help of this managers get what are the shortfalls for employees. ('estionnaires and S'r#eys ,uestionnaires and surveys also enable managers to get the employees input$ because they can formulate training courses with the help of these results. Obser#e people at $or) )hen employees are wor!ing on site then managers can easily scrutini%e all wor!ing and give their suggestions and recommendation.

Step *o'r: Analy e Data Initial Analysis The assessment can be as detailed and involved as needed. #actors to consider when considering the level of detail are time$ money$ number of people involved$ criticalness of s!ill$ anticipated return on investment'$ resources available$ etc. A comparison of some of the factors between in( depth and a mini assessment follows.

Training Need Assessment Prepared by: Syed Hassan Ali Zaidi Exclusively for CiteHR
Type of Information %ethods In+depth ,uantitative +ulti(tiered approach -urveys Observation .nterviews #ocus groups Document reviews )idespread organi%ational involvement &road ranging ob"ectives -everal months to a year /xpensive 0in!ed o defined outputs High profile and ris! %ini ,ualitative .nterviews #ocus groups

Scope ,ength &ost *oc's -!pos're./isibil ity

#ewer people involved -hort term focus #ew days to a wee! .nexpensive .mmediate$ uic! results 0ower ris!

Determine sol'tions.recommendations #inali%e the plan after finding all the possible solutions. Step *i#e: Pro#ide *eedbac) 0rite report and ma)e oral presentation HOD ma!es a report and presentation and delivers it to the management of the company. Determine ne!t step 1 Training needed2 After thorough evaluation of report and the presentation$ management finally decides whether to conduct training or not. .s it fruitful or not'

Step Si!: De#elop Action Plan Once this formal needs assessment process is completed the information is used as the basis for training design$ development and evaluation. However managers continue to assess the attitudes$ !nowledge and s!ill level of participants prior to each session. Different employees may have different re uirements. This can be done both through a basic uestionnaire sent "ust prior to a specific training event and also during the welcome time of each session.

Training Need Assessment Prepared by: Syed Hassan Ali Zaidi Exclusively for CiteHR

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